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Aarhus Convention, 159 Abidjan: shantytowns in, 62 acid precipitation, 142, 143 acropolis: of Athens, 9; Greek and Roman, 13; of Habuba Kabira, 6; of Ur, 6 activism: and environmental justice, xiii, 156–57 Afghanistan: urban morphology in, 22 Africa, North: consumption rates in, 50; as failed model for Islamic cities, 22; medinas of, 20; Roman cities in, 12; modernism and spatial disruption of cities in, 25 Africa, sub-Saharan: child mortality patterns in, 57–58; energy consumption in, 51; infant mortality rates in, 135; population in, 45; sewage treatment in, 130; urban health issues in, 61; urbanization projections for, 58, 61 aging, human: in China, 55; healthy, 140; transportation choices and, 182–83 agora: in Athens, 9; in Greek and Roman cities, 13 agriculture: and farmers’ markets, 78–79; hinterlands and, 79–83; invention of cities and, 2–4; see also urban agriculture Ahmadabad: slums in, 64 air quality standards, 142, 144 Aleppo, 23 Alexandria, 10 alleys: in ancient cities, 8; in industrial London, 31 Amsterdam, 20, 28, 35 Antioch, 10 Antwerp, 28 Argentina: gross national income and urbanization rate of, 47 Aristotle: philosophy on the ideal city, 9, 11, 187 artisans, 21 Asia, Southeast: early agriculture in, 2 Assyria, 7 asthma: decline during Atlanta Olympic Games, 142; and disability adjusted life years, 56; incidence in urban areas, 134–135; as the most chronic childhood disease, 141; near absence in Papua New Guinea, 141; rates in Australia, 141; rates within cities, 138; rates after reunification of Germany, 142; rising rates in Canada, 141 Athens: Pananthenaic Way in, 14; urban morphology of, 9 Australia: asthma rates in, 141; greenways in, 171; sewage farms in, 129; suburbanization in, 170 Austria: premature deaths from air pollution in, 142 automobiles: alternative fuels for 107–9; emission controls for, 110, 142; and energy consumption compared to cycling, 120; and European urban design, 151; fatality and injury rates in, 120, 149, 149–50; fuel consumption of, 60; and health, 120, 141–45; and highways , 114–21; hybrid technology for, 111; hydrogen fuel cells for, 113; ownership of, 60, 100, 113, 117, 146, 153; and parking, 24; and parks, 162, 174; percentage of U.S. trips by, 146; problems in historical cities, 24–25; as sources of air pollution, 59, 60, 107, 142, 144–45; and street development, 98, 99; suburban morphology and, 182–83; and sustainability concerns, 185–86, 188; toll roads for, 115–16; and traffic calming, 99; urban design for, 120–21, 151–52, 154; urban growth boundaries and, 179; Index and urban morphology, 33; U.S. CAFE standards for, 111–12; U.S. urban and rural fatality rates in, 148 Babylon, 1, 3, 7 Baghdad, 23, Baltimore: greenway in, 173; infant mortality in, 137; Olmsted plan for, 126, 174; sanitary sewers, 126, 128, 137; and smart growth, 180 Baltimore ecosystem study, xii, 103 Bangladesh: megacity in, 61; population growth in, 45 bastides: in France, 19 Bath, 13 bazaar: as focal point in cities, 25; Middle Eastern cities and, 24–25; role in revolutions , 25 Belarus, demographic transition of, 44 Belgrade: population summit in, 72 bicycle. See cycling biodiesel, 107–8, 112 Birmingham (UK), 30 blandscapes, 154 Boston: conurbation of, 83; greenways in, 174; as mercantile city, 28; Olmsted’s design for, 126, 174; parks in, 162; sanitary sewers in, 128–129; segregation in, 29; streetcars in, 118; urban agriculture in, 89 bourgeoisie: industrial London and, 32; in medieval cities, 21 Brazil: alcohol fuels in, 108–9; rural and urban infant mortality rates in, 135, 137; urban agriculture in, 90 Bristol, 28 Britain: alcohol fuels in, 108–9; commons and enclosures in, 162; creation of garden cities in, 169; decline in urban infant mortality, 136; description of early industrial cities in, 166; development of highways in, 115; Engel’s description of industrial cities in, 31; and greenbelt development, 177–78; medieval cities in, 19, 28; per capita vehicles in, 146; population growth since 1950 in, 151; Roman cities in, 11–13; rural and urban infant mortality rates in, 135, 137; sanitation theories in, 128; sewage treatment in, 128; smog in, 110; toll roads in, 116–17; traffic fatality rate in, 148; victory gardens in, 92 brownfields, 171, 175–77 Brugges, 20 Bucharest: population summit in, 72 building codes: low-flush toilets and, 124; retention of rooftop runoff and, 106; Roman, 12, 14, 16 Bukhara, 23 Bulgaria, demographic transition of, 44 Burkina Faso: mortality rates in, 57 Byzantine Empire, 26 Cairo, 23, 25; International Conference, 51, 62, 70–74 Calcutta: slums...
