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Supplemental Bibliographical Essay for the Second Edition Since 1990, when the earlier edition of this book was completed,a number of excellent works have been published in the field of Panamanian history and Panama's relations with the United States. None is more important than John Major's Prize Possession: The United States and the Panama Canal 1903-1979 (Cambridge, England, 1993). Anew general history is availablefrom JorgeConte Porras and Eduardo Castillero, Historia de Panama y sus protagonists (Panama, 1998). See also Celestino Andres Arauz, Panama y sus reladones internadonales (Panama, 1994),and Patricia PizzurnoGelos and Celestino Andres Araiiz, Estudios sobre el Panama Republicano, 1903-19^9 (PanamaCity,1996). Finally, a wide range of expert papers presented at the Encuentro Academico Internacionat sobre el Canal de Panama are printed in El Canal de Panama1 en elsiglo XXI (Panama,1998). On the nineteenth century, see Celestino Andres Arauz and Patricia Pizzurno Gelos, El Panama colombiano, i$21-1903 (Panama, 1993), and Patricia Pizzurno Gelos, Antecedentes, hechos, y consecuencias de la Guerra de !os Mil Dias en d Istmo de Panama (Panama, 1990). Pablo Arosemena provides a new interpretationof the Watermelon War in El inddente de la tajada de Sandia: El motfa del 15 de abril de 1856 (Panama, 1997).Finally, Pantaleon Garciasurveys early rivalry in La Doctrina Monroe, el destino manifesto, elferrocarril de Panama y las rivalidades anghsajonas par d control de laAmerican Central (Code*, Panama, 1998). For the early twentieth century consult the fine account by Gustavo A. Mellander and Nelly Maldonado Mellander, Charles Eduard Magoon: ThePanama Years (SanJuan, 1999),and Jim Howe's wonderful story of the Kuna struggle with Panama, A People Who Would Not Kneel: Panama, the United States,and the San Bias Kuna (Washington, D.C., 1998). Several surveys of Panama's militaryand U.S. militarypresence are RobertC Harding II, Military Foundations of Panamanian Politics (Somerset, NJV 2001); Carlos Guevara Mann, Panamanian Militarism: A Historical Interpretation (Athens, Ohio, 1996); Carlos Bolivar Pedreschi, Panama*: Vision geopoUtica y testimonial de su drama (Panama, 1993); David Vergara, Acuerdos militares entre Panam&i/ Estados UnidoSf 1903-1977 (Chitre, Panama, 1995); Reymundo Gurdian Guerra, La presenda militar de lo$Estados Unidos en Panama (Panama, 1997); and Gina Marie 231 232 Supplemental Bibliographical Essay, 2nd ed. Hathaway and Juan Antonio Tack, Elfuture* de la presentia militar de los Estados Unidos en Panamd (Panama, 1999)* Several studiescover mid-twentieth-centuiy politicsand relations between the two republics. Thomas L.Pearcy penetrates the rise ofmilitary influence in politics in the 19305 and 19403 in We Answer Only to God; Politics and the Military in Panama, 1903-2947 (Albuquerque, 1998),WilliamFrancisRobinson's study, "The Arias Madrid Brothers: Nationalist Politics in Panama" (Ph.D, diss., Auburn University, 1999), spans most of this century, SeealsoJorgeConte Perms, Requiem par laRevolution (SanJose, Costa Rica, 1990), about:Arnulfo Arias. David Acosta charts the impact of public opinion in diplomacy in Influenda d&uisiva dela opinion publica en el rechazo del Convenio Filos-Hines de 1947, 3rd ed, (Panama, 1983), For the last half of the twentieth century, several new studies may be consulted. Charlotte Elton's ^Rivales o aliados? Japan y Estados Unidos en Panama {Panama, 1990) examines the dominant relationship with Asia. The latest official guide, Panama: A Country Guide, edited by Tom Barry (Albuquerque, 1990), provides competent summaries. Margaret E. Scranton's superb The Noriega Years (Boulder , 1991) may be supplemented with Olmedo Beluche's Diez anas de luchas poUticas y societies en Panama, 1980-1990 (Panama, 1994) and Brittmarie Jansen Perez's Panama protesta: 1968-1989 (Panama, 1993). See also Sharon Phillipps Collazos,Labor and Politics in Panama: TheTorrijos Years (Boulder,1991),and Magela Cabrera Arias, Crisis urbana y movimientos sociaks: Panamd 197^1992 (Panama, 1993), Afascinatingview of rural Panama's adaptation to the forces of globalization emerges from Gloria Rudolf's Panama's Poor: Victims, Agents, and Histonjmakers (Gainesville, Fla,, 1999*) For diplomatic relations in the late igSos, see Guiilermo de St MalaArias and Godfrey Harris, The Panamanian Problem: How the Rmgan and Bush Administrations Dealt with the Noriega Regime (Los Angeles, 1993).Luis E. Murillo provides a cynic's view in TheNoriega Mess: The Drugs, the Canal, and Why America Invaded (Berkeley, 1995)*Amore general view is available in Andrew Zimbalist and John Weeks, Panama at the Crossroads: Economic Development and Political Change in the Twentieth Century (Berkeley,1991). For postinvasion interpretations and events, see Mark Falcoff and Richard L. Millett, Searching for Panama: The U.S.-Panama Relationship and Democratization (Washington, D.C., 1993), and Orlando J. Perez...
