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Index Abolitionists: on mass relocation of contrabands, 54–55; of New England, 6; passing of generation of, 4–5, 8, 132–33, 147; as patrons for postwar migrants, 106; on start of Civil War, 11–12, 13–14; Union soldiers as, 34–37, 188 (n. 19) —of Worcester: bonds between black and white, 19; before Civil War, 2–3, 14–20; on Fugitive Slave Law, 16–19; labor issues and, 184 (n. 7); as patrons for postwar migrants, 106, 120, 125; radicalism of, 14; on start of Civil War, 13–14, 15; in Union army, 24–26, 34–37; women as, 60 Activism. See Political activism, postwar; Social activism, by children of postwar migrants Adams, George, 111 Advertising, 93, 95, 119–20 African Brigade, 58, 100 Aid organizations, freedmen’s, 60–65, 105–6 Allen, Albert, 108, 109 Allen, David Porter, 29–30, 97–98, 107–8, 198 (n. 26) Allen, Isaiah: absence in census, 203 (n. 79); employment of, 29; escape from slavery, 27, 187 (n. 1); migration to Worcester, 98–101; as slave vs. freeborn , 198–99 (n. 28) Alliances, black-white: in New Bern, 45–46; in Worcester, 52 Altruism, of soldiers, 188 (n. 19) AMA. See American Missionary Association American Missionary Association (AMA), 67, 68–69, 70, 75–76 AME Zion Church, 110, 116, 139, 142, 144–45 Anderson, William R., 158 Andrew, John, 7, 54, 100 Antietam, battle of, 99, 199 (n. 30) Armstrong, Samuel, 124 Association for the Relief of Liberated Slaves, 60 Baldwin, John Denison: on end of war, 88; on first battles, 23; on first contrabands in Worcester, 49; on Lincoln’s assassination, 90, 91; on 6th regiment, 22; on Stanly, 47; on start of war, 13 Ball’s Bluff, battle of, 27 Baltimore: attack on 6th regiment in, 22 Barber, Thomas, 106 Barbers, 15, 16, 18, 51 Barbour, Mary, 28 Barker, Bazzell, 145 Barrett, William, 102 Barton, George, 53 Batcheller, Tyler, 98 Beals, H. S., 67, 70, 75, 76 Beals, Sarah, 74 Beaufort, 67, 70–72, 75, 79 Beckton, William George, 96, 154, 167 Beecher, Henry Ward, 46 Beecher, William H., 98 226 Index Bell, D. W., 163 “Benevolent sympathizers,” 2, 5, 53, 132–33, 147, 172 Bethel AME Church, 139, 144 Bethune, Mary McLeod, 114 Bible, 40 Biddle, E. George, 110 Big Bethel, battle of, 23 Birth records, 89 Black codes, 83 Black community of Worcester: contrabands supported by, 48, 50–55; freedpeople supported by, 62–65, 72–73; on Fugitive Slave Law, 18–19; leaders in, 65, 146; multiracial, 51, 184–85 (n. 12), 191 (n. 7); New Bern connection with, 73; northern- vs. southern-born, 51, 134–36, 191 (n. 7); prewar, 15–20; on start of Civil War, 15, 20; in twentieth century, 171–77 —postwar, 130–73; challenges facing, 132–34, 138; churches of, 130–42; economic struggles in, 132–33, 138–39, 147–51; leaders in, 146; marriages in, 135–36, 206 (n. 11); memory of slavery in, 131–32, 134; members as patrons for migrants, 94–95, 106; political activism in, 133–34, 154–69; southern influence on, 129, 134, 175; treatment of, vs. during war, 134, 147, 174; voluntary organizations of, 142–47; women’s club movement in, 152–54 Black convention movement, 20 Black Migration and Poverty (Pleck), 5 Black migration to Worcester. See Contrabands; Freedpeople; Postwar migrants to Worcester Black population: of Massachusetts, 9, 172; multiracial, 184–85 (n. 12), 191 (n. 7); of North, after Civil War, 9; undercounting of, 119, 182 (n. 6), 209 (n. 49); of Washington, DC, 121–22; of Worcester County, 3–4, 7, 50–51, 88, 134, 179 —of Worcester: in 1850, 16; in 1860, 7, 50; in 1862, 88; in 1870, 7, 88; in 1880, 134; in 1890, 134; in 1900, 4, 134, 209 (n. 49); in 1900s, 171–72; census statistics on, 179–80; southern- vs. northern-born, 88–89, 134, 179–80, 197 (n. 2); undercounting of, 119, 182 (n. 6), 209 (n. 49) Blackstone Canal, 12 Blight, David W., 131–32, 206 (n. 3) Bodnar, John, 150–51 Boston: abolitionists of, 3, 14; black population of, 51, 182 (n. 6); churches of, 137, 207 (n. 14); contrabands’ relocation to, 53; political activism in, 210 (n. 59); postwar migrants in, 124, 206 (n. 10); southern-born blacks in, 51, 136, 206 (n. 10); undercounting of blacks in, 119, 182 (n. 6), 202 (n. 79) Boston Advocate, 142 Boston and Worcester Railroad, 12 Boston Educational Commission, 67, 68 Boston Guardian, 142 Boyden, M...
