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NEW YOR K UNIVERSIT Y PRES S New Yor k an d Londo n© 199 6 b y New Yor k Universit y All rights reserve d Library o f Congres s Cataloging-in-Publicatio n Dat a States o f rag e : emotional eruption , violence , and socia l change / edited b y Renee R . Curr y an d Terr y L . Allison , p. cm . Includes bibliographica l reference s an d index . ISBN 0-8147-1525-7 (alk . paper) . —ISBN 0-8147-1530- 3 (pbk — alk. paper ) 1. Violence—Unite d States . 2 . Anger—Unite d States . 3 . Socia l change—United States . 4 . Mas s media—Socia l aspects—Unite d States. I . Curry , Rene e R. , 1955 - . II . Allison , Terr y L . HN90.V5S83 199 6 306'.0973—dc2o 95-4124 4 CIP New Yor k Universit y Pres s book s ar e printed o n acid-fre e paper , and thei r bindin g material s ar e chosen fo r strengt h an d durability . Manufactured i n the United State s o f Americ a 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ...
