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IX THE OBTAINING OF THE AIRCRAFT AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE FLYERS THE second great requirement in the organizing of air power is the creation of suitable aircraft and equipment for the men that have to fly them. These must be devised, tried, experimented with and manufactured in an efficient manner. A true solution of the problem of national defense must be arrived at in order that suitable aircraft nlay be built, because the kind of aircraft necessary depends on what they have to do. To follow blindly what another nation does is merely to invite disaster, because every nation has its own particular problems to handle. An insular country , close to a continent, is at a great disadvantage when the centers of population and supply of the continental power are far away from the insular power but when the actual coast of the continental country is close to the insular power. The air units of the continental state can push right up to the coasts and attack the centers of power of the insular country in a few minutes, whereas the centers of power of the continental countries may be distant several hours from the insular country. The 181 182 Winged Defense principles of the use of aircraft, their characteristics and their strategical handling must be decided upon entirely according to the situation the country finds itself in. The insular country in this case would have to organize its pursuit aviation primarily for the defensive , because to take the offensive at a distance and put down the hostile air force might require an air force of such size that it would be impossible to build or maintain in case of war. The effect which air power can have on an adversary diminishes as the distance to the point 0 f attack increases. A pursuit airplane organization for the defensive requires great climbing power, very rapid maneuvering ability, and a large ammunition supply for the planes. It may sacrifice speed and radius of action to make up for these things because it is operating over its own country and can remain there and fight- "dog fight," as we call it. On the other hand, pursuit airplanes to be used at a distance from the home land need great power of offense, speed to bring an adversary to battle, great diving capabilities for attack and a comparatively large gas capacity to go long distances. In addition, a certain proportion of pursuit aviation will be required to combat hostile airplanes trying to break through at very high altitudes, anywhere from 25 thousand to 35 thousand feet. These require special equipment for maintaining the power of the engine at those altitudes. This is obtained by using what is known as a super charger. The ordinary super charger is a turbine which is actuated by the exhaust from the engine. This in Aircraft and Equipment 183 turn drives an air pUlnp which conlpresses air and transmits it to the carbureter, thereby keeping the volume of oxygen constant at the very high altitudes and sinliliar to that found in the air at sea level. What makes an engine fall off in power at high altitudes is that the gasoline does not get enough oxygen to combine with it in the rarified atmosphere found as one ascends, and to keep up power oxygen has to be supplied artificially. At these altitudes, also, oxygen has to be furnished the pilot, observers and crew. Airplanes have to be constructed specially in accordance with each need. With the present stage of development, our country needs pursuit airplanes of all three categories. First, those organized for the defense of large centers of power, such as the City of New York, the Pittsburg iron district, the Panama Canal or places of that kind. These should be airpianes capable of very great and rapid c1itnb, of great maneuvering ability and large ammunition capacity. Speed and duration in the air may be sacrificed to these. For offensive aviation designed to keep all aircraft away from our borders, to attack any vessels at sea, to be able to fly to Europe or Asia in case of necessity, we should have airplanes with a cruising ability of about eight hundred miles. About half of their fuel should be in renl0vable gas tanks. In case combat is engaged in, the removable tank could be dropped which would lighten them and give more speed and maneuverability . The tank itself could be equipped with a fuse and when dropped...
