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Index abhijñâ. See supranormal powers Bankei, 101 Barthes, Roland, 51 Berlin, James, 190 Blacker, Carmen, 166 Bodhidharma, 5, 87, 137, 171, 187–188 Bodiford, William M., 185–187 Bourdieu, Pierre, 51–52, 190–191 Brown, Peter, 49 causality, 6, 17, 19–20, 67–69, 79, 96–98, 100–102 114–117; in Abhidharma, 72–73, 101; and Buddhist thought, 71–74, 224n. 6, 238n. 7; in Hua-yen, 73; in Mulamâdhyamak âkarikâ, 72–73, 101–102, 116; and noncausality, 124–126; and pu-lo yin-kuo (furaku inga), 4, 96–98, 117, 137, 165, 174–175, 198–200; and pu-mei yin-kuo (fumai inga), 4, 67, 96–98, 105, 117, 120, 137, 165, 174–175, 198–200; and repentance, 128–129 Ch’an-men kuei-shih, 53, 8–82, 86, 88–92, 123–124, 217–219; translation of, 220–222. See also Pai-chang Ch’an-yüan ch’ing-kuei, 81, 89, 91, 121–123, 125, 167 Chao-chou, 50, 56–57, 98, 137 Chappell, David, 169–170 Ching-te ch’uan-teng lu, 5, 53, 82, 144–147, 201, 218 Chuang Tzu, 141, 143 Chu Hsi, 37, 84 Chung-feng Ming-pen, 41–42 Collcutt, Martin, 86, 187–188 Confucianism, 57–58, 138, 181, 191 Critical Buddhism (hihan Bukkyò), 20, 68–69, 110–117, 122, 170, 227n. 33, 244n. 14; and Hakamaya Noriaki, 110–114, 117–119, 124–127, 226n. 30; and Matsumoto Shirò, 114–115 Daikò, 198 Daitò, 105, 118, 128 Davis, Winston, 166 dhûta-practices, 16, 55–56, 205, 235n. 38 Digha Nikâya, 55–56, 119 Dògen, 9, 19–20, 63; on corruption, 84; and Daruma-shû, 107; on fox kòan, 17, 91–99, 105–109, 114–116, 120–122, 126–129, 163; and Gemmyò Ostracism, 93; and Hòkyòki, 117; and Jûroku rakan genzuiki, 119; and Kenzeiki, 113, 122; 291 on original enlightenment, 246n. 32; question of change in, 120–122; and Rakan kuyò shikibun, 119; and Shòbògenzò zuimonki, 10. See also Eihei kòroku; Shòbògenzò; Shushògi Dòryûroku, 10 Dreams (Akira Kurosawa), 34–35, 229n. 58 Dumoulin, Heinrich, 135 Eihei kòroku, 10, 17–18, 20, 23–24, 99, 117, 121–124, 214; commentary on fox kòan, 214–216; no. 3.251, 121–124; no. 5.390, 123–124; no. 6.437, 123; no. 7.498, 123; no. 9.5, 171 Eisai, 107 Ejò, 13 Fa-hua san-mei ch’an-i, 167 Faure, Bernard, 43, 182–183, 189–190 Foulk, T. Griffith, 86, 138, 187–188 four houses, 5, 223n. 4; lineage chart of, 8 fox imagery, 20–26, 30, 34–36, 55, 57–58, 63, 70–71, 75–77, 80, 118, 126, 128, 180, 191–193, 197–199 fox kòan: comparison of TKL and WMK versions of, 10–12, 206–208; folklore morality in, 188, 193–200; illustrations of, 5, 6, 7, 15, 97; philosophical approach to, 17–21, 54, 67–68, 73–74, 95–103, 159–160; supernatural element in, 12–16, 31–32, 77–79, 81–86; synopsis of, 3–5; textual history of, 9–13, 81; translations of, 202–205, 208–215; turning word in, 4, 35; as watò, 97–98 fox worship: and Dakini-shinten, 26–27; illustrations of, 27, 28, 29, 192, 195; and kitsune, 14, 26, 34, 229n. 58; at Toyokawa/Myògonji, 27–28, 149, 192, 196–197. See also shape-shifting; Zen Gasan Jòseki, 29 Gennò, 26; and killing stone, 29, 228n. 61. See also Zen Gimello, Robert M., 189–190 Gurevich, Aron, 40, 42, 46–48, 51–52, 190–191 Hakamaya Noriaki. See Critical Buddhism Hakuin, 24, 41, 91 Huang-po, 5, 11–12, 40, 62, 96, 99–100, 136, 151, 172–173, 179–180 Hua-yen Sutra, 133 Hui-k’o, 131, 171 Hui-neng, 87, 149–150. See also Platform Sutra Hume, David, 49–50 Hung-chih, 96, 99, 102, 107–108 Hsün-tzu, 21–22, 49 I Ching, 49, 141 Ikkyû, 54, 79, 103, 173 Inari, 26–27 jâtaka, 126, 228n. 54 Jen-shih chuan, 3, 34–35, 37–38, 156, 160, 178–180 Ju-ching, 23–24, 117 Kafka, Franz, 38, 151, 157 Kagamishima Genryû, 115 Kawamura Kòdò, 115 Keizan, 29, 183–184 King, Sallie, 112 Kingston, Maxine Hong, 46 kòans: animals in, 7; folklore element of, 131, 135–142, 145, 151–152; lecture styles and, 11–12, 41, 44, 89–90, 218–219, 240n. 45; literary element...
