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88 Jacques Legardeur de Saint-Pierre Potawatomis, and Miamis in the Detroit region were sympathetic to Orontony, and Paul-Joseph Le Moyne de Longueuil, the Detroit commander , had good reason to fear that they planned to destroy the post and its French inhabitants. In August Orontony's influence resulted in the destruction of a French trading post by the Miamis, succinctly described in the annual statement of income and expenditures for the upper-country posts for 1747-48:20 doc. 36a The Miami post of the White River was leased out in 1746 for three years to Sieur Uacques] St. Ange Charly for the Amount of 3000# for which he has not paid the first year of his lease and from which he is asking to be released in consideration of the fact that he was looted by the Indians who carried away His furs and His merchandise , killed five of his Engages and destroyed the post's house. Among the other violent acts III the general uprising, sometimes referred to as the Huron Conspiracy, three Frenchmen on their way from Detroit to Michilimackinac were killed by Ottawas at Saguinan (Saginaw, Michigan). French canoes were being attacked, horses and cattle were killed, and the Ottawas of Michilimackinac and the nearby Chippewas were threatening that post, where a Frenchman had been stabbed to death just north of Mackinac Island. By mid-17 47, both Detroit and Michilimackinac, the two key posts of the upper country, were in great danger and in dire need of reinforcements and supplies.21 NOTES 1. Blaine Adams, "Le Prevost Duquesne! (Du Quesnel), Jean-Baptiste-Louis," in Dictionary of Canadian Biography (hereafter cited as DCB) (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1966-1991), 3:392-93. 2. St. Pierre au Ministre, sans date ni lieu, [1749], National Archives of Canada (hereafter cited as NAC), MG1, Archives nationales (Paris), Colonies (hereafter cited as AN Col.), Cll A 93: transcript pages 190-96, microfilm C2398. 3. Instructions pour Ie Sieur Le Gardeur de St. Pierre, Quebec, Ie 12 octobre 1745, Archives du Seminaire de Quebec aQuebec (hereafter cited as ASQ), Fonds Verreau, carton 5, no. 30, 4 pages. King George's War, 1745-1747 89 4. Otter Creek, east of Lake Champlain, flows northward into the lake to the north of Fort St. Frederic (Crown Point, New York). 5. Beaucours also signed his name "Boisberthelot." 6. Rolle des Officiers, Cadets, et soldats detaches pour aller dans Ie party Commande par Mr. de St. Pierre, Montreal, Ie 22 octobre 1745, ASQ, Fonds Verreau, carton 5, no. 55,4 pages. 7. An anspessade was a "lieutenant corporal," subordinate to a corporal according to Marcel Trudel, Ittitiation aLa Nouvelle-France, (Montreal: Les Editions HRW Itee, 1971),174. 8. The detachment went to Saratoga, New York, via the Hudson River. 9. Ordres de Beauharnois it St. Pierre, Quebec, Ie 23 octobre 1745, ASQ, Fonds Verreau, carton 5, no. 36, 1 page; St. Pierre aBeauharnois, sans date ni lieu (Montreal, apres Ie 23 octobre 1745), ASQ, Fonds Verreau, carton 5, no. 9, 2 pages. 10. W. J. Eccles, The Canadian FroMier, 1534-1760, rev. ed. (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1983), 151. 11. Beauhamois it St. Pierre, Quebec, Ie 15 decembre 1745, ASQ, Fonds Verreau, carton 5, no. 31, 6 pages. 12. Beauhamois it St. Pierre, Quebec, Ie 30 decembre 1745, ASQ, Fonds Verreau, carton 5, no. 15, 2 pages. 13. St. Pierre au Ministre, sans date ni lieu [1749], NAC, MGl, AN Col. ClIA 93, transcript pages 190-96, microfilm C2398 (document 43 is translated in its entirety in chap. 4); Etienne Taillemite, "La Rochefoucauld de Roye, JeanBaptiste -Louis-Frederic de, Marquis de Roucy, Due d'Anville," in DCB, 3:356; Eccles, Canadiatt Frontier, 172. 14. St. Pierre it Monseigneur Rouille, sans date ni lieu (1749), NAC MGl, AN Col., CllA 93: transcript pages 183-84, microfilm C2398; Isabel T. Kelsay, "Karaghtadie (Karaghiagdatie, Kuriahtaaty, Nicholas, Nickus)," in DCB, 3:32223 ; C. J. Russ, "La Come, Louis Oean-Louis, Pierre, Louis-Luc, Louis-Franyois) de," in DCB, 3:331-32; Donald Chaput, "Legardeur de Saint-Pierre, Jacques," in DCB, 3:375; Milton W. Hamilton, "Theyanoguin (Teoniahigarawe, Tiyanoga, Tee Yee Neen Ho Ga Row or more correctly Deyohninhohhakarawenh, White Head, Hendrick, King Hendrick, or after 1750 Hendrick Peters)," in DCB, 3: 622-24; Beauharnois it St. Pierre, Quebec, Ie 22juin 1747, ASQ, Fonds Verreau, carton 5, no. 22, 1 page. St. Pierre's own account of this action is translated in document 43 in chap...
