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abandonment by Algonquians: of colonists at Jamestown, 82–86, 90–92, 94–98; of colonists at Roanoke, 69–71; of missionaries at Ajacan, 2, 22, 38, 47–52, 55, 118 Abbot, John S. C., 115 Age of Exploration, 1, 16 Ajacan, 1–9, 17, 21–23, 31, 58–59, 69, 80–81, 83, 107, 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120–121, 122; amicability with missionaries, 44–49; attack on missionaries, 37, 52–53; history and pretrade activity, 36–44; food procurement from, 114; as second Eden, 114; Spanish retribution towards, 53–57; trade and morality, 114–116 Albemarle Sound, 15, 66, 67 Alexander VI, Pope, 38 Algonquian culture, 9, 17; culture clash with Europeans, 21–24; prestige exchange and European goods, 17–21; and public embarrassment , 22, 51–52, 83, 104, 120; rationale for trade with Spanish, 39; hierarchy disrupted due to trade, 112; symbolic violence , 3, 102, 120–122; tribute system, 17 Algonquian Indians: 9, 15, 118; attack on Spanish under Don Luis 1–3; of the Carolinas, 15–17; desire for metal and metal goods, 18– 21; general exchange pattern with Europeans , 117–123; gift exchange, 4–5. See also Arrohattoc Indians; Chawanoac Indians; Chesepian Indians; Chickahominy Indians ; Croatoan Indians; Kecoughtan Indians ; Kiskiak Indians; Mattaponi Indians; Moratuc Indians; Ossomocomuck Indians ; Pamunkey Indians; Paspahegh Indians ; Powhatan Indians; Quiyoughcohannock Indians; Sectoan Indians; Weanock Indians; Weapemeoc Indians; Youghtanund Indians Alligator River, 15 Altamirano, Hernando de, 7, 61 Amadas, Philip, 59–62 antimony ore, 17 Appamattuck Indians, 83 Appocant, 86, 104 Aquascococke (village), 73, 79, 82; silver cup incident, 63–65 Archer, Gabriel, 8, 9, 110 Arrohattoc (village), 83 Arrohattoc Indians, 83, 104 Baptista (Mendez), Brother Juan, 43, 50 Barlowe, Arthur, 7, 18, 59–62, 109, 116 Binford, Lewis, 13 Blanton, Dennis, 23 bread, 61, 85, 93, 120 Buck, Richard, 103 Busbecq, Ogier Ghislain de, 8 Capahowasick, 88, 90, 104 Cape Henry, 81 Index Cape Merchant, The. See Smith, John, as the Cape Merchant Carolinas, as a strategic location, 59 Carrera, Father Juan de la, 7, 40–41, 43 Cassen, George, 86 Chawanoac Indians, 15, 58, 66–67, 69–73, 77, 79, 93, 121 Chesapeake Bay, 38, 53, 61, 81, 93 Chesepian Indians, 71, 78, 79, 81 Chickahominy Indians, 92; merchant mindset , 14–15, 86, 99, 108–109, 121, 122 Chipanum, 67 Chowan River, 15 Cocke, Abraham, 76 Columbus, Christopher, 18, 38 commodity economy, 25, 82, 88; alienable transactions, 29; contrast with gift economy, 110; trade for wealth, 116–117 commodity exchange, 57, 108, 112, 122; contrast with gift exchange, 30–31; and corruption, 114–115, at Jamestown, 86, 102; and “poor trade” at Ajacan, 44–50; system of, 31–36; violations of, 29, 121 compass, 86 conditionality, 91 copper, 12, 17–24, 49, 50, 61, 66, 67, 71, 86, 88, 89, 91, 94, 96–97, 99, 101, 102, 108, 109, 111, 116, 117 corn (corne), 12, 21, 22, 44, 46, 63, 67, 85–86, 96–98, 101, 102, 103, 108. See also maize Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de, 38 Coronas, Pedro de, 42 Coronation of Chief Powhatan, 94–95 Croatoan Indians, 15, 69, 74–76, 77, 79, 121 Croatoan Island, 15 Croatoan Sound, 15, 71 Croatoan territory, 79 Currituck Sound, 15 Dasemunkepeuc, 71, 72, 73, 75 De Bry, Theodore, 115 deer, 82, 93 Diaz, Pedro, 8, 73 diseases, European, 13, 22, 79, 85, 93; at Roanoke, 64–66; retribution for, 66; and Sectoans, 65 Don Luis, 1–3, 37, 39, 51–58, 92, 115–16; abandonment of missionaries, 48–50; false gifts to Jesuits, 52, 120–21; plan to convert native community, 43; travel and work with the Spanish Jesuits, 40–47. See also Ajacan, attack on missionaries; abandonment by Algonquians, of missionaries at Ajacan Drake, Francis, 72–73 Durkheim, Émile, 26 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 31 Emmery, Thomas, 86 English vessels, Discovery, 81; Dorothy, 64; Elizabeth, 62, 64; Godspeed, 81; Lion, 64; Susan Constant, 81; Tiger, 7, 62, 63, 64 Ensenore, 68, 70–71 exchange, de¤nition of, 31 exchange form, 30–32, 35, 107 exchange goods. See antimony ore; beads; bread; compass; copper; corn (corne); deer; guns (gunnes); iron; maize; pearls; skins; swords (swordes); tin (tinne); tools; trinkets; turkeys (wild); wine exchange-item alienation, 31–32, 107 exchange-partner relationship, 31–32, 34, 107 Fall Zone, 14, 101 false gift (or offering), 3, 52, 55, 57, 98–99, 102, 104, 106, 120–21 Fausz, J. Fredrick, 13, 17, 22, 23 Fernandes, Simao, 60, 74 Fernandinos, 114 Fort Raleigh, 64, 71 Gallivan, Martin, 13, 51 Gates, Thomas, 100, 103 gift, spirit of...
