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Preface 1 James E. Davison, “Structural Similarities and Dissimilarities in the Thought of Clement of Alexandria and the Valentinians,” SecCent 3 (1983): 212. 2 Morton Smith, Clement of Alexandria and a Secret Gospel of Mark (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1973), 448–52. 3 Smith, Clement of Alexandria, 446–47. 4 Robert J. Miller, ed., The Complete Gospels: Annotated Scholars Version (Sonoma: Polebridge Press, 1992), 405. Chapter 1 1 Isaak Vossius, Ignatius v. Antiochien, Epistolae genuinae S. Ignatii Martyris. For Smith’s account of the discovery, see Morton Smith, The Secret Gospel: The Discovery and Interpretation of the Secret Gospel According to Mark (New York: Harper and Row, 1973) (hereafter cited as SG). 2 Subsequent references to the letter will omit the title. See the preface for an explanation of the conventions I use when referring to Clement’s works. 3 The Greek term here translated “young man” (neaniskos) normally refers to a male in his twenties. Since this character’s youth is treated as his defining feature, we can presume that he is noticeably younger than Jesus and his disciples, hence probably in his early-to-mid-twenties. See Marvin W . Meyer, “The Youth in the Secret Gospel of Mark,” Semeia 49 (1990): 139–40. 4 The linen clothing is of an unspecified form. The phrase “having put a linen (something) upon his naked body” would be a very unnatural way to describe someone dressed in a regular garment; however, the same word for linen (sindōn) is used in Mark 15:46 to describe the simple sheet in which Joseph of Arimathea wrapped Jesus’ corpse, so translators tend to refer to the young man’s wrapping as a linen sheet or linen cloth (e.g., the RSV , NRSV , NEB, and JB at Mark 14:51–52). 239  Notes  brown_10_notes.qxd 2005/04/26 12:23 PM Page 239 5 Smith, SG, 13. 6 Smith, Clement of Alexandria and a Secret Gospel of Mark (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1973), 1 (hereafter cited as CA); SG, 22–23. 7 Pierson Parker, “On Professor Morton Smith’s Find at Mar-Saba,” AThR 56 (1974): 53–57. 8 Parker’s opinion was quoted in Sanka Knox, “Expert Disputes ‘Secret Gospel,’” New York Times, 31 December 1960, p. 7. Parker reasoned that any detail in LGM 1 and 2 that cannot be found in exactly the same form in canonical Mark must be deemed non-Markan, a premise that would make every detail that appears only once in canonical Mark the product of another author. See Parker, “Smith’s Find,” 53–54; idem, “An Early Christian Cover-up?” New York Times Book Review (22 July 1973): 5. Smith explained Parker’s methodological confusions in SG, 39, 42, 46. 9 Smith, CA, 139; SG, 42–43. 10 Smith, CA, 143. See the whole discussion on pp. 142–44. 11 Morton Smith, “Merkel on the Longer Text of Mark,” ZTK 72 (1975): 143. 12 Smith, CA, 152–58; SG, 45–46, 52–56. 13 Smith, SG, 46–52, 56–61; idem, “Mark 6:32–15:47 and John 6:1–19:42,” in Society of Biblical Literature 1978 Seminar Papers, ed. Paul J. Achtemeier (Missoula: Scholars Press, 1978), 2:281–87. 14 Smith, CA, 194; idem, response to Reginald Fuller, in Longer Mark: Forgery, Interpolation , or Old Tradition? ed. Wilhelm H. Wuellner, Protocol of the Eighteenth Colloquy : 7 December 1975 (Berkeley: Center for Hermeneutical Studies in Hellenistic and Modern Culture, 1976), 12–13 (hereafter, this book will be cited as LM). The approximate date of 95 CE that Smith gave in LM conflicts with his earlier claim in SG, 142 that Matthew knew and used the longer text by the year 90. 15 Smith, “Merkel,” 143; CA, 114, 135. 16 Smith, CA, 121–22, 188–92, 194; SG, 41–42, 42–43 n. 2. 17 Smith, CA, 183; SG, 79. He essentially retracted this suggestion in his book Jesus the Magician (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1978), 207. 18 Smith, CA, 176–78. Part of Richardson’s letter is reproduced in SG, 64–65. 19 Smith, SG, 65–66, 113–14, 119–20, 130–31; CA, 240 n. 17, 251, 253–54, 263, 283, 284. 20 Shawn Eyer, “The Strange Case of the Secret Gospel According to Mark: How Morton Smith’s Discovery of a Lost Letter of Clement of Alexandria Scandalized Biblical Scholarship,” Alexandria 3 (1995): 109–10; available online at: . 21 See, e.g., Joseph A. Fitzmyer, “How to Exploit a Secret Gospel,” America...
