publisher colophon


Abrahamson, James, 150

Advanced Crew Escape Suit (ACES), 116–118

Aeronautics and Astronautics (journal), 69

affirmative action, 87, 88, 89, 91, 96

Aikens, Mary, 65

Air Force Undergraduate Pilot Training Program, 14

Air Research and Development Command (ARDC), 46, 48

Aldrin, Edwin “Buzz,” 92

Amazing Stories (periodical), 24

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), 149

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), 68

American Psychological Association, 49

Ames Research Center, NASA, 79–80, 85

Anne Howe (character), 26

Apollo program, 37, 54, 55, 61, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 84, 171n31, 174n2

Apollo 8, 79, 89

Apollo 11, 53, 69, 77, 92, 95, 174n2

Apollo 13, 75

Apollo 17, 84

“Armageddon 2419 A.D.” (Nowlan), 24

Armstrong, Neil A., 53, 69, 92

ASCANS (astronaut candidates), 2, 8, 87, 93, 127, 155, 181n37, 181n42

training of, 94–98, 102, 144, 146

Association of Collegiate Alumnae, 190n3

astronaut classes. See specific group numbers

Astronaut Office, 84, 94, 97, 98, 131, 136, 137

on crew assignments, 139

on pregnancy, 139

astronauts. See male astronauts; mission specialists; pilot-astronauts; scientist-astronauts

women astronauts

astrotot, 2, 7, 161n2

Atkinson, Joseph D., Jr., 52

Auñon, Serena, 186n4

Avon Fantasy Reader (periodical), 27

Baker, Ellen, 130

Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy (film), 39–40

Barrett, Majel, 37, 39, 41–42

bed-rest studies, 80–81, 85

Berman, Rick, 41

Berry, Charles, 80, 120

Beverly Crusher (character), 41

Biadosz, Frances, 11, 164n15

birth control, 31, 34, 138, 139, 140

Borman, Frank, 79, 89

Boston Globe, 64

Boston Herald, 58

Bradbury, Ray, 24

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 70

Buck Rogers (character), 24, 45

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (comic strip), 23, 24–25, 27, 33, 39, 167n15

Burdekin, Katherine, 44

Burke, M. E., 99

Bursch, Dan, 148

Bush, George W., 139, 148

“Cage, The” (Star Trek episode), 36–38, 44, 45

Cagle, Myrtle “K,” 169n1

Cagle, Yvonne, 186n4

Caldwell Dyson, Tracy, 116

Calkins, Dick, 24

Campbell, John W., 27

Campion, Ed, 141

Carpenter, Scott, 60

Center of Science and Industry (COSI), 147

Challenger, 41, 116, 117

Chandler, Doris, 85

Chapel, Christine (character), 38–39, 169n50

Chawla, Kalpana, 117

Chekov, Pavel (character), 38

Christian Science Monitor, 95

Civil Aeronautics Authority, 48

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 3, 19, 20, 70, 72, 101, 175n20

Civil Rights Commission, 175n19

civil rights movement, 4, 19–20, 37, 69–70, 161n6

Clark, Jon, on women astronauts, 156–157

Clark, Kathryn, 131

Clark, Laurel, 186n4

Clarke, Arthur C., 32, 34, 35, 36, 45

Cleave, Mary, 112

Clinton, Bill, 173n67

CNN, 129

Cobb, Geraldine “Jerrie,” 10, 21, 46, 47, 52, 56–57, 61, 169n1, 170n23, 171n37, 173n70

autobiography of, 47

congressional testimony by, 57, 59

medical testing of, 48, 49

as NASA consultant, 63

Cochran, Jacqueline “Jackie,” 48, 51, 59, 60, 170n9

Cohen, Aaron, 110

Cold War, 16, 55, 154, 166n48

Collins, Eileen M., 14, 23, 42, 47, 134–35

as “first woman,” 155

selection of, 154–155

as shuttle pilot, 155

Collins, Michael, 92, 175n20

Columbia, 99, 111, 135, 153, 155

Cortright, Edgar M., 82, 84

counterculture, 30, 70–71

Cousteau, Jacques, 83

Creighton, John, 104

Crippen, Robert, 111, 122

Crosby, Denise, 41

cultural attitudes, about men, 28, 34, 35, 50, 64, 65

cultural attitudes, about women, 7, 10, 11, 28–29, 31–32, 35, 38, 39, 41, 43–44, 45, 56, 64, 71

as astronauts, 2, 4, 5, 6, 57–59, 61, 64–65, 80–81, 88, 107, 133

as feminists, 145

as heroes, 152

in the military, 11–13, 14, 61

within NASA, 99, 101–102, 104, 105, 135, 158

as pilots, 64, 155

as professionals, 75–76, 165n37

and sex, 69

in space, 47, 49–50, 55–56, 65, 79–80, 80–81, 134

in the workplace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8–9, 15, 16, 17, 18–19, 21, 24, 38, 60, 70, 75–76, 79, 152

Data (character), 43

Dax, Jadzia (character), 42

Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS), 11–12, 16, 20

Dernière Mission, La (Kohler), 140

design issues, 4, 13–14

diapers, 118, 126–127

Dietrich, Jan, 169n1, 170n23

Dietrich, Marion, 57, 169n1

Discovery, 129, 135

discrimination, 35, 37, 38, 44, 51–55, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 70, 74, 76, 86, 100, 136, 154, 167n15

Disposable Absorption Containment Trunk (DACT), 126–127

diversity, 39

Dryden, Hugh, 51

Dryden Flight Research Center, NASA, 99

Duff, Brian, 144

Dunbar, Bonnie, 112

Durand, Durand (character), 39

Earth Resource Technology Satellite (ERTS), 84, 178n80

educator mission specialist, 8

Edwards Air Force Base, 99

Ehrlichman, John, 77

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 11, 16, 50–51, 166n50, 173n67

End of This Day’s Business, The (Burdekin), 44

“entering wedge,” 154, 190n3

Enterprise (ship), 37, 38, 39, 41

Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, 4, 20, 21, 33, 72, 74, 76, 78, 89, 91, 101, 106, 153

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 70

equality. See sexual equality

Equal Pay Act, 166n53

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 12, 143

ergonomics, 13, 161n5

Executive Order 10980, 71

Executive Order 11246, 71

Executive Order 12640, 175n29

extravehicular activity (EVA). See spacewalking

Fabian, John, 104

Family Weekly, 143

fecal bags, 119–120, 123

Federal Women’s Program, 72

Fellow Lady Astronaut Trainees (FLATs), 52, 53, 55, 56–57, 63, 65, 69, 153, 172n44, 173n75

as guests of Collins, 155

medical testing of, 57, 60

Female Urine Incontinence Collection Apparatus (FEMUICA), 125–126

Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 4, 38, 56

feminism, 34, 38, 145, 146, 149, 151, 152

reaction to, 106–107

“Feminist Cause Not a Factor” (article), 145

fertility, 33–34, 35, 138

Finn, Terence, 125–126

Fisher, Anna L., 2, 130, 146

marriage of, 95

as role model, 144

selection of, 95

on space suits, 115

Fisher, Bill, 95

Fletcher, James, 77–79, 82–83, 88–89, 100, 135, 154, 177n57, 177n64

Flickinger, Donald, 46, 48

Florida Today, 95, 143

Fonda, Jane, 39

Forest, Jean-Claude, 40

Franke, Linda Bird, 11

fraternization, 30, 98, 107

Friedan, Betty, 4, 38, 56

Frosch, Robert A., 87

Fulton, James G., 59

Funk, “Wally,” 49, 169n1

Gagarin, Yuri, 57, 106

Garn, Jake, 134

Garneau, Marc, 111

Gemini program, 54, 61, 68

Gemini VIII, 69

gender, 9, 11, 13, 24, 28, 35, 42, 45, 56, 57, 103, 151, 152, 159, 168n41

definition of, 4

General Electric, 120

General Purpose Laboratory (GPL), 85

Gibson, Paul Seddon, 1–2

Gibson, Robert “Hoot,” 2

on flight assignments, 136

and marriage to Seddon, 2, 92, 158

on women astronauts, 135

Gilbreth, Lillian, 19

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 30

Gilruth, Robert R., 61–62, 72

Girl Scouts of America, 9–10, 147

Glenn, John, 47, 60, 65, 130, 134

congressional testimony by, 69

on STS-95, 47, 129

Glennan, T. Keith, 51

Goddard Space Flight Center, 73, 75

Godwin, Linda, 115

Goldin, Dan, 130, 131, 134

Goodman, Ellen, 145

Gorelick, Sarah (Ratley), 53, 169n1, 170–171n28

Great Depression, 6

Gregory, Frederick, 144

Griner, Carolyn, 85

Group II, 53, 61

Group III, 53, 89

Group IV, 52, 54, 89

Group V, 55, 89

Group VI, 55, 76, 89, 176n49, 180n33

Group VII, 55, 180n33

Group VIII, 2, 4, 6, 107, 145, 154, 161n3

call for astronauts for, 89

diversity of, 87, 94, 95, 144

first press conference with, 94

flight assignments for, 97

introduction of, 143

male astronauts in, 95, 104

medical testing of, 156

recruitment of, 89–91

selection of, 92–94

as the “thirty-five new guys,” 88, 94, 95, 99, 104, 151

training of, 94–98

Group IX, 112

Group XIII, 154

Group XIX, 8

Hamilton Standard, 120

and suit design, 114–115

and toilet design, 118–119

Haraway, Donna, 166n51

Harrison, Harry, 25–26, 28

Hart, Jane, 57, 59, 62, 169n1, 171n37, 173n70

Hawley, Steven, and marriage to Ride, 189n15

Heinlein, Robert A., 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 45

Helms, Susan, 115

Hernandez, Aileen, 70

Herring, Harvey, 83

Hess, Harry, 114

Hixson, Jean, 169n1

Homestead Air Force Base, 98

Honeycutt, Jay, 144

House Subcommittee on Science and Astronautics, 171n37, 173n70

Houston Chronicle, 68, 72, 95

Houston Post, 145

Hughes, H. Mervin, 72

Hughes-Fulford, Millie, 131

Hugo Award, 30

Huntoon, Carolyn Leach, 74–75, 75–76, 179n14

on astronaut psychological testing, 156

on astronaut selection committee, 90–91, 93

as center director, 130

on crew assignments, 158

on the media, 95

on medical testing of women, 130

as mentor, 100–102, 108, 155, 157

on sex and pregnancy, 141

on women astronauts, 100–101, 105

on women’s health, 139

Hurrle, Rhea (Woltman), 49, 169n1

Imaginary Lines (foundation), 147

industrial engineering, 161n5

inequality, paradox of, 6–7

integration, sexual, of astronaut corps, 3, 4, 5, 7, 69, 86, 87, 91, 101, 105, 129, 143, 157, 158, 159

intercourse, 7, 24, 26, 31, 32, 34, 40, 107, 139, 140–141, 157

Ivins, Marsha, 128

Janeway, Kathryn (character), 42

Jemison, Mae, 130

Jernigan, Tammy, 115

Jerrie Cobb, Solo Pilot (Cobb), 47

Jerrie Cobb Foundation, 47

Joe Palooka (character), 26

Johnson, C. C., 109, 119

Johnson, E. G., 68

Johnson, Lyndon, 67, 71

Johnson, Mary Helen, 85

Johnson Space Center (JSC), 61, 72, 74, 84, 87, 93, 94, 98, 101, 105, 112, 124, 155, 171n34

facilities at, 99

Juan Rico (character), 29

Jubal Harshaw (character), 31

Kaminski, Heinz, 173n71

Kantrowitz, Arthur, 50

Kennedy, John F., 55, 60, 71, 82, 173n67

Kennedy Space Center, NASA, 77, 98

Khrushchev, Nikita, 63

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 69

Kira Nerys (character), 42

Kirk, James T. (character), 38, 39

Kohler, Pierre, 140

Korean War, 11, 53

Kosmo, Joseph, 124, 125

Kraft, Christopher, 87, 88, 90, 93, 94–95, 100, 179n14

on women astronauts, 102–103

Ladies’ Home Journal (periodical), 57

Landsat. See Earth Resource Technology Satellite

Langley Research Center, NASA, 82

Launch/Entry Suit (LES), 116–118

Laura Ernst (character), 32, 33

Leestma, Dave, 111, 113

Left Hand of Darkness, The (LeGuin), 34–35, 45

LeGuin, Ursula, 34, 35–36, 45

Leverton, Irene, 169n1, 170n23

Life Sciences Data Archive (LSDA), 130

Loewy/Snaith Corporation, 118

Logsdon, John, 77

Longitudinal Study of Astronaut Health (LSAH), 130

Look (periodical), 46

Louviere, Allen, 108, 109

Lovelace, Alan, 87

Lovelace, W. Randolph, Jr., 46, 48–49, 57, 60, 154, 170n9, 170n28

Lovelace Clinic, 47, 48, 59

Lovelace Foundation, 46

Low, George M., 59–60, 78, 82, 83–84, 85, 88–89, 100, 177n67

Lowell, Francis Cabot, 19

Lucid, Shannon W., 2, 104, 146

on astronaut selection, 95

as Congressional Space Medal of Honor winner, 148

on discrimination, 149

duration record of, 148

education of, 17–18, 19, 20

media coverage of, 148

on Mir, 136, 137, 148

as a mother, 146, 149

as role model, 144, 149

“The Shannon Lucid Story,” 148

Macha, Sharon E., 72

male astronauts, 49–50

health of, 136, 140, 141

iconography of, 56–57, 172n44

media attention on, 95, 104

and urine collection, 121, 124, 127

Malkin, Myron, 120

Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) Program, U.S. Air Force, 55, 180n33

Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC). See Johnson Space Center

“Man with the Power, The” (The Outer Limits episode), 171n41

Marshall, George C., 11

Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA, 85

Marston, William Moulton, 26, 34, 37

Marts, Sherry, 133

McAuliffe, Christa, 41

McBride, Jon, 111

McCall’s (periodical), 57

McCoy, Leonard “Bones” (character), 38

McFadden, Gates, 41

McGee, Anne, 12

McLucas, John, 14

Melroy, Pamela, 153, 155

menopause, 35–36

menstruation, 80, 138–139

Mercury program, 52, 54, 59, 124, 127, 129, 172n44

medical testing for, 46, 48

Mercury Seven, 46, 53, 90, 95, 156, 170n23, 179n8

microgravity, 32, 85, 116, 125

physical effects of, 80, 139

and toilet design, 118–122

Mir, 135, 136

medical experiments on board, 137

Mission Control, 70, 75, 97, 154

mission specialists, 14, 87, 88, 94, 154, 179n5, 190n6

introduction of, 84

training of, 98

Motz, Beverly, 182n58

Mueller, George, 69

Mulgrew, Kate, 42

Musgrave, Story, 103

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 2, 23

as a federal agency, 62, 71, 76, 78, 108, 131, 139–140, 173n67

astronaut selection criteria of, 7, 8, 10, 14, 22, 48, 50–55, 60, 62, 68–69, 73, 76, 80, 88, 99, 165n35, 170n10, 171n31, 171n36

congressional investigation of, 58, 59–61, 69

Equal Opportunity Programs Office, 52, 71, 72, 85, 88

funding for, 177n67

hiring of minorities by, 4, 5, 70, 71–73, 74, 87–88, 91, 154

on intercourse, 140

mental health concerns at, 156

and public relations, 82–84, 94, 96, 130, 131, 134, 140, 144, 153

role of women at, 157

selection of women astronauts by, 2, 5, 21, 48, 49, 50–55, 59–60, 61–63, 69, 71, 72–73, 87–88, 89, 90–94, 177n64

Special Life Sciences Committee, 49

Standard 3000, 108–109, 112, 141

and testing of female subjects, 120, 125, 132

Natick Research Development and Engineering Center, U.S. Army, 13

National Academy of Sciences, 90, 114, 171n31, 171n34

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), 50, 53, 59

National Aviation-Space Education Convention, 111

National Defense Education Act, 17

National Organization for Women, 177n64

National Research Council, 74

National Science Foundation, 19

National Space Biological Research Institute (NSBRI), 131–132, 135, 136, 137, 138, 188n51

National Women’s Party, 143

Naugle, John, 92

Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), 73

Naval School of Aviation Medicine, 49

NBC, 36–37, 38, 41

Nelson, Bill, 187n26

neoconservatism, 106

Newman, Robert, 87

Nichols, Nichelle, 39, 91

and Women in Motion, Inc., 91

Nichols, Ruth, 46

Nicogossian, Arnauld, 129, 130, 133, 134, 138 19th Amendment, 143

Nixon, Richard M., 15, 76, 173n67

and support for shuttle, 77–78, 82, 89

Noah, Mary Ann, 64

Noonan, Raymond, 140

Northcutt, Frances Marian “Poppy,” 75

Nowak, Lisa, 156–157

arrest of, 153, 156

Nowlan, Philip, 24

Number One (character), 37–38, 41–42, 44

Obama, Barack, 139

O’Brien, Brian, 82

Odo (character), 43

Oefelein, William, 153, 156

Office of Management and Budget, 76–77

Onizuka, Ellison, 178–179n2

Onufriyenko, Yuri, 148

Original Seven. See Mercury Seven

Orlando Sentinel, 65

Outer Limits, The (TV series), 171n41

Overmyer, Robert, 111

Paine, Thomas O., 77

Parazynski, Scott, 153

Parker, Jacqueline “Jackie” S., 165n35

Parry, Albert, 173n71

Paul, Alice, 143

Paul, Ron, 125

Peaks of Otter Lodge, 88–89

Peterson, Don, 103

Pillar, Michael, 41

pilot-astronauts, 10, 14, 78, 87, 90, 154, 176n49

pink-collar work, 29

Powers, John “Shorty,” 68

pregnancy, 1, 18, 31, 33–34, 35, 59, 136–138, 139–140, 150, 157

risks to, 137

Presidential Commission on Employment of People with Disabilities, 175n29

Presidential Commission on the Status of Women, 71

Presidential Science Advisory Committee (PSAC), 16

privacy, 63, 68, 69, 86, 98–99, 106, 108–111, 113–114, 119, 120, 122, 128, 131

of medical information, 139

psychological testing, 93

Public Law 90–130, 12

Puddy, Donald, 128

Puritanism, 107

race, 7, 27, 37, 66, 70–71, 167n15

Reagan, Ronald, 106

Rendezvous with Rama (Clarke), 32–34

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 82

Resnik, Judith A., 2, 146, 179n2

death of, 41, 116

on feminism, 147

first flight of, 119

as role model, 145

and toilet, 123–124

Reynold, Irma, 64–65

Richey, Helen, 163n9

Ride, Sally K., 2, 21, 104, 106, 111, 113, 146, 150

as feminist, 147, 158

first flight of, 144–145, 147

on the media, 95

as “one of the guys,” 142, 146

as role model, 143

on space toilet, 119

in training, 103

Right Stuff, The (Wolfe), 172n44, 179n8

Robertson, Patricia, 186n4

Rockwell International, 109, 110

Roddenberry, Gene, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 45

Roman, Nancy Grace, 73–74, 75

Rosie the Riveter, 6, 8–9, 163n1

Rossi, Alice, 19–20

Ruby Barnes (character), 33

Sagan, Carl, 83

Salt Lake Tribune, 134

Sandler, Harold, 80

San Jose Mercury, 79

Sato, Hoshi (character), 43

Schlafly, Phyllis, 107

Schmitt, Harrison “Jack,” 84

science fiction, influence of: on boys, 26, 28

on girls, 23

scientist-astronauts, 14, 52, 54–55, 64, 69, 76, 78, 84, 90, 171n31, 171n34, 176n49, 179n5, 179n8

Scott, Montgomery “Scotty” (character), 38

Scully-Power, Paul, 111

Seddon, M. Rhea, 2, 130, 143, 146, 150, 151–152, 154, 155, 157

birth by, 1–2

on crew interaction, 92

on discrimination, 146

on femininity, 158

flights of, 135

on hygiene, 123

on intercourse, 141

marriage of, to Robert Gibson, 2, 92, 158

on the media, 95

on medical testing, 133

on NASA, 157

on NSBRI, 131–132

pregnancy of, 18, 136–137

on privacy, 99

on public relations, 134

on Spacelab, 130, 158

on toilets, 121–122, 147

on urine collection, 124, 126–127

on women’s health, 130–131, 132, 138

See, Elliot M., 53

segregation, 29–30, 63, 70

sex difference, 13, 35, 85, 106, 125, 133, 143, 152, 168n42

and suit design, 116–118

and waste containment, 118–127

sexual equality, 3, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 24, 25, 32, 33, 37, 40, 41, 84, 88, 91–92, 98, 107, 131, 142, 143, 146, 154, 157

sexuality, 129

sexual liberation, 30, 40

Shatner, William, 39

Shepard, Alan B., 53, 106

Shipman, Colleen, 153, 156

Shurley, Jay, 49

Sirtis, Marina, 41

Sisko, Benjamin (character), 42

Skelton, Betty, 46

Skylab, 76, 84, 109–110, 119

Slayton, Donald K. “Deke,” 53, 99, 156

Sloan, Jerri (Truhill), 169n1

Smith, E. P., 110

Smith, Valentine Michael (character), 30–31

Society for the Advancement of Women’s Health Research, 133

Society of Women Engineers (SWE), 20, 90

Sorel, Louise, 39

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 69–70

Space Act of 1958, 76

Space and Naval Medical Congress, 48

“space babes,” 39

Space Camp, U.S., 147

“Space Crone, The” (LeGuin), 35–36, 168n43

Spacelab, 84, 85, 130, 135

Space News, 135

space race, 22, 45, 54, 60, 61, 62, 134

Space Shuttle, 7, 52

and all-female crew, 129–130, 133–135

announcement of, 77

astronaut selection for, 79

contractor for, 109

and crew interaction, 68, 92–93, 107, 113, 136

crews of, 68, 77–78, 84, 131, 179n5

design of, 2, 4, 69, 77, 86, 92, 99, 107–111, 114, 155

escape system on, 106, 117

funding for, 76–77, 81–82, 96, 176n52

medical experiments on, 137, 185n47

mission profiles of, 97

and role of women, 2, 67, 69, 77–79, 80, 87, 127, 133, 142, 154, 155

as routine, 67, 79, 89

sleeping accommodations on, 109–11

systems of, 97–98

toilet on, 118–124. See also specific STS flights

Space Station, 77, 123, 129, 131, 132, 153, 156, 189n5

design of, 69, 108, 127

Expedition 16, 153, 190n6

medical experiments on, 137

and “next logical step,” 67

space suits, 106, 112, 114–118

design of, 114–115

spacewalking, 61, 103, 113–114, 115–116

Space World (periodical), 57

Spock (character), 38

Sputnik, 16, 17, 165n37, 166n51

Starship Troopers (Heinlein), 28–30

Star Trek (film), 39

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV series), 42, 43

Star Trek: Enterprise (TV series), 42–43

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (film), 168n49

Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV series), 40–42, 43

Star Trek: The Original Series (TV series), 23, 36, 37, 38–39, 40, 43, 44, 91

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (film), 43

Star Trek: Voyager (TV series), 42, 43

Steadman, Bernice “B,” 47, 169n1, 170n23

Stefanyshyn-Piper, Heidemarie, 115–116

Stennis Space Center, NASA, 182n53

Still-Kilrain, Susan, 155

Stott, Nicole, 116

Stranger in a Strange Land (Heinlein), 28, 30–32

STS-1, 122

STS-3, 137

STS-5, 111

STS-7, 111

STS-8, 122, 123

STS-32, 128

STS-40, 135

STS-41D, 123–124

STS-41G, 103, 111, 119

STS-58, 135

STS-61C, 187n26

STS-63, 135

STS-76, 148

STS-79, 148

STS-93, 155

STS-95, 47, 129

STS-114, 155

STS-120, 153

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 70

Stumbough, Gene Nora (Jesson), 169n1, 171n37

Suffrage Amendment, 45

Sullivan, Kathryn D., 2, 104, 111, 146, 150

on astronaut selection, 93, 94

on crew interaction, 92, 113–114

on diversity, 88

on double standards, 102, 103

as feminist, 147

on precedents, 150

as role model, 143

and spacewalking, 103, 113–114

Sulu, Hikaru (character), 38, 39, 168n49

Sun (Boston), 145

Swider, Joseph, 118

Symposium on American Women in Science and Engineering, 19

Takai, George, 39

Tereshkova, Valentina, 21, 23, 55, 63, 64, 106

Tethered Mercury: A Pilot’s Memoir: The Right Stuff… But the Wrong Sex (Steadman), 47

Thaden, Louise, 10

Thibodaux, Joseph, Jr., 72

Thornton, Kathy, 115, 131

Time-Life News Service, 144

Title VII, 1964 Civil Rights Act, 70, 71

toilets, 7, 26, 108, 118–124, 157, 185n47

failure of, 123–124

testing of, 120

Townsend, Margorie Rhodes, 75

T’pol (character), 43, 44

Troi, Deanna (character), 41

Uhura, Nyoto (character), 23, 38–39, 43, 91, 168n49, 169n50

urine collection device (UCD), 124–126, 157

Usachev, Yuri, 148

U.S. Air Force Academy, women cadets at, 182n58

U.S. Department of Agriculture, 126

U-2, 126

Vietnam, 11, 12, 37, 76, 81

“Vomit Comet,” 120, 121, 125

Von Braun, Wernher, 67, 174n5

Vostok 6, 23, 63

Wall Street Journal, 70

Walz, Carl, 148

Warner, Emily, 10

Washington Daily News, 64

Washington Post, 115, 131, 145, 149

Washington Star, 115

Washington Times, 168n49

waste containment system (WCS). See toilets

Webb, James, 63, 65, 71, 72, 74, 77, 89, 100, 154, 173n75

Weir, Allison, 145, 147, 150, 151

Weisstein, Naomi, 20

Wendy the Welder, 8

Wheelock, Doug, 153

Whitaker, Ann, 85

Whitney, Grace Lee, 39

Whitson, Peggy, 115, 153, 190n6

William Norton (character), 32–33

Williams, Sunita, 116, 189n5

Wilma Deering (character), 23, 24, 25, 26, 45

Winter, David, 80, 81

Wolfe, Tom, 172n44, 179n8

Wollheim, Donald, 27

Woman in Space Program, 46–47, 49, 60, 61, 62, 170n9, 171n37

Woman into Space (Cobb), 47

women: as astronauts, 3, 5, 6, 7, 33–34, 50, 59–60, 68–69, 77–78, 79, 80, 85, 176n50

as “damsel-in-distress,” 25, 26, 40

in aviation, 9–10

educational opportunities for, 9, 15, 16–18, 20–21, 53, 74, 86, 165n37, 166n51, 176n49, 181n53

medical testing of, 10, 46, 48–49, 68, 80–81, 85, 91

middle-class, 5–6, 9, 16, 19, 38, 58

in the military, 11–13, 14, 24–25, 29–30, 51, 59, 60, 107, 155, 164–165n34

as mothers, 4, 59, 81

at NASA, 73–76, 84, 181–182n53

as “other,” 14, 158

as pilots, 9–11, 14, 15, 29, 46, 47–48, 51, 52, 53, 64, 65, 67, 107–108, 163n2

as professionals, 2–3, 5, 6, 7, 15–16, 17–21, 54, 65, 73, 85, 142, 154, 161n9, 165nn38-39, 165–166n46, 166n48, 166n51, 181n53, 186n4

as role models, 41, 73

as sex objects, 25, 26–27, 31, 32–33, 39, 50

in space, 3, 5, 31, 32–33, 37, 46–47, 50, 57, 62, 67–68, 76, 79, 177n64

as the weaker sex, 24–25, 56, 57, 58, 133

working-class, 5, 6

in the workplace, 2, 3–4, 5–6, 8, 29, 32, 33, 56, 86

Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES), 9, 11, 15

Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs), 9, 15, 47, 59

women astronauts, 100–101, 105, 115–116, 135, 156–157, 179n8, 186n4

all-female flight of, 131, 133–135

clothing for, 101, 111–113, 183–184n19

differences among, 149

double standards for, 103–104, 150

facilities for, 98–100

first class of, 2, 4, 8, 40, 72, 86, 130

as “first women,” 145, 146

and hair, 127–128

health of, 129, 133, 142

introduction of, 87

job assignments for, 102

legacy of, 151–152, 154

media attention on, 94–95, 104, 179n3

medical testing of, 46, 48–49, 91, 93, 130

as mothers, 157

on non-issues, 138, 147

as “one of the guys,” 101, 133, 142–143, 144, 145, 151, 158

psychological health of, 140, 141, 156

as role models, 134, 142, 145, 149

selection of, 142, 153

and setting precedents, 88, 103–104, 150

and spacewalking, 113–114, 115

training of, 98, 181n37

and waste containment, 118–127

Women Flyers of America (WFA), 9

Women in Motion, Inc., 91

Women’s Armed Services Act of 1948, 11

Women’s Auxiliary Ferry Squadron (WAFS), 9, 11

women’s movement: first, 143, 161n6

second, 4, 11, 16, 20, 34, 37, 70, 72–73, 76, 89, 91, 161n6

Women’s National Aeronautical Association (WNAA), 9

Wonder Woman (comic), 26, 27–28, 37

Worf (character), 41

World War II, 3, 6, 8–9, 11, 15, 155

Wright Air Development Center, 46

Yar, Natasha (character), 41

Yeager, Charles E. “Chuck,” 51

Zumwalt, Elmo, 12

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