In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

wo rK s Ci t Ed Adler-Kassner, Linda. The Activist WPA: Changing Stories about Writing and Writers. Logan: Utah State UP, 2008. Print. Adler-Kassner, Linda, R. Crooks, and A. Watters, eds. Writing the Community: Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Composition. Washington, DC: American Association for Higher Education, 1997. Print. Adler-Kassner, Linda, and Susanmarie Harrington. Basic Writing as a Political Act: Public Conversations about Writing and Literacies. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton, 2002. Print. Alexander, Jonathan. “Ravers on the Web: Resistance, Multidimensionality, and Writing (about) Youth Culture.” Kairos 7.3 (2002). Web. 4 May 2009. Alexander, P. A., and P. K. Murphy. “Nurturing the Seeds of Transfer: A Domain-Specific Perspective.” International Journal of Educational Research 31 (1999): 561–76. Print. Allen, Nancy. Working with Words and Images: New Steps in an Old Dance. Stamford, CT: Ablex, 2002. Print. Allen, Nancy, and Steven T. Benninghoff. “TPC Program Snapshots: Developing Curricula and Addressing Challenges.” Technical Communication Quarterly 13.2 (2004): 157–85. Print. Allen, O. Jane, and Lynn H. Deming. Publications Management: Essays for Professional Technical Communicators. Technical Communication. Amityville, NY: Baywood, 1994. Print. Alsup, Janet, and Michael Bernard-Donals. “The Fantasy of the ‘Seamless Transition.’” Teaching Writing in High School and College. Ed. Thomas Thompson. Bloomington, IN: NCTE, 2002. 115–35. Print. Amidon, Steven, and Stuart Blythe. “Wrestling with Proteus: Tales of Communication Managers in a Changing Economy.” Journal of Business & Technical Writing 22.1 (2008): 5–37. Print. Anderson, Paul. “Conference on Assessment in the Humanities That Can Benefit WPAs.” Online posting. WPA-L, 5 Jan. 2011. Accessed 18 February 2012. Web. “Announcements.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 31.3 (Spring 2008): 3. Print. Anson, Chris. “The Intelligent Design of Writing Programs: Reliance on Belief or a Future of Evidence?” WPA: Writing Program Administration 32.1 (2008): 11–36. Print. ———. “Portfolios for Teachers: Writing Our Way to Reflective Practice.” Black et al. 185–200. Anson, Chris M., and L. Lee Forsberg. “Moving beyond the Academic Community: Transitional Stages in Professional Writing.” Written Communication 7.2 (1990): 200–231. Print. Arthurs, Jeffrey. “The Term Rhetor in Fifth- and Fourth-Century B.C.E. Greek Texts.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 23.3–4 (1994): 1–10. Print. Arum, Richard, and Josipa Roksa. Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2011. Print. Ashwell, Tim. “Patterns of Teacher Response to Student Writing in a Multiple-Draft Composition Classroom: Is Content Feedback Followed by Form Feedback the Best Method?” Journal of Second Language Writing 9.3 (2000): 227–57. Print. “Author’s Guide.” WPA: Writing Program Administration. 3.1 (1979): 2. Print. “Author’s Guide.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.3 (1990): 3. Print. “Author’s Guide.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.3 (1994): 3. Print. “Author’s Guide.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 31.3 (2008): 5. Print. 248 ExP LORI N G C OM P OSI T I ON ST U D I ES Bakhtin, M. M. Speech Genres and Other Late Essays. Austin: U of Texas P, 1986. Print. Banks, Adam. Race, Rhetoric, and Technology: Searching for Higher Ground. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 2005. Print. Barnett, Robert W., and Jacob S. Blumner. The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing Center Theory and Practice. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. Print. Barnum, Carol M. Usability Testing and Research. New York: Longman, 2002. Print. Barr Ebest, Sally. Changing the Way We Teach: Writing and Resistance in the Training of Teaching Assistants. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 2005. Print. ———. “Gender Differences in Writing Program Administration.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.3 (1995): 53-73. Print. Bartholomae, David. “Inventing the University.” Journal of Basic Writing 5.1 (1986): 4- 23. Bartholomae, David. “The Tidy House: Basic Writing in the American Curriculum.” Journal of Basic Writing 12 (1993): 4–21. Rpt. in Writing on the Margins: Essays on Composition and Teaching. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2005: 312–26. Print. Bartholomae, David, and Anthony Petrosky. Eds. Ways of Reading: An Anthology for Writers. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. Print. Barton, David. “Understanding Textual Practices in a Changing World.” The Future of Literacy Studies. Eds. M. Baynham & M. Prinsloo. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 38-53. Print. Basmadjian, Kevin G. “Watching What We Say: Using Video to Learn about Discussions.” English Education 41.1 (2008): 13–38. Print. Bautier, Elisabeth. “Formes et activités scolaires: Secondarisation, reconfiguration et diff érenciation sociale.” Le français hier et aujourd’hui: Politiques de la langue et apprentissages scolaires. Ed. N. Ramognino and P. K. Vergès. Aix en Provence: Presses de l’Universit...
