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Index Abu-Lughod, Lila, 142 age, Salasacan views of, 69, 72, 138, 143 Amazonian region, Andean concepts of, 107–8, 109, 111, 116, 129 Andeanist anthropology, 13–14, 52–53, 142–43 Andean religion, 142–43, 161–62; preColumbian , 26, 97–98, 118, 123–24 asua. See maize beer auca, meanings of, 50 ayahuasca (soul vine), 109, 112, 114, 115, 167n1 (chap. 6) caciques, 3–6, 25–26 Canelos, 108, 112, 129 catechists, 49–52 Catholic Church: evangelization, 25–31, 38, 53; persecution of shamans, 117, 124 chicha. See maize beer chthonic powers, 138 compadrazgo. See kinship, ritual contact zone, 36, 38 Costales, Piedad Peñaherrera de and Alfredo, 4, 135 crossroads, 65–66, 96–97; Cruz Pamba, 17, 63–64, 120, 130, 144, 157–61 dancing, 65–66 Day of the Dead (finados), 37, 90, 98, 162 death, 80, 103; and emotion, 92, 94; temporary, 131, 138, 143–47, 158–59 domestic violence, 8, 51–52 doves: in fiestas, 64; as gifts, 10; in Quichua poetics, 111 drinking, 79, 125; ritual, 91 ethnicity, 6; and territory, 60–61, 64–65 festivals, 54–58; caporales, 74–77, 159, 163; children’s imitation of, 35, 37, 38, 83–88, 101; Corpus Christi, 62–65, 77–78, 98–99, 103. See also sponsors food, 56–57; as ritual symbol, 86–87, 90 games, 83–90, 103, 167n1 (chap. 5) gender: complementarity, 67–68, 76, 167n5; daily roles, 92; of mountain, 130; and ritual kin, 10; roles in festivals, 87–88, 166n1 (chap. 3) governors, indigenous, 26, 41, 48 Guerrero, Andrés, 45–46 guinea pig: diagnosis with, 122, 123, 140; as offering, 120, 135, 153, 156 Huaorani, 129 Huarochiri Manuscript, 34, 111 Icaza, Jorge, 92 illness, cultural conceptions of, 119–22, 139 Incas, 3; Salasacan views of, 108 kinship, 7, 80, 88–89, 90–91; ritual, 8–10 landscape: in afterlife, 143–45; Ecuadorian , 109, 125, 127; ritual movement through, 59–61, 63, 64–66; love: magic, 148; stories, 111–12 maize beer, 54, 95 marriage, 8; obligations of in-laws, 88–89; spiritual, 134–35; symbolic, 82 184   i n d e x memory, 37, 77–78, 98–99, 103; Andean value of, 68 migration, 6–7, 157, 162, 163 mingas, 11–12 mitimaes, 3; and Salasacans, 4 mountains: danger of, 119–21; invoked in shamanic chant, 125; offerings to, 120, 129–31, 132, 135, 142, 148–56; powers of, 132; on shaman’s mesa, 128; and spirits, 133 music: at festivals, 76; petitioning mountain for talent, 149, 150–53 Napo Runa, 107, 111, 134; Shamans’ Association, 116, 139 nuns (Madres Lauritas), 48–51, 53, 67 O’Connor, Erin, 46, 52 Orta, Andrew, 68 Otavalo, 112, 116, 125, 149 Pachamama, 70, 73 parody, 94–95, 102–3 Peña Montenegro, Alonso de la, 26–27, 123–24 plants, medicinal, 120 play, 37–38. See also games political organizations, 10–11, 114, 139 Pratt, Mary Louise, 36, 38–39 prayers, 53, 66–73, 95, 99–101, 130 pregnancy: prevention of, 158; protection during, 155; and shamanism, 133; and vulnerability to mountains, 119 priests, 27–33, 38, 41–43, 46, 49–52, 76; imitation of, 86–87, 94–95 Protestantism, 16 Purgatory, 144, 145–46 Quichua, 21, 37, 53, 66, 69, 95; poetics, 111–12, 113; and religious instruction, 48–49, 66 quishuar (tree), 27–38 race, 32–33, 109, 126–27, 165n4, 168n1 ritual: Andean, 14–15; healing, 122–29; intertextuality, 77, 101–2; mortuary, 80–103. See also games; parody saints, 27–32, 35, 38, 55–58 Salasaca: history of Catholic indoctrination in, 26–28, 48, 52; parish of, 6–7; people, 2; pre-Columbian and colonial history of, 3–6 Salomon, Frank, 90, 109, 118, 167n1 (chap. 5) sami, 57, 73, 97, 127, 138 scribes, 41, 45–46, 47 shamanism, 123; Amazonian, 107–9; colonial period, 117; and gender, 131, 134; pre-Columbian, 118; and sacred places, 118, 129–34 soul: beliefs about, 90, 94, 96; loss of, 119–21, 136 sponsors, festival, 26, 38, 59–63, 66–68, 73–74, 75, 77, 166n1 (chap. 4); history of, 40–45, 48 springs, sacred, 34, 36, 52, 132 Starn, Orin, 143 Taussig, Michael, 109, 116 textile production, 130, 148, 149, 158; colonial, 4; women’s, 92 tinkuy, 97 trees, sacred. See quishuar Tsáchela, 117–18, 124–25 Uzendoski, Michael, 111, 134 weaving. See textile production weddings, 65–66, 67–68, 76 Whitten, Dorothea S., 139 Whitten, Norman, 129 witchcraft, 111, 115; protection from, 91 Wogan, Peter, 76, 98, 143, 148...
