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A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S We woul d lik e t o acknowledg e receip t o f a Californi a Stat e Universit y San Marcos Affirmativ e Actio n Gran t an d a Californi a Stat e Universit y San Marco s Multicultura l Cente r Grant , bot h o f whic h enable d u s t o conduct th e RAGE ! Across th e Discipline s Conference , July , 1993 . We want t o than k Provos t Ric h Millma n fo r hi s las t minut e additiona l support o f th e conferenc e a s wel l a s voluntee r extraordinaire , Sherr i Williams, faithfu l participants , Dian e Martin , an d Do n an d Caroly n Funes, ou r studen t presenters , an d th e wonderfu l performer s whos e work w e could no t includ e i n this format . W e would als o lik e to than k California Stat e University Sa n Marco s fo r encouragemen t an d suppor t of the project. Mor e personally , w e thank Jud y Stag g and Norm a Lon g for hour s o f typing . Furthe r thank s t o studen t assistants : Kare n Huck , Garrett Collins , and Dominique Rousseau . We sincerely appreciate the years of commitment t o this project demon strated b y th e contributors , Diann e Layden , Vaness a Friedman , Ia n Barnard, Willia m Brigham , Susa n Stryker , Sharo n O'Dair , Sheng-me i Ma, an d Do n Keefer . Furthe r appreciatio n goe s t o Nik o Pfun d an d Jennifer Hamme r a t Ne w Yor k Universit y Press , wh o believe d i n thi s project an d wh o persiste d i n editin g th e manuscrip t int o fruition . A general thank s t o colleague s wh o hav e kep t discussio n o f rag e alive . A special thanks to Patty Seleski for al l the listening. Terry woul d lik e t o acknowledg e i n particula r th e encouragemen t o f Dean of Library Services, Marion T. Reid, and co-workers Susa n Baksh , V l l v i i i Acknowledgments Cathie Dorsett , Danni s Mitchell , Suzann e Rios , an d Marg e Hohen berger . H e als o thank s Rodde y Rei d fo r valuabl e idea s an d Winni e Woodhull for encouragement to carry on intellectual pursuits. Terry also wants t o acknowledg e a numbe r o f long-tim e friend s withou t whos e support h e coul d no t hav e continue d thi s project : Larr y Heiman , Stac y Nelson, Gary Kukus, Anne Terrell, Janet Volkmann, an d Karen Kinney . And thank you , Renee Curry . Debra Curr y and Cath y Bradeen Knox always must be acknowledged a s Renee's consisten t sourc e o f encouragemen t an d comfor t throughou t writing projects an d throughout life . And thanks, of course, to Terry. ...
