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371 indEx of namES Abaza, A. A., finance minister (1880–81), 201–3 Akimov, M. G. (1847–1914), justice minister (1905–6), 278, 281 Alexander I (1801–1825), 31–38, 46, 50, 54, 59, 66–69, 76, 79–80, 98–100, 191, 207, 236, 278, 337n15, 342n10 Alexander II (1855–1881), 25, 37, 66, 79, 87, 103, 107, 109, 111–12, 120, 137, 152–53, 161, 196, 199–202, 204–8, 212, 227, 267, 281, 315, 353n40 Alexander III (1881–1894), 47–48, 63, 123, 133, 136–37, 143, 195, 199, 202–3, 205, 207–8, 240, 287 Azef, Evno, terrorist and provocateur, 216–17 Bacon, Francis, 34, 43, 71, 75, 77, 341n8 Balugiansky, M. A. (1769–1847), 34, 77 Belokonsky, I., 265, 360n3 Bentham, Jeremy, 34, 76 Bestuzhev, A. A. (1797–1837), Decembrist, 66, 340n22 Bulgakov, S. N., member of the Second Duma, 320–21, 365n19, 368n48 Bulygin, A.G., minister of the Interior (1905), 248, 255, 260, 263, 266 Bunge, N. Kh., (1823–1895), finance minister (1881–86), 143, 347n7 Burke, Edmund, 26, 334n28 Catherine II (1762–1796), 17–33, 35, 53–54, 57–60, 62, 79, 81, 84, 86–88, 92–93, 98–99, 101, 113, 135, 137, 159, 207, 281, 334n27, 335n37, 335n2 (chap. 2) Chernov, V. M., leader of the SocialistRevolutionary Party, 156, 348n2 Chernyshevsky, N. G. (1828–1889), 111, 258 Chicherin, B. N. (1828–1904), philosopher and constitutional lawyer, 99–103, 112–13, 153, 155, 191–92, 196–97, 338n5, 351n13, 352n34 Chicherin, V. N. (1829–1884), diplomat in Paris, 112–13 Constantine Pavlovich, Grand Duke, 26, 80 Cucumus, Konrad von, 331n13, 332n14 Dmitriev, I. I. (1760–1837), 64–65 Dolgorukov, P. D., Prince, member of the First and Second Duma, 214, 254 Durnovo, I. N. (1830–1903), minister of the Interior (1889–95), 143, 346n3 Durnovo, P.N. (1845–1915), minister of the Interior, 143, 243, 276, 287, 290, 362n4 Fateev, A., 66–67 Florovsky, A., 18–19, 332n3 Frederick the Great, 69, 72–73 Frisch, E. V. (1833–1907), chairman of the State Council, 276, 278–79, 282, 358n53 Gessen, I. V., member of the Second Duma, Kadet, 281, 348n5, 361n49 Gessen, V. M., member of the Second Duma, Kadet, 156–57 Golovin, F. A., speaker of the Second Duma, Kadet, 217, 229, 319 Goremykin. I. L. (1839–1917), minster of the Interior (1895–99), chair of the Council of Ministers (May–July 1906; 1914–16), 209–12, 230, 278, 298–99, 305–7, 347n5, 362n14 Gradovsky, A., 37, 45, 81, 87 Granovsky, T. N. (1813–1855), Westernizer, 100, 191–92, 351n13 372 • index Guchkov, A. I., speaker of the Third Duma, Octobrist, 292–94, 317, 324–26, 328, 366n7 Gurko, V. I. (1862–1927), deputy minister of the Interior, 161, 185, 347n2, 350n9, 360n25, 365n19 Hauriou, Maurice (1856–1929), French constitutionalist, 2, 4–6, 8,11–12, 29, 62, 189–90, 211, 332n19, 335n43, 351n1, 351n4 Herzen, A., 100, 111, 191, 220, 351–52n13 Heyden, P. A., member of the First Duma, Octobrist, 306, 313 Hume, 49, 76 Ikonnikov, V., 33–34 Ivan IV (1533–1584), 20, 53, 57–58, 285, 340n28 Kankrin, E. F. (1774–1845), finance minister (1823–44), 46–47, 68, 93, 343n2 Karamzin, N. M. (1766–1826), 24, 31, 48, 55–65, 67, 69–75, 77, 130, 135, 137 Katkov, M. N. (1818–1887), 101, 112, 137, 192–93, 205, 225 Kavelin, K. D. (1818–1865), 99–100 Khomiakov, A. S. (1804–1850), Slavophile, 100–101 Khomiakov, N. A., speaker of the Third Duma, Octobrist, 213–14, 247 Kiselev, P. D. (1788–1872), minister of State Domains (1837–56), 81, 83–84, 93–94, 96–97, 116 Kizevetter, A. A. (1867–1933), historian, member of the Second Duma, 80, 90, 98 Kliuchevsky, V. O., 214, 260, 263 Kochubei, V. P. (1768–1834), minister of the Interior (1802–12; 1819–25), 32, 35 Kokoshkin, F. F., member of the First Duma, 213, 233, 262, 288, 319 Kokovtsov, V. N., finance minister (1906–11), 298–301, 304–5, 307–10, 314, 318, 320, 323, 325, 327 Koni, A. F. (1844–1927), lawyer, member of the State Council (from 1907), 242, 284 Korf, M. A. (1800–1876), member of the State Council, 46, 54, 70, 76–78, 96 Korkunov, A., 34, 77 Koshelev, A. I. (1806–1883), 117–18 Krasovsky. M. V. (1851–1911), member of the State Council (after 1906), 178–79, 182–85, 350n3 Kropotov, A. E., peasant, volost’ clerk, member of the Third Duma, Trudovik, 172–73...
