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Os vazios do homem i. Os vazios do homem nao sentem ao nada do vazio qualquer: do do casaco vazio, do da saca vazia (que nao ficam de pe quando vazios, ou o homem com vazios); os vazios do homem sentem a um cheio de uma coisa que inchasse ja inchada; ou ao que deve sentir, quando cheia, uma saca: todavia nao, qualquer saca. Os vazios do homem, esse vazio cheio, nao sentem ao que uma saca de tijolos, uma saca de rebites; nem tern o pulso que bate numa de sementes, de ovos. 2. Os vazios do homem, ainda que sintam a uma plenitude (gora mas presenc,a) contem nadas, contem apenas vazios: o que a esponja, vazia quando plena; incham do que a esponja, de ar vazio, e dela copiam certamente a estrutura: toda em grutas ou em gotas de vazio, postas em caches de bolha, de nao-uva. Esse cheio vazio sente ao que uma saca mas cheia de esponjas cheias de vazio; os vazios do homem ou vazio inchado: ou o vazio que inchou por estar vazio. 144 AS vaZlOS do homem I. as vazios do homem nao sentem ao nada do vazio qualquer: do do casaco vazio, do da saca vazia (que nao £lcam de pe quando vazios, ou 0 homem com vazios); os vazios do homem sentem a urn cheio de uma coisa que inchasse ja inchada; ou ao que deve sentir, quando cheia, uma saca: todavia nao, qualquer saca. as vazios do homem, esse vazio cheio, nao sentem ao que uma saca de tijolos, uma saca de rebites; nem tern 0 pulso que bate numa de sementes, de ovos. 2. as vazios do homem, ainda que sintam a uma plenitude (gora mas presen<;a) contem nadas, contem apenas vazios: o que a esponja, vazia quando plena; incham do que a esponja, de ar vazio, e dela copiam certamente a estrutura: toda em grutas ou em gotas de vazio, postas em cachos de bolha, de nao-uva. Esse cheio vazio sente ao que uma saca mas cheia de esponjas cheias de vazio; os vazios do homem ou vazio inchado: ou 0 vazio que inchou por estar vazio. 144 The Emptiness of Man i. The emptiness of man is not like any other: not like an empty coat or empty sack (things which do not stand up •when empty, such as an empty man), the emptiness of man is more like fullness in swollen things which keep on swelling, the way a sack must feel that is being filled, or any sack at all. The emptiness of man, this full emptiness, is not like a sack of bricks' emptiness or a sack of rivets', it does not have the pulse that beats in a seed bag or bag of eggs. 2. The emptiness of man, though it resembles fullness, and seems all of a piece, actually is made of nothings, bits of emptiness, like the sponge, empty when filled, swollen like the sponge, with air, with empty air; it has copied its very structure from the sponge, it is made up in clusters, of bubbles, of non-grapes. Man's empty fullness is like a sack filled with sponges, is filled with emptiness: man's emptiness, or swollen emptiness, or the emptiness that swells by being empty. Translated by Galway Kinnell H5 The Emptiness of Man I. The emptiness of man is not like any other: not like an empty coat or empty sack (things which do not stand up when empty, such as an empty man), the emptiness of man is more like fullness in swollen things which keep on swelling, the way a sack must feel that is being filled, or any sack at all. The emptiness of man, this full emptiness, is not like a sack of bricks' emptiness or a sack of rivets', it does not have the pulse that beats in a seed bag or bag of eggs. 2. The emptiness of man, though it resembles fullness, and seems all of a piece, actually is made of nothings, bits of emptiness, like the sponge, empty when filled, swollen like the sponge, with air, with empty air; it has copied its very structure from the sponge, it is made up in clusters, of bubbles, of non-grapes. Man's empty fullness is like a sack filled with sponges, is filled with emptiness: man's emptiness, or swollen emptiness, or the emptiness that swells by being empty. Translated by Galway Kinnell 145 ...
