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10 the world and its redeemers FOR YEARS THE MOUNTAIN goats had lived in comfort, each generation finding itself better off than its predecessor. In time they might have achieved contentment, but when things seemed most stable with them, a redeemer appeared, saying it was the destiny of mountain goats to convert and enlighten the·world. The goats, aroused by the zeal of the prophet, started a war against their neighbors, but to their amazement these neighbors neither knew they were lost nor desired to be saved, and resisted with all their strength, and the final result, after years of destruction, was that both sides were almost annihilated. In the end, the mountain goats were driven back to their own country, but things had gone to ruin during their absence. The paths they had made were forgotten, [ 18 ] their dwellings had fallen down, and the fields where they had grazed were covered with nettles; in fact, the goats who had managed to survive found themselves once more in the darkness, the poverty, and the despair from which their ancestors had so patiently emerged. The world could have been saved long ago if it had not been for its redeemers. ...
