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REFERENCES This list of References is taken from the EDOC; it may include works that are not mentioned in GSC; however, additional works that have been cited are included. For a full bibliography on works on Old Chinese, see Baxter 1992. Baxter, William H. 1977. Old Chinese Origins o/the Middle Chinese ch6ngniu Doublets: A Study Using Multiple Character Readings. PhD Diss. Cornell University. ---.1992. A Handbook ofOld Chinese Phonology. Berlin, New York. Baxter, William H., and Laurent Sagart. 1998. "Word formation in Old Chinese." In Packard 1998,35-76. Benedict, Paul K. 1972. Sino-Tibetan. A Conspectus. London. Beyer, Stephan V. 1992. The classical Tibetan language. Albany, New York. Bodman, Nicholas C. 1954. A Linguistic Study ofthe Shih Ming. Cambridge, Mass.: HarvardYenching Inst. Studies XI. Bodman, Nicholas C. 1980. Chinese and Sino-Tibetan; evidence towards establishing the nature of their relationship. In Frans van Coetsem and Linda R. Waugh, eds., Contributions to historical linguistics, 34-199. Leiden. Boltz, William G. 1994. The origin and early development of the Chinese writing system. New Haven, Conn. Boodberg, Peter A. 1937. "Some proleptical remarks on the evolution of archaic Chinese." HJAS 2: 329-372. Branner, David Prager. 1995; 2000. Problems in Comparative Chinese Dialectology. The Classification ofMiin and Hakka. Berlin, NewYork. Branner, David Prager, ed. 2006. The Chinese Rime Tables. Amsterdam. Chao Yuen Ren. 1941. Distinctions within Ancient Chinese. HJAS 5: 203-233. ---. 1968. A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. Berkeley, Cal. Chen FuhUll !l*![¥, ed. 1999. Gudai Hanyu cidian t=!J{1:1~~~EJ$. Beijing. Chen Zhangtili !l*:!j[:;t and URulong *~D~t. 1991. Mlnyu yanjiu ~~Wf~. Beijing. Coblin, W. South. 1978. "The initials ofXu Shen's language as reflected in the Shuowen duruo glosses." JCL 6.1: 27-75. ---. 1979-1980. "The finals of Cheng Hsuan's language as reflected in phonological glosses." MS 34: 263-317. ---. 1982. "Notes on the dialect of the Han Buddhist transcriptions". In Proceedings ofthe International Conference on Sinology. Taipei. ---. 1983. A Handbook ofEastern Han Sound Glosses. Hong Kong. ---. 1984. "The finals ofYang Xiong's language." JCL 11.2: 1-52. ---. 1987. "The rimes of Chang-an in middle Han times. Part II: The early Eastern Han period." AD 48: 89-110. ---. 1991a. Studies in Old Northwest Chinese. JCL Monograph 4. ---. 1991b. "Thoughts on dentilabialization in the Tang-time dialect of Shazhou." TP77: 88-107. ---. 1993a. "BTD revisited: a reconsideration of the Han Buddhist Transcriptional Dialect." BIHP63.4: 867-943. ---. 1993b. Beyond BTD: An excursion in Han phonology. Ms. 40 REFERENCES ---. 1994a. "Remarks on some early Buddhist transcriptional data from Northwest China." MS42: 151-169. ---. 1994b. A compendium ofphonetics in Northwest Chinese. JCL Monograph 7. ---. 1996. "Marginalia on two translations of the Qieyun preface." JCL 24.1: 85-97. ---. 1999. "Thoughts on the identity of the Chinese 'Phags-pa dialect." In Simmons, ed. Issues in Chinese dialect description and classification. ---.2006. Francisco Varas Glossary ofthe Mandarin Language. 2 vols. MS Monograph Series 53/1+2. St. Augustin, Germany. ---. 2007. A Handbook of 'Phags-pa Chinese. Honolulu. Coblin, W. South, and Joseph A. Levi. 2000. Francisco Yam's Grammar of the Mandarin languages (1703). Amsterdam/Philadelphia. Demieville, Paul. 1950. "Archai"smes de prononciation en chinois vulgaire." TP40: 1-59. DIng Fubao Tmii!i?:. n. d. Shu6wen jiezi gulfn ~)(1W*Wi!iif*. Taipei. Dobson, W.A.C.H. 1959. Late Archaic Chinese. Toronto. ---.1962. Early Archaic Chinese. Toronto. Downer, G. B. 1959. "Derivation by tone-change in classical Chinese." BSOAS 22: 258-290. Edmondson, Jerold A., and David B. Solnit. 1988. Comparative Kadai: Linguistic studies beyond Tai. Summer Inst. of Ling., U. of Texas at Arlington. Edmondson, Jerold A., and Yang Quan. 1988. "Word-initial preconsonants and the history of Kam-Sui resonant initials and tones." In Edmondson and Solnit 1988: 143-166. Emmerich, Reinhard, and Hans Stumpfeldt, eds. 2002. Und folge nun dem, was mein Herz begehrt. Festschrift fur Ulrich Unger zum 70. Geburtstag. Hamburger Sinologische Schriften 8. Hamburg. Erkes, Eduard. 1956. Chinesische Grammatik. Nachtrag zur Chinesischen Grammatik von G. v. d. Gabelentz. Berlin. Ferlus, Michel. 1998. "Du chinois archai"que au chinois ancien: monosyllabisation et formation des syllables tendullache." ICSTLL (Lund). ---. 1999. "Phonetique historique et ecriture du chinois: reflexions a propos de la serie phonologique GSR 94." LTBA 22.2: 1-20. Forrest, R. A. D. 1948. The Chinese Language. Third ed. 1973. London. Gabelentz, Georg von der. 1881. Chinesische Grammatik. Leipzig. Gong, Hwang-cherng. 1989. (Articles on Chinese-TangutlTangut-Chinese transcriptions, in 2002) ---. 1999. Cong Han-Zang yu de brjiao kan shanggu Hanyu de...
