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Index INDEX  Ablochin, M. A., 33 Administration of Food Product Trade Organizations (AFPTO), 102, 104–5 Administration of Grocery Trade Organizations (AGTO), 102, 104–5, 125 Aeroflot, 131–33 Afghanistan, 1 agriculture, reforms in, 5–6 agri-food complexes, 5–7 airports, 27, 121, 126–28, 132–33 Alidin, 61–62 Aliev, Gueidar, 54–55 Ambartsumyan, Mkhitar, 97, 131, 151, 159; accusations of corruption by, 126, 136–37, 169, 189–90; anticorruption campaign brigade wanting testimony from, 67, 187– 91, 193; as bribe-giver, 12, 30, 136–37; as bribe-taker, 103, 137; confrontation with Kolomeitsev, 193–94; death sentence, 160, 191; execution of, 141, 193; lack of useful testimony by, 191–94; management skills of, 11–12, 17, 20, 31, 204; network of, 37–39, 122; Roganov and, 38, 126; sons’ jobs, 113, 131–33; sympathy for, 16, 67; wealth accumulated by, 114, 135–36; wife of, 114, 136 Andropov, 22, 74, 134; campaign against corruption and, 49, 133, 141, 183–84; on corruption, 67, 188; KGB loyalty to, 65; KGB under, 48, 61, 95, 140, 199, 202; law and order campaign of, 1, 78–79, 94, 100; on Party officials subject only to Party’s justice, 111; Party staff changes by, 195, 208; as secretary general, 57–58, 76, 78–79, 145–47, 151; selection as secretary general, 51–53, 62, 64–65; Shchelokov vs., 48–50, 56, 72, 75–76; support for, 57, 60, 100, 141; untarnished reputation of, 55–56 Armenians, 130–31, 133, 135–36, 138 army, 1, 47, 57 arrests, 39, 82, 144, 156; of black marketeers, 108; MVD annulling KGB’s, 177–78; number of, 68–69, 85–86, 98; obstacles to, 145, 179; Party Control Commission authorizing or blocking, 168–69, 178; responses to trade leaders’, 15, 146, 166, 173 automobile sector, corruption in, 103 Avilkina, 77 awards, for trade organization employees, 18–20, 31, 39, 41, 117, 205 Azarova, 113 Azerbaijan, 53–54 Babushkin district, 179 Babushkin kontora, 11, 129–30 Baigelman, 13, 19–20, 81, 101, 118, 177 Baumanski kontora, 11 Belaev, Serguei, 157 Beniaminov, 37 Beria, 46–47, 64, 197, 202 Beriozka stores, 76 Bikanov, M. V., 38–39, 137 black market, 11, 14, 29, 57, 72–73, 179; goods from abroad on, 132–33, 196; participants in, 128, 131, 196; profitability of, 108, 133–34; through Sheremetyevo Airport, 121, 128 Brezhnev, Galina, 104, 134 Brezhnev, Leonid, 1, 8, 18, 145, 182, 205; corruption and, 40, 55, 59, 98; declining authority of, 24, 59, 143; KGB and, 62, Note: Page numbers in italic type indicate tables.  79; Medunov and, 73–74; organizations’ autonomy under, 24, 28, 140; Party officials’ impunity under, 87, 111; Shchelokov and, 49, 75–76; stability under, 13–14, 107; trade organizations and, 15, 22, 140 bribe-givers, 81, 103; extortion of, 16, 108, 122–23, 136–37, 198, 207; KGB compling lists of, 81–82; Petrikov as, 84–85, 103, 109; Sokolov as, 104, 143, 147; trade leaders as, 12, 23–24, 102, 114–15; Tveritinov as, 84–85, 104; women to protectors, 125–26 bribery, 30, 42, 127, 179; alternatives to, 38–39; amounts of, 101, 128–29; death sentences for, 68, 160, 198; difficulty of proving, 61, 133, 162; Dzerzhinski heading committee combating, 43–44; effects of, 2–4, 19, 109, 153; expansion of, 109, 136; motives for, 7, 19, 108, 114–15, 205; MVD jurisdiction over, 49; store directors’ refusal to participate, 118–19. See also gifts, bribes vs. bribe-takers, 81, 110, 147, 180, 186; fear of being, 31, 33–34; increasing demands by, 136–37, 206; inspectors as, 122–23, 178; lists of, 81–82, 125; in OBKhSS, 178–79; trade leaders as, 9, 102–3; Tregubov as, 84–85, 102–3, 105, 109, 116, 169–70, 186; wealth accumulated by, 134–37 Buchin, 32, 38–39, 168–69, 176, 178 Bukharin, 45 Bunakov, 66, 97 bureaucratic power, 23, 41; conditions for acquiring, 3, 9, 13 Burtsev, 178, 190 Caucasus, 112, 153, 201, 211; in corruption networks, 130–31; hiding profits from corruption in, 114, 136, 146; KGB’s anticorruption campaign in, 53, 72, 98 central kontora officials, 104 Chebulaev, 178–79 Cheka: under Dzerzhinski, 43, 45; low level of corruption in, 44–45; seen as reliable ally of Communist Party, 43–44. See also KGB Cheliuk, 125, 176–79 Chupakin, 178 Churbanov, 73–74, 181 Churin, 110 City Party Committee, 24 civil aviation, trade leaders’ contacts in, 132–33 civil rights: anticorruption brigade criticized for violating, 53, 86, 162...
