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Abbestee, Adri: En ze leefden nog lang en gelukkig . . . (And They Lived Happily Ever After . . . ), 52 Ache, Jean: Le Monde des ronds et des carrés (The World of Circles and Squares), 141, 155–56, 213 Adam, Jean-Michel, 2 Almond, Steve, 312n32 Altieri, Charles, 283, 292 Altmann, Anna, 39, 89, 91, 93–94, 97, 100, 102–3, 104, 157 Andersen, Hans Christian, 111; “The Little Red Shoes,” 61; “The Snow Queen,” 131 Anholt, Laurence: Billy Beast, 76; Little Red Riding Wolf, 86; Snow White and the Seven Aliens, 15 Anne Sexton’s Feminist Re-reading of the Grimms’ Briar Rose, 71 Applebee, Arthur, 185 The Arabian Nights, 34 Attic Press, 90, 105, 315n23 Atwood, Margaret, 44, 212, 213; The Edible Woman, 296; “There Was Once,” 59–60 author attachment, 30 author detachment, principle of, 46, 98 autoreflexivity, 22–24, 88, 99, 300 Avery, Tex, 45 Ayto, Russell, 81 Bacchilega, Cristina, 249, 307n1; “Extrapolating from Nalo Hopkinson’s Skin Folk,” 43; Postmodern Fairy Tales, 230, 237–38, 269, 270–71, 281, 321n4 Bachelard, Gaston, concept of rêverie, 191 Bakhtin, M. M., 17, 26, 119 Bal, Mieke, 237, 249 Barrie, J. M.: Peter Pan, 138, 199 Barthelme, Donald, 6, 44, 321n46 Barthes, Roland, 17–18, 309n12, 311n26 Barzilai, Shuli: “Reading ‘Snow White’: The Mother’s Story,” 6, 186, 227, 312n1 Basile, Giambattista: Lo cunto de le cunti (Pentamerone), 34–35, 167; “Sun, Moon, and Talia,” 159–60, 170, 319n26 Beaumont, Jeanne-Marie Leprince: “Beauty and the Beast,” 10, 74–77, 111, 175, 178, 308n4 “Beauty and the Beast,” 6, 74–77; Bettelheim on, 174, 175–76, 177; de Beaumont’s version, 10, 74–77, 111, 175, 178 “Beauty and the Beast” retellings, 71, 73, 76; “A Beauty in the Beast” (Brooke), 109–11; “Beast” ( Block), 174–77; Billy Beast (Robins), 76; “A Moral Tale” (Namjoshi), 114–15; “The Pig Prince” (Straparola), 10, 177; “Prinses Roosje” (Clement), 162, 163; De Roos en het Zwijn ((The Rose and the Swine) (Provoost), 10, 13, 16, 65, 76, 177–80, 184, 213, 214, 308n8; “Sleeping Index 350 INDEX “Beauty and the Beast” retellings (cont.) Beauty, Revised” (McCorkle), 137–40; “Sleeping Beauty’s Dreams” (Duhamel), 174, 175; Sleeping Bobby (Osbourne and Osbourne), 50, 86; “The Sleeping Prince,” 51; Sleeping Ugly (Yolen), 72, 77, 92, 104, 106–9; “Thorn Rose” (Namjoshi), 115; “Ugly and the Beast” (Walker), 73, 75–76, 104–5 Beck, Ian: illustrated versions of “Hansel and Gretel,” 151–52, 213, 318n15 Beck, Kathleen, 102 Beckett, Sandra, 28, 210, 307n1; Recycling Red Riding Hood, 86, 141, 155–56, 213, 309n9, 319n27; Red Riding Hood for All Ages, 35 Bedford, Jacey: “Mirror, Mirror,” 11, 15, 263 Bednářová, Eva: illustrations to Perrault’s “Sleeping Beauty,” 182, 318n16 Bennington, Geoffrey, 38 Benson, Patrick, 55 Benson, Stephen, 39; Contemporary Fiction and the Fairy Tale, 2, 5, 35; Cycles of Influence, 34–35, 94, 263, 269, 270 Bergwanger, Nikolaus: “schneewittchen öffne deine augen,” 242 Bernheimer, Kate, 53; Brothers and Beasts, 312n32 Bernstein, Basil: Magic Spell, 186 Bettelheim, Bruno: The Uses of Enchantment, 5, 6, 7–8, 19, 25, 26, 123–214; on “Beauty and the Beast,” 174, 175–76, 177; on “Cinderella,” 153–55, 179; critical responses to, 184–212, 213, 320n39; discussion of Basile’s “Sun, Moon, and Talia,” 159–60, 170, 175; dream mechanisms in fairy tales, 127, 140–43, 243; fairy tales as therapy and access to unconscious, 124–67; on “Hansel and Gretel,” 142, 143–44, 149–50, 151; “Little Red Riding Hood,” 17, 135, 155–57, 196, 198, 201–2, 206–7, 209, 210; resexualizing the fairy tale, 127, 167–84; on “Sleeping Beauty,” 157–63, 172, 173, 175–76, 180, 182, 319n24; on “Snow White,” 140, 165, 294 Biegel, Paul: Wie je droomt ben je zelf (You Are What You Dream), 127–29, 202, 210–12, 213 Billy Beast (Anholt and Robins), 76 Black Heart, Ivory Bones (Datlow and Windling), 46 Blackwell, Jeannine: “Fractured Fairy Tales: German Women Authors and the Grimm Tradition,” 282 Bloch, Ernst, 19 Block, Francesca Lia, 115, 195, 213, 214, 320n41; “Beast,” 174–77; “Snow,” 193–94, 238–41; Weetzie Bat, 194 Blumlein, Michael: “Snow in Dirt,” 259–62, 286 Bobby, Susan: Fairy Tales Reimagined, 2 Böhm-Korff, Regina, 28, 32 Booth, Wayne C.: The Craft of Research, 32–33, 41, 42 Born, Monika, 103, 123 Borowsky, Lothar, 38 Bosmajian, Hamida, 125, 317n6 Bottigheimer, Ruth, 82–83; “Bettelheims Hexe,” 186–87; Grimms’ Bad Girls and Bold Boys, 6, 92, 281 Brackert, Helmut, 42, 113; “Hänsel...
