In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

C O N T E N T S List of Tables ix Acknowledgments xi List of Acronyms xvii Part I. Introduction Chapter . The Unlikely Election of an Anti-neoliberal  Chapter . Explaining Chávez’s Election  Part II. Voter Support for Chávez Chapter . The Role of Anti-business Sentiment  Chapter . The Sources of Anti-business Sentiment  Part III. Business Assistance for Chávez Chapter . Dependent Prominence and Elite Outlier Calculus to Assist Chávez  Chapter . Politically Prominent Bankers and the Historically Rooted Calculus to Assist Chávez  Conclusion: Theoretical Implications of Chávez’s Election  Appendix A. Interviews Conducted  Appendix B. Corruption Scandals  Appendix C. Political Biographies  Appendix D. Elite Outliers  Notes  References  Index  Contents viii ...
