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Pelajaran 4 Merayakan Lebaran 139 During the month of Ramadan, which is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims strive to increase their spirituality by fasting, prayer, and good works such as making charitable contributions. Fasting, one of the five pillars of Islam, involves abstaining from eating and drinking during the daylight hours. During the daylight hours during the month of Ramadan, many restaurants are closed, and work hours in office buildings may be relaxed. Sholat Mohon maaf lahir dan batin 140 ■ Pelajaran 4 Merayakan Lebaran At sunset, the fast is broken by partaking in a meal of many courses and special foods that are prepared only at this time of year. Sweets are eaten first, followed by Maghrib prayers, after which a full meal is eaten, often with friends and relatives. The other meal of the day, which is consumed just before dawn, is not a social event. Most people go back to sleep for a few hours after the predawn meal. Visiting increases during the month of Ramadan, and toward the end of the month relatives from afar return home for their annual visit to their natal home. Lebaran or Idul Fitri, which marks the end of the fasting month, is the most important Islamic holiday in Indonesia. The Islamic faithful celebrate Idul Fitri or Lebaran by praying at the mosque in the morning and then by visiting the homes of senior family members and other important elders. The visitor shows respect for elders by asking for forgiveness for any wrongdoings committed over the past year. The phrase Mohon maaf lahir batin is the formulaic manner of requesting forgiveness and literally means ‘I request forgiveness for my sinful deeds and thoughts.’ During the Lebaran festivities, visitors are given special food and drinks, and etiquette demands that one partake in these offerings even though one may have visited and eaten at a number of homes on that day. In this chapter you will: Lesson 4.1 ■ Use kalau and sebaiknya to connect ideas. ■ Use kalau to state a hypothesis or generalization or to indicate future time. ■ Use sebaiknya to make a suggestion or recommendation. Lesson 4.2 ■ Use sesudah, sebelum, tetapi, karena, and jadi to connect ideas and make longer sentences. ■ Talk about cause and effect using karena and state the final effect using jadi. ■ Use the structure karena + passive where the patient of the passive verb is unstated in the karena clause (Latihan 6). ■ Give advice (Latihan Tambahan). Lesson 4.3 ■ Use sebenarnya (actually) to qualify your statements. ■ Use kalau begitu (in that case) to draw a conclusion. Lesson 4.4 ■ Learn the function of se- meaning satu (one) to describe frequency. ■ Learn adverbs of frequency such as selalu (always), sering (often), biasanya (usually), and jarang (infrequently). Lesson 4.5 ■ Be introduced to the verbal suffix -kan, which creates a transitive verb. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 13:38 GMT) 4.1 Kalau dan Sebaiknya Pulang kampung Sebentar lagi Lebaran tiba. Iwan mau pulang ke rumah orang tuanya di Pekan Baru. Kalau mau pulang pada waktu Lebaran, biasanya orang harus membeli karcis atau tiket dua–tiga minggu sebelumnya. Tapi, Iwan belum membeli karcis. Sore ini, Iwan dan Rudi sedang bersantai di asrama mereka. Mereka sedang mengobrol tentang rencana Iwan untuk pulang ke Riau. Rudi: Wan, sudah beli tiket untuk pulang, belum? Saya dengar sudah tidak ada tempat lagi. Iwan: Belum. Saya tidak tahu kapan bisa pulang karena harus tunggu nilai ujian. Kalau nilainya bagus, saya bisa pulang sesudah semester selesai. Kalau nilainya jelek, saya mau minta ujian lagi dari dosen. Rudi: Wah, kalau tidak beli sekarang, bisabisa tidak dapat tiket. Iwan: Jadi bagaimana, ya? Rudi: Sebaiknya, beli saja dulu sekarang. Kalau tidak jadi pulang, tiketnya bisa dijual lagi. Iwan: Oh ya, betul juga. Wah, terima kasih, Rud! 141 In this lesson you will: ■ Use kalau and sebaiknya to connect ideas. ■ Use kalau to state a hypothesis or generalization or to indicate future time. ■ Use sebaiknya to make a suggestion or recommendation. Pekanbaru, Riau Berpasangan Pemahaman A. Lisan: Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini! 1. Mengapa tiket harus dibeli dua–tiga minggu sebelumnya? 2. Apa Iwan sudah punya tiket? Mengapa? 3. Apa yang akan dilakukan Iwan kalau nilai ujiannya jelek? 4. Apa saran Rudi? Kamus kecil saran advice B. Tertulis: Garisbawahilah kata ‘kalau’ dan ‘sebaiknya’ pada percakapan di atas! ■Latihan Latihan 1–Lisan: Tutup buku, dengarkan pertanyaan guru, dan jawablah dengan memakai kata ‘kalau’! Ingatlah! ■ Kalau kamu sakit, sebaiknya kamu ke dokter...
