In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acknowledgments This book has grown out of six years of discussion, research, conversations , consultancies, and classes, and it is not easy to assign credit (or blame) and acknowledge contributions adequately. Some of the present chapters were presented and discussed in earlier form, in panels at the 2004 and 2006 International Studies Association meetings in Montreal and San Diego, and at the 2004 meetings of the International Society for Third Sector Research in Toronto. Panelists and participants helped to shape our ideas, and we particularly thank Julie Mertus and Ken Conca. We have had the benefit of discussion and comments on drafts of some of the book’s chapters in seminars at the University of Pittsburgh ’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz School of Public Policy Management , and able research assistance from Srirak Plipat, Catherine Griebel, and Karolina Lyznik. Colleagues in research and in the human rights and development fields have read and commented on portions of the manuscript and have been critical sounding boards, and we owe special thanks to Martin Staniland, Bret Thiele, Richard Claude, Curt Goering, Vienna Colucci, Jael Silliman, and Margaret Zeigler. Parts of chapter 4 appeared as an article in the European Journal of International Relations in 2007, and the discussion of the Millennium Development Goals in chapter 3 draws on a 2007 article in World Development . We are grateful to the reviewers of those articles for critical comments that sharpened and challenged earlier versions. The authors, of course, are responsible for any errors of fact or judgment. Finally, we would like to acknowledge our families, who showed tremendous patience and gave their support to this project. To Wallace and Demaris Nelson, Paola Scommegna, Renata and Ted Nelson ; and to Martha and Joseph Dorsey and Anise Jordan-Dorsey, our thanks and love. vii This page intentionally left blank ...
