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Illustrations figures 0.1. Hut-building in the Engcobo District, Transkei, c. 1954 4 0.2. Woman weaving hut door made of saplings, c. 1930s 5 0.3. Pulling a loaded sledge, c. 1930s 6 0.4 View of some KwaMatiwane mountains, late 1990s 20 2.1. Woman carrying a headload of fuelwood, with Gulandoda Mountain in the background, c. 1959 82 2.2. Bringing the harvest home in a sledge, c. 1954 83 3.1. Mpondo hut-building, c. 1907 94 3.2. Man building a sledge with saplings, c. 1930s 105 3.3. Women carrying heavy poles in the Engcobo District, c. 1950 113 4.1. Boys demonstrating stick-fighting in the Engcobo District, c. 1971 129 4.2. An apparently posed example of ukufutha, c. 1930s 139 maps 0.1. Colonial annexation of the Transkeian Territories in the late nineteenth century 17 0.2. KwaMatiwane 20 vii You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. tables 3.1. Hut Wattle Purchases from Government Plantations, 1899–1930 99 3.2. Annual Fuelwood Sales, 1910–30 111 viii w Illustrations You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. ...
