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Tables 1.1. Historic descriptions of earthlodges 4 1.2. Ethnological and text descriptions of earthlodges 6.1. Pole condition, by position and species 125 7.1. Statistical tests on the means of the radiocarbon dates by level for four sites in the eastern Initial Middle Missouri variant 137 7.2. Occupation duration based on house building episodes for seven sites in the eastern Initial Middle Missouri variant 140 7.3. Occupation duration based on midden depth for nine sites in the eastern Initial Middle Missouri variant 141 7.4. Initial Middle Missouri tradition house sizes 143 7.5. Summary of occupation duration estimates for 13 sites in the Initial Middle Missouri variant 146 7.6. Population estimates by locality assuming a 15o-year duration for the eastern Initial Middle Missouri variant 148 8.1. Plains village sites and geophysical methods included in this study 159 8.2. Quadrat count statistics for number of houses per 20-m quadrat in Figure 8.3 170 8.3. Variations in house density between Big Hidatsa, Whistling Elk, and Huff 170 8.4. House area statistics at Big Hidatsa, Whistling Elk, and Huff 173 8.5. Magnetic values of interior hearths identified at Huff village 177 8.6. Magnetic values of interior storage pits identified at Huff village 178 8.7. Earthlodge attributes and conditions that can be detected by magnetometry, resistivity, and GPR 180 ...
