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Index 235 Abolitionist movement: antislavery arguments of, 11, 18, 26–32, 35–36, 39–43, 52, 87, 180n. 43, 181nn. 44, 45, 196n. 20, 213nn. 60, 62; British, 135, 192n. 50, 193n. 54, 220nn. 33, 34, 221n. 35, 222n. 44, 223n. 54; 1840 schism in, 185n. 6, 195n. 10; factionalization of, 43, 53, 54, 173nn. 28–30, 183n. 59, 185n. 6, 186n. 14, 193n. 53, 195n. 10; institutionalism and, 39–40, 184n. 1, 185n. 5, 188n. 23, 202n. 74, 212n. 59, 223n. 55; Northern sentiment against, 28, 70, 79, 198n. 30, 195n. 7, 220n. 26; Protestantism and, 18, 29, 30, 186n. 14, 192n. 50; shifts in, 40–42, 60–61, 62, 63, 65, 84, 97; unionism and, 31–32, 35, 62–89, 158, 183n. 60, 194n. 4, 195nn. 8–10, 197n. 22, 202n. 75; and violence to end slavery, 170n. 16, 173n. 29, 188n. 25, 191n. 45, 196n. 16. See also Garrisonian abolitionism Adams, Charles Francis, 199n. 46 Adams, John Quincy, 66, 69, 86,194n. 1, 218n. 15 African Americans: alleged inferiority of, 15, 19–21, 25, 46, 98, 99, 100, 108, 115, 130, 143, 180n. 40, 209n. 34, 213n. 61, 221n. 43, 226n. 90; condition of, in slavery, 25, 26, 45, 49, 51, 82, 99, 105, 106, 113, 124–25, 131, 144, 177n. 20, 188n. 22, 208n. 30, 219n. 15, 222nn. 44–47; Northern prejudice against, 89–90, 125, 181n. 48, 187nn. 16, 18, 214n. 70, 219n. 17; racial equality of, 41, 46–47, 54, 55–56, 89, 115–16, 125–26, 133, 181n. 48, 196n. 13; rights of, 54, 68, 73, 75, 179n. 28 American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society , 195n. 10 American Anti-Slavery Society, 18, 29, 62, 65, 66, 173n. 30, 185nn. 6, 8, 188n. 23, 195nn. 10, 12, 220n. 32 American Colonization Society, 46, 188n. 24, 207n. 20 Antislavery Appeal, The (Walters), 42 Anti-Slavery Record, The, 220n. 32 Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans, An (Child), 42, 43–51, 53, 60, 61 Ashworth, John, 94, 175n. 5 Bailyn, Bernard, 4 Barnes, Gilbert Hobbs, 186n. 14 Barnwell, Robert, 223n. 57 Beard, Charles, 4 Blackstone, William, 104, 114, 214n. 67 Bledsoe, Albert, 21–22 Brooks, Preston, 77 Buchanan, James, 225n. 82, 227n. 94, 229n. 110 Burke, Edmund, 33, 102, 107 Bynkershoek, Cornelis van, 210n. 47 Calhoun, John C., 20, 34, 137–41, 223n. 61, 224nn. 70, 71, 226nn. 87, 88 Cannibals All! or Slaves without Masters (Fitzhugh), 34, 95, 107–19, 211n. 54, 213n. 60, 214n. 67, 215n. 70, 216n. 79 Carlyle, Thomas, 214n. 67 Channing, Steven A., 217n. 3, 227n. 99 Chestnut, James, 227n. 98 Child, David Lee, 45, 173n. 27 Child, Lydia Maria, 186n. 14, 187n. 17; and abolitionist movement, 12, 42, 52, 173n. 28, 188n. 25; on colonization, 46, 188n. 24; on emancipation, 45–48, Child, Lydia Maria (continued) 51, 60, 187nn. 18, 20–21, 188n. 23; and progressive-liberalism, 53, 54; on slavery, 43–45, 48–52, 53, 61, 187n. 21, 188n. 22, 189nn. 28, 30; on unionism , 47, 189n. 33, 195n. 9 Christy, David, 19–20 Cincinnati Gazette, 125 Civic Ideals (Smith), 94 Civil War, U.S., causation, 39, 157–65 Clarkson, Thomas, 19, 128, 135, 220n. 33, 222n. 44, 223n. 53. See also Hammond , Clarkson letters of Clay, Henry, 24, 71–72, 226n. 89 Cole, Arthur, 162 Colonization schemes for African Americans , 24, 46, 96–97, 107, 179n. 35, 207n. 20, 208n. 24 Compromise of 1850, 70, 71, 74, 138 Constitution, U.S.: anti-slavery views on, 56, 58, 65–68, 81, 83, 86, 188n. 23, 193n. 53, 195n. 11, 199n. 47; pro-slavery views on, 124, 139, 145, 152, 159, 224n. 64 Constitution, a Pro-Slavery Compact, The (Phillips), 62, 65–66, 75 Cotton Is King, 19, 21, 25 Craven, Avery, 161 Crawford, William, 226n. 89 Creation of the American Republic, The (Wood), 4 Critenden compromise, 199nn. 46, 49 Curtis, Benjamin, 71, 197nn. 26, 27 Cushing, Caleb, 77, 198n. 37 Dana, Richard, 80, 83, 199n. 45, 200n. 54 Davis, David Brion, 42, 175n. 4, 210n. 47, 231n. 23 Declaration of Independence, U.S.: antislavery arguments and, 18, 44, 55, 59, 66, 85, 88, 196n. 13; proslavery arguments and, 19, 20, 177n. 18, 219n. 19 Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery Society, 18, 29, 30 Democratic Party, 216n. 78 Dew, Thomas R., 12, 174n. 31; on abolitionists , 206n. 20, 223n. 56; on colonization , 96–97; on emancipation, 96–100, 102, 206n. 20, 207nn. 22–24, 208nn. 26–28; on federal economic policy , 103, 210n...
