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accreditation of Mountainview, 86–87 activism, 48; issues-oriented activities and, 52, 54; Plufort faculty and, 24; Plufort students and, 46 administration: of ghetto schools, 125; of Landover, 128, 134, 152–155, 163; of Mountainview, 87–88; of Plufort, 27. See also Landover staff; Plufort faculty; student /faculty and staff relations advisors (Plufort), 34–39, 41–43, 66–67 African Americans: middle-class, 124, 143– 144, 150–151; new-middle-class, 143–144; War on Poverty and, 124–127 alcohol use: at Landover, 155, 166; at Moun­ tainview, 80, 84–86, 105, 108, 115–116, 119; at Plufort, 52–54, 196n24. See also drug use alienation, 171 allowance payments (Landover), 141, 144–148, 163–164 alternative schools, 29, 90, 111 Alutiiq Corporation, 129, 179–180 ambivalence: Landover and, 135, 158, 190; of Mountainview students, 98, 108, 111, 112; of new-middle-class youth, 16–19, 194– 195n1; of Plufort students, 23, 26, 28, 30–31, 34, 40, 62; of upper class, 73–76, 98 American dream, 181; lower class and, 123; new middle class and, 15 American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), 149 American Society (Bensman and Vidich), 194– 195n1 AODA (drug and alcohol rehabilitation program at Landover), 150, 155 Arendt, Hannah, 7, 11 aristocracy, 4; gentility and, 73–74; Moun­ tainview president and, 86–87; Plufort faculty and, 22, 26 art wall (Plufort), 59 assemblies (Landover), 141–142, 157, 176 assessment policies, 151, 188–189; at Plufort, 34, 57, 67–68 austerity (Plufort), 65, 67 authority: bureaucratic, 76, 83, 112, 188; ghetto schools and, 125; Mountainview’s divisions of, 84–85, 96, 115; Mountainview students and, 90–91, 94, 95, 104, 112 Balanced Writing Assessment (Plufort), 35–36, 38, 50 Barnet, Richard, 11 Bensman, Joseph, 10–11, 194–195n1 Berger, Peter, 11 Big House (Mountainview), 77 birthday celebrations (Mountainview), 102 Black Bourgeoisie (Frazier), 143 Index 216 / Index black colleges, 124 Blackett, Andrew, 11 black middle class, 124, 143–144, 150–151 black power movement, 126 Blue House (Mountainview), 77, 104 boosterism: Landover and, 149, 150–151, 165; Plufort and, 60 boredom/waiting, 130, 141, 148, 165, 172–173, 175, 177 Bourgois, Philippe, 11 bureaucracy, 17–18, 19, 141, 154, 178, 184, 189; aristocracy and, 4; black middle class and, 143; bureaucratic gentility and, 76, 83, 96; ghetto schools and, 125; Job Corps systems of, 143; Landover and, 139, 145–148, 158, 169–170; language of, 148; Method and, 40, 42; middle-class socialization in, 181, 182– 183; Mountainview students and, 185, 186– 187; Plufort and, 4, 28, 31, 36–39, 44, 45, 58, 65–68; profit rationale and, 151–152, 172; in “real world,” 63–64; sociopolitical power and, 45; upper-class leadership and, 64, 73– 74, 75, 80, 143, 183 bureaucratic authority, 76, 83, 112, 188 bureaucratic character, 2, 186 bureaucratic training, 2, 18, 83; at Plufort, 29, 183, 186–187 Bush, George H. W., 21, 54, 81 business(es), 74; Landover and Manhosset local, 138; Protestant values of, 123. See also corporations Cabarets (Plufort), 54–55 cafeteria (Landover), 147–148, 157 call to service, 82–83 capitalism, 124, 187–188 Carney, Larry, 10 Carter, Jimmy, 21 Cheever, John, 11 Chomsky, Noam, 11 Christianity, 82, 83, 185, 187, 188 civil rights movement, 124, 144 Clark, Kenneth, 11 class. See lower class; middle class; new middle class; social classes; upper class; working class class rank (Plufort), 62 classroom control, 125 cleaning duty: at Mountainview, 102, 104; at Plufort, 56–57, 196n29 Clinton, Bill, 21 cliques, 45 cocktails/cocktail parties: at Mountainview, 80, 108, 116; at Plufort, 52–54, 196n24 Coles, Robert, 11 college(s): black, 124; elite, 76, 113; Landover’s claim to be like, 140, 179; Landover students and, 162 community: Landover as, 133; Mountainview as, 119; Plufort as, 22, 28, 33, 39, 57, 58, 61, 62–63 Community Gatherings (Plufort), 32–34; art wall and, 59; public relations and, 59, 60; subsidization by, 46–48 community service, 27, 56–57, 82–83 comprehension, 5, 7 Congress, 129, 135, 178 contracted corporations. See corporations conversions, 19, 23, 29, 31, 35, 55, 60, 63 cooking: culinary arts “voc” at Landover, 157–158; at Mountainview, 100–101, 103– 104 corporations: administration of Landover by, 152–155, 163; Landover’s directors and, 178; profit rationale and, 139, 147, 151–152, 155, 161, 165, 168, 172, 180. See also Department of Labor (DOL); individual corporations counseling, 163–164; therapy and, 26, 90, 161 counterculture, 21, 23, 25, 31, 64 Crestwood Heights (Seeley, Sim, and Loosely), 194n1 culinary...
