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311 A Aaron, 77, 158–59, 228, 237 Abdimi bar Hama bar Hasa, Rav, 32, 193 Abelson, Rabbi Kassel, 290 abortion, 10–11, 14, 17, 53, 211 Abraham covenant model, 88–90, 97, 101, 108 morality, 236–37 motivations, 138, 145, 154–55, 172 theory, 9, 17, 33 acceptance of the Torah, 30, 90, 102, 105, 112–13, 176, 205–6 accountability, 158 activity and rest periods in law, 75 Adler, Rabbi Morris, 215 adultery, 18, 20, 95, 116, 230 aggadah (lore), 46, 213, 225 agreement, Jewish law as an, 15, 27–28, 111–12, 150 Agus, Jacob, 277 Akiva, Rabbi, 32, 57, 67, 94, 120, 179, 196, 201, 203–4 Alice in Wonderland, 201 All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, 138 Amalek, 231 ambiguity of the Torah, 57, 90, 150, 195, 200, 234 Amemar, 193 amends (teshuvah), 62, 142, 220–22 American Jewish University. See University of Judaism American vs Jewish law continuity and change, 196, 198, 204–5 covenant model, 97, 106 custom, 248, 250–52, 257, 264 morality, 211, 220–21, 223–24 motivations, 145–47, 152, 167–68, | 181 systems, legal, 49, 54, 56, 58, 63, 68, 74, 78 theory, 5–21, 27, 30, 284, 289–90 Amos, 151, 163, 226 analogy and equivalence, difference between, 22–27, 110–11 Antigonus, 171 Antoninus, 80n2 apostate (meshumad), status in Judaism, 7–8, 37–38n10, 37n8, 185n32 Aquinas, Thomas, 25, 106 Aristotle, 25 Index Armed Forces, U.S., 131, 152. see also military Ashkenazic Judaism, 49, 67, 256 association vs individualism. see individualism vs association attitude of Jews toward law, 58, 108 Augustine, 213 authority. See also God, legislator, as; prophecy; rabbis, lawmakers, as conflicting decisions, 28–29, 181, 226–27, 237 custom and, 73, 245–48, 251–52 Divine, 29–30, 51–52, 99–101, 143–44, 190–91, 196, 199–200, 203–4 human, 191–93, 196–200, 204–7, 208n3, 209n24 legal theory and, 5, 13–16, 18–20 morality provided to by law, 34–36, 138, 218 ordination of rabbis as means of, 15, 197–98, 280 Torah as legal, 14–15, 50–52, 54–55, 57, 112 autonomy, legal, 7, 12, 19, 78, 115, 168, 279 B Bag, Ben Bag, 36 Balaam, 41–42n57 Bar Kokhba revolt, 13 baseball analogy for judgment, 20 beauty of life as motivation for law adherence, 179–80, 188n67, 206, 252 Bedan, 228 behavior, change in through custom, 247–48 Beraita, 254 Bergman, Rabbi Ben Zion, 259, 264 Berkovits, Eliezer, 51, 169 Biblical criticism, 29–37 Bill of Rights, the, 11, 201 birth and death of laws, 75–77 birth control, 53. See also abortion Bleich, J. David, 51 Blumenthal, David, 169 body and soul of Jewish law, 45–46, 80n2, 87–96. See also organic aspects of Jewish law Bolyai, Janos, 82n23 Borowitz, Eugene, 28, 115, 118, 279–80 Bowers v. Hardwick, 17 brit milah (ritual circumcision), 156, 178–79, 206, 265 Brother Daniel case, 7 Brown v. Board of Education (1954), 17, 248, 251 Buber, Martin, 118, 127n45 Buddhism, 65, 214 business law. See also commercial law custom, 247, 250 motivations, 135, 141, 164 systems, legal, 55, 58, 60, 62, 67, 73–74, 78 theory, 13, 19 C Camp Ramah, 47, 284 capital punishment, 6, 66–67, 74, 78, 182n4, 194, 203, 230, 237. See also death penalty, the Cardozo, Justice Benjamin, 20–21, 58 Cassuto, Umberto, 55, 81n13 casuistic method, 49, 56, 215–16 Catholic Israel, 240, 246, 259 Catholicism, 211 cells growth of, 61, 68, 287 stem, 60, 224, 290–91, 293 Central Conference of American Rabbis, 85n42 change behavior through custom, 247–48 continuity, and, balancing, 189–207, 216–18, 226, 229–30, 233–34, 236 covenant model, 107–8, 113–16 legislative (takkanot), 57, 62–63, 107, 202, 261, 267 metamorphic, 62–64, 68–69, 71–74 morality, and, 212, 223 organic aspect of, 61–64 312 INDEX 313 INDEX practice of the law, 230 systems, legal, 52–53, 56–57, 68–69, 71–74 theory, and, 5, 11, 14–15, 18–20, 24–26, 34–35 values, fitting, 217, 289, 295 charity. See poor, laws about the Christianity continuity and change, 191–93, 207 covenant model, 103 custom, 256 morality, 213–14, 219, 224 motivations, 148, 161 systems, legal, 51, 65, 67 theory, 28, 285, 287, 293 circumcision, ritual (brit milah), 156, 178–79, 206, 265 citizenship continuity and change, 197 covenant model, 94–95, 98, 114, 121 custom, 249 morality, 224 motivations, 131, 145–47, 152...
