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Aaron, Stephen, 182–83, 191–92, 228n116 Abbey Theatre, 163 Abington, Frances, 87–88 acting, psychology of, 129, 181–93 Adams, Thomas, 125–26 Agnew, Jean-Christophe, 115 Alcock, John, 128–29, 185 Alcoholics Anonymous, 171, 173–75, 225n72, 225n79, 225n81 alcoholism, 182 alehouses, 138–39, 147 All God’s Chillun Got Wings, 170 American Mercury, 166– 67 Anatomy of Abuses, 6–7, 18, 22– 23, 69 The Antitheatrical Prejudice, xiv–xv, xvii, 7, 13–14, 18, 28–29, 70, 199 Apollo, 198 Apology for Actors, 108 Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber, 17, 42– 43, 48– 49, 58– 60, 62, 188–89, 212n98 Apostolidès, Jean-Marie, 27 Arbuthnot, John, 62 Aristotle, 108, 178 Armin, Robert, 10 Arnold, Matthew, 75 Arrowsmith, William, 193 Artaud, Antonin, 180 “The Artificial Comedies of the Last Century,” 79–81, 86 Arup, Jens, 93 As You Like It, 5– 6, 11, 14, 18, 149, 154 –55, 206n28 Ashley, L. R. N., 61 The Athenian Mercury, 44 – 45 Auerbach, Nina, xix, 75 Augustine, Saint, xiv, 28 Baldwin, T. W., 204n16 Bamber, Linda, 203n9 Barber, C. L., 136–37, 153 Barish, Jonas, xiv–xv, xvii, 7, 13–14, 18, 28–29, 70, 199. See also individual works. Baumal, Francis, 209n57 bear-baiting, 12 The Beaux Stratagem, 148, 152, 154 –55 Beer, George Louis, 140– 41 Before Breakfast, 224n61 Bellegarde, Jean Louis Morvan de, 67– 69, 76, 87, 95, 197, 212n1–2. See also individual works. Bell’s British Theatre, 41 Benchley, Robert, 169 Bentley, Eric, 169, 182 Bentley, Gerald Eades, 17, 204n16 Berry, Edward, 6 Betterton, Thomas, 188–89 Bevington, David, 137 Beyond the Horizon, 159, 161– 62 Bible, 144 Index Bickerstaff, Isaac, 40– 42, 64. See also individual works. Billington, Michael, 218n75 Bingham, Madeline, 62 The Birth of Tragedy, 198 Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne, 91 Black Banners, 226n83 Blanpied, John, 111, 115 Blau, Herbert, 113, 129, 143, 191–92 Bloom, Allan, 70–71 Bloom, Harold, xvii, 159– 60, 168– 69, 178, 202n11 Bloom, Steven F., 171–73, 226n87 Boar’s Head Tavern, 146– 48, 154 Bonneau, Jacques, 141 Booth, Edwin, 169 Bourdaloue, Louis, Bishop of Paris, 2, 28–31, 36, 86, 208n52 Le Bourgeois gentilhomme, 50–51 “boy actress,” 2, 5–23, 203n4, 204n16, 205n23, 205n25, 206n28 Bracegirdle, Anne, 23, 188 Bradbrook, Muriel, 93 Bradley, A. C., 133, 220n16 Bradshaw, Graham, 220n15 Branagh, Kenneth, 117–24 Brandell, Gunnar, 177 Braudel, Fernand, 173 Brecht, Bertolt, xv “breeches parts,” 20–21, 206n31 Brennan, Thomas, 173, 225n77 Brett, Henry, 48– 49, 59, 210n70 British Magazine, 146– 47 Brooks, Christopher, 155, 222n40 Brooks, Peter, 170 Brown, John Russell, 201n5 Brown, Tom, 63– 65, 69, 78 Burbage, Richard, xiii Burling, William H., 222n43 Burns, Elizabeth, xx–xxi, 27, 190, 195–96 Burton, Robert, 13–14, 131 Bussy d’Ambois, 48 Butler, Bishop Joseph, 86, 95 Cairncross, John, 26 Calasso, Roberto, 194, 198 Calderwood, James, 104, 109–10, 134, 220n16 Canfield, J. Douglas, 2, 56, 211n85 The Careless Husband, 57, 58– 60, 83–84 Carlyle, Thomas, 75 Castle, Terry, 202n16 Cefalu, Paul A., 202n11 Centlivre, Susannah, 184 –88 Charke, Charlotte, 3, 60– 63, 65, 83, 211n95 Charles I, King of England, 142 Charles II, King of England, 43, 48 Charney, Maurice, 201n5 Chesterfield, Lord, 72 Cibber, Colley, 3, 35–36; as fop, 47– 63, 210–11n81, 211n85. See also individual works. Cima, Gay Gibson, 95 Clark, Barrett, 166 Clark, Peter, 138–39 Cole, David, xvi, 192, 228n113 Coleman, George, 87 Coleman, Patrick, 73 Collier, Jane, 155–57 Collier, Jeremy, 212n1. See also individual works. Colman, E. A. M., 205n18 Comedy of Errors, 12, 137 commedia dell’arte, 197 Compagnie de Saint-Sacrement de l’Autel, 32 “Comparison between Laughing and Sentimental Comedy,” 149– 50, 158 Congreve, William, 63 The Conscious Lovers, 60, 83, 152 Cordner, Michael, 44, 80–81 The Count of Monte Cristo, 161, 163, 169–70, 189 The Country Wife, 87 232 ] index Couton, Georges, 207n44 Cox, John D., 111–13 Cox, Stephen D., 227n107 Crowley, John W., 225n72 The Daily Advertiser, 61 Danziger, Marlies K., 222n39 Davenant, William, 21 Davis, Bette, 224n61 Davis, Moll, 21 Davis, Walter, 179–80 Death of a Salesman, 76 Dekker, Rudolf, 61– 62 Dennis, John, 63 Desire under the Elms, 170 Le Devin du Village, 76 Dickson, Sarah Augusta, 140 Diderot, Denis, 55, 191. See also individual works. Dionysus, 95–96, 125, 193–95, 198 Dobrée, Bonamy, 206n31 Dock, Stephen Varick, 207n43 Dodds, E. R., 193 A Doll’s House, 90 Dom Juan, 32–34, 64 Donoghue, Frank...
