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American Athletic Assod~tion of the Deaf (program books) Mar h, 1947 and April, 1949. Adler, Edna P. interview Washington, D.C. "Adml/lislm/rv National Association of the Dea(- The n and Now" Tltt' Deaf AwrriClm September, 1978. Auerbach. Loon "Notable Persons From Fanwood" (unpublished paper) June 11 , 1978. Austin, James C. "Children's Stories in Signed English" The D'"f America" Vol. 25 No.8 April, 1973. Aulhurity, Media Services and Captioned Films (unpublished working paper). Axling, P_L. " Labor Bureaus" Tire MQdm, Silen/s February, 1939. Babbini, Barbara E. Manual Cc",mllmicalion: Fill8ers1'ellillg ( wd 11Il' La"gunge of Siglls University of fIIinois Press, Urbana, U1. 1974. 8nchcbt'rke's l,,/er-S/ale Dim:lnry of tire Drofo[OI,io, I",jinllo, K""/Ucky. Mfchigflll Bacheberke, Cincinnati 19l2. Baker, Charlotte and Carol Padden Alllcn'c"" Sigll I.anglloge T. J, Publishers, Inc., Silver Spring, Md. 1979. Ballin, Albert The Deal Mllte Howls reprinted in Tlu: Dcaf SpeLirwu Vol. 5 Nu. 5 & 6 May and jllne, 1974. Ballin, Albert V. "Granville Rodmond, Artist" 1'1.. Silmt Wor/wr November, 1925_ "Ban the Sign- Language" Dea[Cur(J/ifl inll reprinted in rife Nebraska /ollmnl October, 1929. Bancra(t, Horace H. "LutherTaylorHouse Father at Illinois School for thi:' Deaf One Time Big Leaguer" The lIlinD;s AdIIQIICt. Barnptt, Marian W . "The Handicapped Girl in Scouting" Girl Scoul under November-December, 1972. Bass, R, Aumon T1fl' His/oryojEducation ofille Dfnfin Virginia Virginia School for t h~ Deaf and Blind, Staunton, 1949. Bass, R. Aumon " History of the Stote School for the Deaf and the Blind, Hampton, VirginIa" (unpublished paper) 1978. Bass. R. Aum n I Remember- . . . Fripndship Sales, Richmond, Va ., 1978. Bass, R. Aumon "William C. Ritter Founder and Superintendent Hampton Schoolforthe Deaf and the Blind" (un published paper) February, 1978. Bearden, Carter E. TIll! History of Southt!rn Baptist C01ll1tntion's Min · i,/ry to /Ire Dcaf Home Mission Board. Atlanla, Ga. 1%6. Beauchamp, james B. "Causes of Deafnes,," (unpublished paper). Beauchamp, JaOles B. History of the Kcntllcky Sch(),) Bell, Ovid "Short History of Callaway Country" History ofNor/l,enst Missouri The Ovid Bell Press, Inc., Fulton, Mo_1913. Bellhom, Walter " Detroit's Lutheran Schuol for the Deaf" (Schools for the Deaf-Roy K. Holcomb) The Silellt Worker Vol. l5 No. 11 july-August, 1963_ Bellugi, Ursula and Edward S. Kilma ''The Roots of Language in the Sign Talk of the Deaf" P,ychology TWly No. 61972. " Ben Marshall Schowe" 5,w:e"rul Camrs Out of Gnl/alldel ColI"8c Gallaude, COllege Press, Washington, D.C. january, 1955. " 80n Marshall Schowe" Tire Fral September-October. 1979. " Ben Marshall Schowe" The Silenl Worker May, 1949. Berg, Albert From My Reliquary uf Melllories Iowa School for the Deaf, Council Bluffs 1943. Berg, Albert "Higher Education (or the Deaf" The N"orth Dakoln Bnmwr January, 1943. Berg, Rev. OHo B. " History or St. Barnabas' Episcopal Mission" 1"/" Deaf Episcopalinll Vol. SA No_2. Best, Harry DCDfllt'SS atld the DC'IIf in tile U" iled States The MacmiJIan Company, N.Y. 1943. Bevill, Robert E. and Larry Vollmar Arkm".s School for tl" DL"f, 715tl, A,miversary 1850-1975. History of EducatiOnal SerVices (booklet ) May, 1975. " Bill to Establish a Department for the Deaf in the United States Bureau of Labor Introduced" Tilt Mnrylfmd BIIUeri" reprinted in Tire Washillg/on D!'nf Recurd November, 1940. 8irl/, of lire {.C. D.A. ,,,,d Its Prog"'ss, TI" International Catholic Deaf Association. Bjorlee, (gnatius, "The Dear dnd the Automobile" Maryland School for the Deaf. Frederick 1940. Blackburn, William "january 1, 1857: TSD" Th. Loll"S/arDecember, 1975. Bleil. Christy "The Development of Sign Language" (unpublished paper) 1976. " Bloch's One Man Show" Gollaudet roday Fall, 1975. " Bloch's One Man Show" O"e The GrfCI' fall. 1975. Block, Mervin "Silent Riles Impressive" Ti,e ClJicago American November 7, W57. Boatner, Edmund B. "Captioned Films for the Deaf" (unpubliShed paper) February 23, 1980. Boatner, Maxine Tull VOIce of tire Draf Public Affair.; Press, Washington , D.C. 1959. " Bobs. The Man" TiltJlrr July 15, 1951. "CasE' in Favor of Sign Language, The" The New York,,, Decernber 13, 1958. , Casterline. Dorothy Sueu"a interview Washington, D.C. Cavaliir, The (TI,t Silent Cavalier) Vol. 1 No, 12 March. 1941. Vol. I 0.13 May, 1941. Vol. 2 No. II March, 1942. Vol. 3 No. 3 November, 19.2. Vol. 3 No. 9 M"y, 19H Vol. 3 No. 10 June, 1943. Vol. 4 No. 2 October, 19.3...
