In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Foreword by Glenn Wasicuna vii Introduction 3 Chapter one Homelands 13 Chapter two Reading Between the Lines of the Historical Record 31 Chapter three Dakota Landscape in the Nineteenth Century 81 Chapter four Drawing Lines on Sacred Land: The Dakota Treaties 133 Chapter five Reclaiming Minnesota—Mni Sota Makoce 197 Contributor Statements and Acknowledgments 225 Notes 235 Bibliography 253 Index 263 Image Credits 273 Contents WestermanWhite.indd 5 7/16/12 8:31 AM Ma Íuå za Ta Ma Wi Ca Wa Wa| H| W| W| B Ho Ma| A| M Ma pah Wi Oh| W| U Tat| M Ina, ohiåni uånikiksuyapi. WestermanWhite.indd 6 7/16/12 8:31 AM ...
