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333333333333333  A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Pronouns in Samoan incorporate an “inclusive” and “exclusive” form, as well as providing for singular, dual, and plural forms. Personal Pronouns Singular (one person) Dual (two people) Plural (three or more) 1st person a‘u, ‘ita—I, me (‘ou, o‘u) tā‘ua (tā)—you and I (inclusive) tātou—we (you all and I, i.e., speakers, listeners) (inclusive) mā‘ua (mā) (exclusive)—we (he and I, but not the person addressed) mātou—we (they and I, but not the person addressed) 2nd person ‘oe (‘e)—you au ‘oulua (lua)—you (you two but not the speaker) ‘outou (tou)—you (all addressed but not the speaker) 3rd person ia (na) —he/she/it lā‘ua (lā)—they (two, excluding both speaker and person addressed) lātou—they The table shows corresponding English pronouns. It also shows major differences between the Samoan and English pronouns. 1. Dual pronouns: these involve only two people. The English language does not have dual pronouns. 2. Exclusive and inclusive pronouns: the pronoun for the first person, we in the dual and plural, has both an exclusive and inclusive form. thus: dual (we two) plural (we) tā‘ua (inclusive) tātou (inclusive) mā‘ua (exclusive) mātou (exclusive) LESoNA 19 Personal Pronouns Lesona   3. The third person singular ia, is used for he, she, it. Note: The short forms of the pronouns (in parentheses) do not go with the particle ‘o. for example: ‘O a‘u — ‘O ‘oe They are used in the following ways: (a) When the pronoun comes before the verb ‘Ou te ‘ai. — I eat. compared to: ‘Ua ‘ai a‘u. — I eat. (b) When the pronoun goes between the verb and the tense marker ‘Olo‘o ‘e māfaufau. — You are thinking. compared to: ‘Olo‘o māfaufau ‘oe. — You are thinking. (c) When the pronoun is in the second clause of the nominative absolute, supporting the first clause ‘O a‘u nei, ‘ou te alu. — As for me, I’ll go. “‘Ua alu atu le afi”—it is your turn. Hosts prepare to entertain guests. Samoan Studies, Victoria University, New Zealand ...
