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Index Abbott, Jim, 111 Ableism, 5, 40 Abney, James, 75 American Dream, 174, 193 American Sign Language (ASL), 169, 187; bilingualism and, 181, 192 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 5, 126, 157 Antiracism, 48 Auditory-verbal therapy (AVT), 170, 174, 175, 180, 182, 189, 191 Barr, Martin, 146 Barrow, Bennet H., 77 Baumgartner, Barbara, 78 Bednarska, Dominika, 113 Bell, Alexander Graham, 175 Bell, Lavinia, 86 Berlin, Ira, 92 Bias, Gail, 24 Black Like Me (Griffin), 7–8, 37, 44, 46–54 Blinded Veterans Association (BVA), 48 Blindness, 5; antiracism and, 48; identity and, 43; metaphorical uses of, 49; passing and, 36–43, 44–45, 48; slavery and feigned, 77 Bliss, George, 146 Boggs, John, 74 Bonazzi, Robert, 44, 53 Brown, Henry Box, 79 Brown, William Wells, 90 Buck, Pearl, 150 Butler, Judith, 9, 102, 117, 118 Campbell, Israel, 79–80 Cartwright, Samuel A., 76 Castles, Katherine, 151 Cheek, Gary, 127 Child, Lydia Maria, 90 Clarke, Milton, 84–85 Cloak of Competence, The (Edgerton), 150 Cochlear implants, 175, 183, 188, 192 Cognitive-behavioral therapy, 104 Cognitive disabilities, 5, 9 Coleman, J. Winston, Jr., 80 Craft, Ellen, 87–92 Craft, William, 87–92 Cultural life scripts, 179–180, 183 Cultural models, 171, 174, 182, 188 Daggett, Richard, 24 Davidson, Joyce, 155 Davis, Fred, 19–20 202 Î Index Deaf: coming out as, 169, 175, 188; educational institutions for the, 8; oral education and the, 8, 167–168, 170, 174, 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 191, 192; visibility as, 169 Deafness, 5, 167; conceptualization of, 173, 179; diagnosis of, 170, 171, 173, 176; dreams and, 172–173, 178–179, 182, 184, 189; feigned, 71–73, 87–89; identity and, 190; impact on family of, 174, 176, 183, 185, 189; parents’ reaction to child’s, 174, 176–177, 179, 181–183, 185–189, 192; passing and, 168, 183, 186–189; reality of, 173; voices and, 186–187 Demps [slave], 77 DePauw, Karen, 115 Depression, 103 Desensitization, 104 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 101 Disability: advocacy regarding, 9, 50, 52, 133, 153, 154–160; erasure of, 115–117, 126, 132, 156, 158, 190; feigned, 74, 79, 81, 86, 87–92; masculinity and, 122, 127; masquerade and, 73, 106–107, 114; performing, 7, 31–32, 41, 72–73, 80–82, 86, 87–92, 99–102, 189; rights relating to, 51, 53, 60, 129, 153–158; social construction of, 2, 101–102, 142, 160; studies of, 2–4, 54. See also Disability identity ; Disability passing Disability identity, 1, 51–52, 117, 131, 142; blindness and, 43; deafness and, 175, 189; intellectual impairment and, 142– 143, 144, 154–155, 158–160; pride and, 9, 154–157 Disability passing, 1–2, 116–117, 151–152, 155–156, 158–160, 175; slavery and, 72, 74–76, 86, 87–91; staring and, 47; in texts and public discourse, 36, 49–54 Disabled athletics, 6–7, 112; passing and, 112, 114–116, 119–121, 123, 125, 126, 134–135 Doll, Edgar, 145 Dreams, deafness and, 172–174, 176–179, 183, 184, 189, 190 Dreams Made Real (documentary, 2004), 169, 179, 185, 186, 188 Dreams Spoken Here (documentary, 1998), 167, 169, 170, 172, 174, 182, 188, 191, 193 Edgerton, Robert, 150 Embodiment, 100, 104, 117, 124, 125, 131 Engerman, Stanley, 72 Eugenics, 9; feeblemindedness and, 143– 147, 150; passing and, 151–152, 160 Feebleminded, 9; category of the, 142, 144, 145, 147; eugenics and the, 143– 145, 150; social control of the, 145, 147; passing and the, 145–148, 150, 160; visibility of the, 146–147 Fernald, Walter, 146 Fett, Sharla, 75 Finger, Anne: passing techniques of, 25, 28; Roosevelt as role model for, 18, 22 Finn, Chester, 156 Fogel, Robert, 72 Forry, Samuel, 74 Frame-based knowledge, 178 Frank, Gelya, 4 Freud, Sigmund, 4 Gallagher, Hugh, 28–31 Gallaudet University, 188 Garcia, Juan M., III, 128 Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie, 47 Gender: disabled athletes and, 124, 130; passing and, 2, 102, 124; performativity and, 102–103, 105 Genesis, 65 Gerber, David, 48 Gill, Carol, 21–22, 154 Gimp (Zupan), 124–126 Gleeson, Brendan, 3 Goddard, Henry, 144–145 Goffman, Erving, 3–4 Govan, Archibald, 81–82 Green, Jacob D., 71–72 Grey-Thompson, Tanni, 115 Griffin, John Howard, 7–8; ableism and, 40; antiracism and, 48; Black Like Me, 37, 44, 46–54; passing as a black man, Index D 203 44, 46–47; passing as a blind man, 36– 42, 45, 47, 49; Scattered Shadows and blindness of, 37–38, 44, 53–54; stigma and, 38–41; suppression of disability, 49...
