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106 wh o g ave y ou th e in vitation? 4. Sorginei emango diegu pozoi indartsua. 5. Banpiroari eramango diozu hilkutxako giltza. 6. Zuri erregalatuko dizute txakurra. 7. Irakasleari bidaliko diogu bideoa. activity 3.11 ■ comprehension / translation 1. To whom will you give the heater? I will give it to [my] parents. 2. To whom will Jon tell the truth? Jon will tell the truth to [his] friends. 3. To whom will we bring that old radio? You (pl.) will bring that old radio to the girl. 4. To whom will you (pl.) give the strong poison? We will give the strong poison to the witches. 5. To whom will I take/carry the coffin key? You will take/carry the coffin key to the vampire. 6. To whom will they give the dog as a gift? They will give the dog to you as a gift. 7. To whom will you (pl.) send the video? We will send the video to the teacher. activity 3.13 ■ directed translation with a model 1. Astero guk gutuna idazten dizugu. 2. Astero guk gutuna idazten diogu. 3. Astero guk gutuna idazten diegu. 4. Astero guk gutuna idazten dizuegu. 5. Astero guk gutuna idazten diogu. 6. Egunero zuk egia esaten diezu. 7. Egunero zuk egia esaten diguzu. 8. Egunero zuk egia esaten diezu. 9. Egunero zuk egia esaten diozu. answ e rs 107 activity 3.14 ■ practicing with nor- nori- nork 1. Zuek gitarra emango didazue. 2. Amak gitarra emango dit. 3. Zuk gitarra emango didazu. 4. Osabek gitarra emango didate. 5. Haiek ez didate ezer emango! 6. Gotzonek ez dit ezer emango! 7. Zuk ez didazu ezer emango! activity 3.15 ■ comprehension / translation 1. Edurne has rented the small flat (apartment) for me (or from me). 2. My parents will not buy me a car. 3. The hairdresser will give me a comb in the elevator. 4. You (pl.) do not want to give me any money. 5. You always tell me the truth, don’t you? 6. On Saturday, Jose will buy me a backpack. activity 3.16 ■ directed transformations 1. Amak ez dit ipuina irakurriko. 2. Zuk ez diezu bileterik erosi nahi. 3. Guk beti egia esaten dizugu. 4. Erizain polit horiek ez digute aspirina eman nahi. 5. Bihar nik ostatu famatua erosiko diot. activity 3.20 ■ creating subordinate clauses with - (e)la 1. Jonek esan dit zuek amari oilo ahula erosi diozuela. Jon told me that you (pl.) bought the weak chicken for Mother. 2. Jonek esan dit lapurrak poliziei gezurra esan diela. Jon told me that the thief told a lie to the police. 3. Jonek esan dit guk zuei txokolatezko igela erosiko dizuegula. Jon told me that we will buy you (pl.) the chocolate frog. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 16:42 GMT) 108 wh o g ave y ou th e in vitation? 4. Jonek esan dit zuk herensugeei hipopotamoa janarazi diezula. Jon told me that you will feed the hippopotamus to the dragons. 5. Jonek esan dit nik gizon sentiberari katu bat erregalatuko diodala. Jon told me that I will give the sensitive man a cat as a present. 6. Jonek esan dit haiek ardorik saldu ez digutela. Jon told me that they did not sell us any wine (did not sell any wine to us). 109 Who Gave Us Poison? Dialogue Pozoia ur-sisteman! 1. Hanka Luze erraldoia gaixorik dago. 2. Bere lagunak ere gaixorik daude, baina ez dakite zergatik. 3. Hanka Luzek Xurga banpiroarekin hitz egin nahi du. 4. Xurga erraldoien auzoan bizi da. 5. Hanka Luzek Xurgari telefonoz deitzen dio. 6. Xurgak erantzuten du. > 7. > 10. > 11. > 14. > 15. > 16. > 17. > 18. > esan dio Xurgak. 19. > 21. Hanka Luze beste etxeetara joan da. 22. Lehenengo etxean Zaunka otsogizona bizi da. 23. Bigarren etxean Oin Handi eta bere familia bizi dira. 24. Hirugarren etxean Hanka Luze eta bere senitartea bizi dira. 25. Laugarren etxean Xurga banpiroa bizi da. 26. Xurgaren etxetik laborategira doaz, lau edalontziekin, urez beteta. ■ Hitz eta esaldi berriak ■ hanka leg ur water ura the water [- r - is not doubled] ur- sist ema wa ter system urre gol d urrea th e gold urrezko made of gold lehenengo first bigarren sec ond hirugarren t hird laugarren fou rth edalontzi dr inking glass urez beteta full of water - [e]zbeteta full (adv.) [plus instrumental -[e]z attached to noun] herri kirolak n ational sports hitzaldi lecture idi- p robak weight-pulling contests involving oxen irristaketa ska ting...
