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index Abuse of confidence, 98, 101, 278 (n. 36) Actors. See Performers, employeeAdair v. United States, 173 Adams, Charles Francis, 150–51 Advertising: attribution in, 235; and consumption -based value, 11; copyright of, 37, 215–16, 236–39; by Du Pont, 235; by Eastman Kodak, 207; as literary property, 37; rise of, 176; trademarks in, 17. See also Brand names Aestheticism, 216–17 African Americans. See Blacks Agawam Woolen Co. v. Jordan, 110–12 Agency: versus service, 305 (n. 38) Agricultural economy, 19 Agricultural equipment: inventions in, 114–17 Air route maps, 234 Alabama Supreme Court, 88–89 Alexander, Gregory, 9 Alienation: of creator and work, 2–3, 158, 249; of intellect, 38; of personality traits, 137; of reputation, 167 Allgeyer v. Louisiana, 168 American Authors’ Copyright League, 224–26 American Machinist, 89–90 American Map Company, 230 American Tobacco Company, 128, 129, 131–32 American Tube-Works v. Bridgewater Iron Co., 282 (n. 32) Andrews, Louis, 230 Aniline revolution, 101 Anthony Company, 191–92 Antitrust law, 16 Apprenticeships: in antebellum law, 24–31; court rejection of obligation to train in, 98, 99; decline of, 31; in English law, 24–26; redefinition of, 98, 99; secrecy in, 27–28, 29, 31; state regulation of, 28. See also Master-servant /master-apprentice relations Archives, corporate, 4 Army, U.S., 71, 274 (n. 35) Artisans/skilled workers: antebellum, 19–20; black, 26; at Du Pont, 23, 45–54; education of, 21, 89; emigration of, 20, 89; as entrepreneurs, 26; knowledge of, as trade secrets, 97–101, 207–8; as litigants, 8; master-servant law and, 26, 29; mobility of, 21; rise of, and contracts, 82. See also specific types Artists: attribution to, 211–12; copyright on works of, 236–39; corporate, 211–19; patronage of, 60; reputation of, 251; studio practices of, 91, 212, 214, 216. See also Author(s)/authorship ; Performers, employeeArtura Paper Manufacturing Company, 194  [340] Index Artworks: copyright on, 236–39 Assignment: definition of, 13, 14. See also Copyright ownership; Patent ownership and assignment AT&T, 244 Atelier (artists’ studio), 91, 212, 214, 216 Athletic talent: employer control of, 165, 166 Atlases: copyright ownership of, 71, 271 (n. 8). See also Map publishing Attorney-client privilege, 57 Attribution/credit: in advertising, 235; of artistic expression, 211–12; at Du Pont, 209–10; as form of intellectual property, 251–55; for inventors, 125, 209–10, 250; management’s claim to, 125, 250; moral right of, 158; at Rand McNally, 212, 227–35; and responsibility for failure, 92; social status linked to, 125; as substitute for copyright ownership, 211–12, 220–26, 231; in theater, 138–39, 155–56, 158 Atwill v. Ferrett, 67–69 Australian cricket team photograph case, 218–19 Author(s)/authorship: alienation from works, 2–3; collective, 60–62, 74; in copyright terminology, 14; definition of, in Copyright Act, 225–26; in English law, 35–36; individual, 60, 74, 212, 214; labor theory of property and, 60–61; as legal fiction, 212, 214, 226, 237; originality versus novelty of, 14; as parentage, 142–43; as proprietors, 61; use of, versus proprietors, 225; works for hire by, 59, 149–53, 225–26. See also Authors, corporate; Authors, employee-; Copyright Authors, corporate, 211–26; of advertisements , 236–39; artists’ studios compared to, 91, 212, 214, 216; attribution with, 211–12, 220–26; contracts on, 220–26; corporate personhood and, 212, 213–14; creativity as work for hire and, 216–19; establishment of copyright ownership by, 213–16, 220–26, 303 (n. 4); as legal fiction, 212, 214, 226, 237; in map publishing, 226–35; rise of, 211–14; statutory law on, 224–26 Authors, employee-: antebellum, 59–74; attribution as substitute for copyright ownership by, 211–12, 220–26, 231; copyright ownership by, 62–74; at corporations , 213–26; history of, 60–61; as independent contractors, 224; in law publishing, 63–67; legal rights of, in 1800, 1; in map publishing, 69–73, 227–35; protections for, 67; statutory law on, 33, 224–26; in theater, 59, 67–69, 139–49 Baldwin Locomotive Company, 121, 122 Banker’s Directory, 229 Banker’s Monthly, 228 Barker and Harris v. Shaw, 265 (n. 47) Barksdale, Hamilton, 199, 200, 201 Barnes v. Ingalls, 88–89 Baseball, 165 Basker, Wharton, 121 Bauduy, Peter, 46–48, 54 Baughman, Joseph, 46, 47 Bay, Helmuth, 233 Bell, Alexander Graham, 110, 235 Bell Labs (Bell Telephone), 110, 123, 181, 201, 309 (n. 26) Berne Convention, 292 (n. 58) The Big Chill (movie), 252–53 Binns v. Woodruff, 62 Blacks...
