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Pirandello II Sei que ha milhares de homens se confundindo neste momento. O diretor apoderou-se de todas as consciencias num saco de vispora. Fez depois uma multiplicagao que nao era bem uma multiplicaqao de paes de um por dez por quarenta mil. Tinha um gesto de quern distribuiflores. A mim me coube um frade um pianista e um carroceiro. Eu era um artista fracassado que correra todos os bastidores vivia cansado como os cavalos dos que nao sao herois serei um frade um carroceiro e um pianista e terei de me enforcar tres vezes. 4 Pirandello II Sei que h:i milhares de homens se confundindo neste momento. a diretor apoderou-se de todas as consciencias num saco de vfspora. Fez depois uma multiplica<;ao que nao era bern uma multiplica<;ao de paes de urn por dez por quarenta mil. Tinha urn gesto de quem distribui flores. A mim me coube urn frade urn pianista e urn carroceiro. Eu era urn artista fracassado que carrera todos os bastidores vivia cansado como os cavalos dos que nao sao her6is serei urn frade urn carroceiro e urn pianista e terei de me enforcar tres vezes. 4 Pirandello II I know there are millions of men mixing themselves up this moment. The director took hold of all consiousnesses and keeps them in this bag of hornets. Then he multiplied them not quite as bread was multiplied by ten, by forty thousand. His gesture was as if distributing flowers. A monk, a pianist, a wagon driver was my lot. I was a failed artist •who had exhausted all the backstages I felt as tired as the horses of those who are not heroes I will be a monk a wagon driver and a pianist and I shall have to hang myself three times. Translated by Ricardo da Silveira Lobo Sternberg 5 Pirandello II I know there are millions of men mixing themselves up this moment. The director took hold of all consiousnesses and keeps them in this bag of hornets. Then he multiplied them not quite as bread was multiplied by ten, by forty thousand. His gesture was as if distributing flowers. A monk, a pianist, a wagon driver was my lot. I was a failed artist who had exhausted all the backstages I felt as tired as the horses of those who are not heroes I will be a monk a wagon driver and a pianist and I shall have to hang myself three times. Translated by Ricardo da Silveira Lobo Sternberg 5 ...
