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BIBLIOGRAPHY PRIMARY SOURCES "Boze Narodzenie 1958" (Christmas 1958). InAby Chrystus, 67-75. Czlowiek w polu odpowiedzialnosei (Man in the field of responsibility). Lublin: Instytut Jana Pawla II, 1991. "'Elementarz etyczny" (Elements of ethics). InAby Chrystus, 127-182. "Etyka a teologia moralna" (Ethics and moral theology). In Aby Chrystus, 462-69. Thomism is the best model for applying a philosophical theory as a means of interpreting the Catholic Church's moral teaching. However, some modifications should be made in Thomistic anthropology and ethics, e.g. (1) in ethics, the normative dimension should be emphasized more than the teleological; (2) Thomistic anthropology should be supplemented with a theory of consciousness; and (3) there is a need for a new interpretation of the Thomistic theory of virtues. "Instynkt, milosc, malzeilstwo" (Instinct, love, marriage). In Aby Chrystus, 36-50. The sexual drives play an important role in building a marital relationship . 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