publisher colophon


AARP, 140

Abel, Andrew, 63–64

accountant, 104–5, 109

accumulation of wealth: models of, 31–32, 33;

Silent Generation and, 60, 66

Administration of Estates Act, 22

advanced directive, 106–7

African Americans and gift giving, 44–45

aging and family structure, 4–9

agrarian society, 12–14, 77

Aleman, Sara, 44

allowance, receiving, 70–71

Antonucci, Toni C., 48

Arthur, W. Brian, 33

Astrue, Michael, 142

Baby Boom, definition of, 6

Baby Boomers: benefits for, 128

characteristics of, 46, 60–62, 66–67

Baker, Dean, 112

Barnhart, Jo Anne, 142

Barro, Robert J., 19

Becker, Gary S., 19

beneficiary, assigning, 105

benefits, reducing, 124, 125, 139

bequeathing inheritance, challenges to, 51, 62

Binstock, Robert, 142

blended families, 89

Booth, Alan, 8

British Retirement Survey, 51

Burns, Scott, 141

Caldwell, John C., 33

caregivers: burden on, 53, 84

costs to, 127

grandparents as, 52–53

long-term care and, 8

Mexican American, 53

cash assistance, intergenerational, 52, 81

charities, gifts to, 92–93

children: assistance to, 40, 50, 51–52

contract between parents and, 2

with disabling illness, 90

disinheritance of, 2–3, 16, 55

of divorced parents, 8, 49

education of, 17–18

gifts given to, 68–69, 75

money and, 69

parental attitude toward, 45–46

property flow from parents to, 19. See also grandchildren

colonial period, 12–14

common law dower, 22

common law rights, 15

community property laws, 16

conservative welfare state, 28

contract between parent and child, 2

Cook, Karen S., 47

cost: administrative, of Medicare, 130

to caregivers, 127

of education, 17–18, 50

of health care, 6–8, 34, 127–31

of wealth, 73–74

cost of living adjustments, Social Security, 124

coverture, 15–16

cross-national research, 32–35

crowding-out effect, 19

data in study, 134, 136

daughters: Baby Boomers as, 61–62

in colonial period, 12–13

education of, 18

death bed wills, 107

death rates, 5

death taxes, 93–94

Degler, Carl, Women and the Family in America from the Revolution to the Present, 12

denial, role of, 136

Dietz, Tracy L., 53

disagreements over inheritances, 62–63, 65

disinheritance, 2–3, 16, 55

divorce, 8–9, 49, 51, 61, 126

drawing down assets, 63–64

early retirement, 123

Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (Marx), 41

Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (EGTRRA), 94–95, 96

Economic Recovery Tax Act, 94

Economy and Society (Weber), 42

education: cost of, 17–18, 50

permanent loans for, 82, 90

Educational Equity Act, 18

Edwards, John N., 8

elder law attorney, 109

elders: estimated federal spending for, 115

family support for, 44, 53–54, 79, 84–85, 131, 135, 144

income inequality and, 118

population of, 117–18, 132

eligibility age for Social Security, 124, 125

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 30

employer pension funds, 30–32

entail, 13, 16

entitlements, 30

equity, gifts of, 9

Esping-Andersen, Gøsta, 27

estate planning: beneficiary, assigning, and, 105

communication about, 86

equality and, 85

and goodwill among family members, 21–22

importance of, 81–82, 92

Medicaid and, 100–101

notebook, 104–5

stages of, 103–4

timing of, 99. See also retirement planning

estate recovery by Medicaid, 102, 130–31

estate taxes, 94–98

bequest motives and, 37

families affected by, 20

by states, 97

Tocqueville and, 11

estranged family, 49

ethnicity. See race and ethnicity

Europe. See Mediterranean nations; Western European nations

executor, choosing, 89–90

expectations about inheritance, 63

fairness issues, 83, 85, 87–88

family: aging of American, 4–9

blended, 89

economic growth and, 19

ideal types of, 49

kin network, 33–35

material exchanges and, 1–2, 37–41

modern American, 12

siblings, conflict between, 39–40, 88

as social safety net, 19

traditional responsibilities of, 27–28. See also children; family ideology; grandchildren

Family and Medical Leave Act, 26

family ideology: challenges to, 86–89

definition of, 40, 66

intergenerational transfers and, 78–80

money as gift and, 67–71

research on, 142–43

Favreault, Melissa, 51

Federal Estate Tax Act, 93–94

Figueiredo, Carlos, 63

filial affinity, 45–47, 67

financial assistance, gift giving as, 43–47, 137

financial planner, 104–5, 109

fiscal child abuse, 141

fourth age, 7–8

friends, gifts to, 92–93

functional exchange, 49

Gale, William G., 4

gay couples, 84

gender: inter vivos gifts and, 83

retirement and, 137–40. See also widows; women

generational equity, 112–16, 131–32, 141–42, 143

generational status and filial expectation, 46–47

Generation D, 141–42

Generations X and Y, 61, 112, 141

gift giving: to children from parents, 68–69, 75

complexity of, 38–39

contextual model of, 45–46

demography of, 136–37

emotion and, 48

family ideology and, 142–43

as financial assistance, 43–47, 137

generational attitudes about, 47–48

inheritances as form of, 2

motivations for, 49–54. See also inter vivos gifts

gift tax, 98

Gist, John, 63

goal of study, 3

Goldscheider, Calvin, 45

Goldscheider, Frances K., 45

Gomez, Ernesto, 54

government taxing policies, 111–12

Graeber, David, 38

grandchildren: caring for, 52–53

estate planning and, 87

financial support for, 8

Great Depression, 59, 67, 69, 75

Great Transformation, The (Polanyi), 38

Greenspan, Alan, 111, 120

Gruber, Jonathan, 143–44

Grundy, Emily, 51

guardianship, legal, 107

Gustman, Alan L., 104

Hall, Peter D., 17

Hareven, Tamara K., 12

Harris, Susan, 51

Hashimoto, Akiko, 49

Health and Retirement Study (HRS), 7, 51, 120–21

health care: barriers to, 27

costs of, 6–8, 34, 127–31

Health Insurance Portability Act, 141

Henretta, John C., 51

higher education, cost of, 17–18

Hispanic population: growth of, 118

inheritance and, 43–44

Medigap coverage and, 128–29

retirement security for, 123

support for elderly parents among, 44, 79. See also Mexican Americans

Homestead Act, 15

Hughes, M. Elizabeth, 61

Hurd, Michael, 63

ideology. See family ideology

incapacity, functional, 107

income inequality: Baby Boomers and, 61

in elderly population, 118

estate taxes and, 95

generational inequality and, 116

growth and causes of, 34–35

race, ethnicity, and, 26, 118–19

inheritance taxes, 93–94, 96, 97, 98

intergenerational exchange: children, parents, and, 78–80, 84–85

form and function of, 49

long-term, 40–41

timing of, 80–81

value of, 75–76. See also gift giving

intergenerational relationships, dimensions of, 48–49

intergenerational wealth transfer. See wealth transfer, intergenerational

interviews: about gifts received, 67–70

background on, 65–67

inter vivos gifts: definition of, 17, 81

for education, 82

family dynamics of, 135

to friends and charities, 92–93

inequality of, 91

with strings, 82–83, 86. See also gift giving

Japan, 29

Jefferson, Thomas, 14

Johnson, Richard W., 51

joint tenancy with right of survivorship, 105

Kahn, Robert C., 48

kin network, 33–35

Kotlikoff, Laurence J., 4, 141

land ownership, 12, 14–15

Langbein, John H., 50

Latino population. See Hispanic population

laws regarding inheritance: in colonial period, 12–14

in modern America, 16–18

origins of, 11

women and, 14–16

“liberal” welfare states, 28, 29

lifecycle model of accumulation of wealth, 31–32

life expectancy, 5–6, 8

living trust, 107

long-term care, 8, 99–100, 102

long-term care insurance, 101, 109–10, 141

“look back period,” 100

Maclachlan, Fiona, 42

Madrian, Brigitte C., 143–44

male-breadwinner model, 125–26, 138–39

Maori principle of gift giving, 37–38

Marcus, George E., 17

Markides, Kyriakos S., 54

Martin, Harry W., 54

Marx, Karl, 41–42

material exchanges: emotional ties and, 18, 77

family and, 1–2, 37–41

Mauss, Marcel, 37–38, 78

McGarry, Kathleen, 51, 52

McNamee, Stephen J., 17

McNicoll, Geoffrey, 33

Medicaid: eligibility determination, 102

and estate, 102, 130–31

long-term care and, 99–100

nursing home benefits under, 100–101

recipients of, and expenditures for, 6–7, 127

stigma of, 29

medical care costs, 6–8, 34, 127–31

medical power of attorney, 106–7

Medicare: administrative costs of, 130

expenditures for, 128

financing reforms for, 129–30

nursing home care and, 99, 100

prescription drug benefit, 119

Medigap coverage, 128–29

Mediterranean nations, 29

Mexican Americans: generational attitudes of, 47

inheritance and, 43–44

reliance on children by, 53–54. See also Hispanic population

Miller, Robert K., Jr., 17

Molm, Linda D., 47

money: as allowance, 70–71

attitudes about, 65–67, 140

Baby Boomers and, 60–62

childhood experiences with, 69, 135

contemporary studies of, 42–43

costs of having, 73–74

effects of, 65–66

generational issues and, 58–59

meanings of, 71–73, 76

Silent Generation and, 59–60, 67, 69, 75, 140–141

talking about, 58, 74–75

theoretical perspectives on, 41–42

moral values and gift giving, 38, 67–71, 78–80

National Survey of Families and Households, 54–55

Nordic countries, 29

nursing home care, 99–100

old-age security, 112–14

Old Northwest Ordinance, 15

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, 100, 102

O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” 142

opportunity structure, 48–49

O’Rand, Angela M., 61

out-of-pocket health care expenditures, 6–7, 128

patriarchy, 13. See also primogeniture

payroll taxes, 119, 124

Paz, Juan, 44

pension funds, 30–32

Pension Protection Act, 135

pension reform, 139–40

personal wealth, 19–20

Pestieau, Pierre, 93

pick-up tax, 94

Polanyi, The Great Transformation, 38

postnuptial agreement, 108

“potlatch” tradition, 78

poverty, 50–51, 131–32. See also income inequality

power of attorney, 89–90, 106–7

prenuptial agreement, 108

prescription drug benefit, 119

primogeniture, 11, 14, 15, 16

privatization of Social Security, 124–25, 126, 139–40

probate courts, 21

property, transfer of: in colonial period, 12–14

minorities and, 20

in modern America, 16–18

women and, 14–16

public pension spending, 113

public policies, 135

public sector, role of, 25

Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries, 130

race and ethnicity: age grading of society and, 25

benefits cuts and, 125

elderly population and, 117–18

eligibility age and, 125

financial assets and, 120–21

gift giving and, 44–45

income inequality and, 26, 118–19

inheritance and, 43–44

Medicare and, 128–29

postretirement poverty and, 50–51

transfer of property and, 20

women, retirement, and, 121, 122, 140. See also Hispanic population; Mexican Americans

real property tenure, 12

reciprocity and gift giving, 37–38

relationships, 48–49

remarriage, 108. See also divorce

research: agenda for, 142–45

cross-national, 32–35

methodology of, 147–48

sample selection, 148–49

resource consumption, 113–14

retirement income security systems, 26

retirement planning: delaying or ignoring, 64, 136

failure of, 39

women, divorce, and, 8–9. See also estate planning

Ribar, David C., 47

Roosevelt, Franklin, 59

Samuelson, P., 33

savings, personal, 30–32

Scandinavian countries, 28, 29, 33

Schoeni, Robert F., 51, 52

Scholz, John K., 4

Shapiro, Thomas M., 9, 45

siblings, conflict between, 39–40, 88, 108

Silent Generation: characteristics of, 59–60, 66

money and, 67, 69, 75, 140–41

Silverstein, Merril, 40–41, 47

Simmel, Georg, 42

Smith, James, 125

Snowe, Olympia, 112

social convoy model, 48

social democratic welfare state, 28

social exchange theory, 47

social policy demands, 143–44

Social Security: birth of, 59

eligibility age for, 124, 125

generational pact and, 113–14

male-breadwinner model of, 125–26, 138–39

maximum monthly benefit, 31

reform to, 119–26, 139–40

as “third rail,” 142

Trust Fund, trustees of, 119

social services, market for, 28

son, in colonial period, 13

spouse, in wills, 55

state, the, as insurer of last resort, 28–29

Steinmeier, Thomas L., 104

Summers, Lawrence H., 4

Sussman, Marvin, 19

taxes: death, 93–94

gift, 98

government policies and, 111–12

inheritance, 93–94, 96, 97, 98

payroll, 119, 124

pick-up, 94. See also estate taxes

Taxpayer Relief Act, 94

Tax Reform Act, 94

testamentary freedom, 13–14, 16

testation, 21

third age, 4

Title IX, Educational Equity Act, 18

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 11

Townsend movement, 59

traditional societies, 11, 37

transfer of property: in colonial period, 12–14

minorities and, 20

in modern America, 16–18

women and, 14–16

transfer of wealth. See wealth transfer, intergenerational

trustees of Social Security Trust Fund, 119

unequal bequests, 51

wage distribution, 34

wealth: accumulation of, 31–32, 33, 60, 66

costs of, 73–74

wealth transfer, intergenerational: frequency of, 54–55

kin network and, 33–35

methods of, 36

motives for, 36–37

paying for education and, 50

purpose of, 22

size of, 3, 20

trends in, 4

Weber, Max, 41, 42

Weisbrot, Mark, 112

welfare state: appearance of, 26

cross-national comparisons of, 32–35

inequalities of, 114–16

legacy of modern, 27–29

“liberal,” 29

old-age security and, 25

postindustrial reality and, 29–30

public pension spending, 113

typology of, 28

in United States, 30

Western European nations, United States compared to, 25–27, 32–33

White, Lynn, 8

widows: common law rights and, 15

community property laws and, 16

financial situation of, 84–85

state laws and, 15

traditional life estate and, 22

Wilhelm, Mark O., 47, 50

wills: changing terms of, 107–8

characteristics of Americans over age 70 with, 55, 56

communication about, 86

death bed, 107

description of, 106

judgments and, 86–87, 88–89

percent of population with, 21, 64

before twentieth century, 20–21

Wolff, Edward N., 34

women: as caregivers, 127

divorce, retirement planning, and, 8–9

education of, 18

inheritance laws and, 12–13, 14–16

Iroquois and Algonkian, 16

money and, 72–73

postretirement poverty and, 50–51

race, ethnicity, retirement, and, 121, 122, 140

Social Security and, 125–26. See also daughters; widows

Women and the Family in America from the Revolution to the Present (Degler), 12

workers-to-retirees ratio, 116, 123, 128

workforce: face of future, 122–23

Yaquis, 44

Zelizer, Viviana A., 43

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