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299 • Primary Sources De la Taille, Maurice, S.J. “Actuation créée par Act incréé: Lumière de gloire, grâce sanctifiante , union hypostatique.” Récherches de science religieuse 18 (1928), 253–68. ———. “Coena et Passio in theologia apologetica contra pseudo-reformatores.” Gregorianum 9 (1928) 177–241. ———. Contemplative Prayer. Translated by a Carmelite Tertiary. London: Burns, Oates, and Washbourne, 1950. ———. “Created Actuation by Uncreated Act.” In The Hypostatic Union and Created Actuation by Uncreated Act. West Baden Springs, Ind.: West Baden College, 1952. ———. “Dialogue on the Grace of Union.” In The Hypostatic Union and Created Actuation by Uncreated Act. West Baden Springs, Ind.: West Baden College, 1952. ———. “De sacrificio vero et proprio: Questiones disputatae V.” Gregorianum 9 (1928): 3–64. ———. “Entretien amical d’Eudoxe et de Palamède sur la grâce d’union.” Revue apologétique 48 (1929): 5–26, 129–45. ———. Esquisse du Mystère de la Foi: Suivie de quelques éclaircissements. Paris: Beauchesne, 1924. ———. “The Eucharist and Mortification.” In The Mystery of Faith and Human Opinion Contrasted and Defined. London: Sheed and Ward, 1930. ———. “The Eucharistic Sacrifice in the Light of a Recent Document.” Gregorianum 7 (1926): 97–109. ———. The Hypostatic Union and Created Actuation by Uncreated Act. West Baden Springs, Ind.: West Baden College, 1952. ———. “Insurrection.” Dictionnaire Apologétique de la Foi Catholique. Paris: Beauchesne, 1915, cc. 1056–66. Translated as “Una opinión teológica.” In Catolicismo y república, 140–60. Madrid: Gráfica Universal, 1932. ———. “The Last Supper and Calvary: A Reply to Critics.” American Ecclesiastical Review 71 (1924): 1–22; 123–45. ———. “The Last Supper and Catholic Divines from Henry VIII to the Council of Trent.” Irish Ecclesiastical Review 25 (1925): 561–86. ———. “La Médiatrice de toutes les grâces, d’après une publication récente.” Gregorianum 7 (1926): 393–96. 300 • Bibliography ———. Mysterium Fidei: De augustissimo corporis et sanguinis Christi sacrificio atque sacramento, Elucidationes L in tres libros distinctae. Paris: Beauchesne, 1921, 1924, 1931. ———. “The Mystery of Faith.” Irish Ecclesiastical Review 26 (1925): 123–34. ———. The Mystery of Faith: Regarding the Most August Sacrament and Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Christ. Book 1, The Sacrifice of Our Lord. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1940. ———. The Mystery of Faith: Regarding the Most August Sacrament and Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Christ. Book 2, The Sacrifice of the Church. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1950. ———. “Une mystique anglaise d’aujourdhui: Thérèse Hélène Higginson.” Études 193 (November 1927): 474–79. ———. L’oecuménicité du fruit de la messe: Intercession eucharistique et dissidence. Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 8, no. 30. Roma: Pont. Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, 1926. ———. “Les offrandes de messes.” Gregorianum 4 (1923): 355–405; 557–90. ———. “L’oraison contemplative.” Récherches de science religieuse 10 (1919): 273–92. ———. “A propos d’un livre sur la Cène.” Gregorianum 11 (1930): 194–263. ———. “Quelque précisions sur la Révélation et le dogme dans leurs rélations avec le progress.” Etudes 101 (1904): 507ff. ———. “Le sacrifice céleste et l’ange du sacrifice.” Récherches de science religieuse 13 (1923): 218–36. ———. “The Sacrifice of the Mass.” Irish Ecclesiastical Review 24 (1924): 74–79. ———. “The Sacrifice of the Mass.” Irish Ecclesiastical Review 25 (1925): 85–87. ———. “The Sacrifice of the Mass: A Reply.” Irish Ecclesiastical Review 24 (1924): 310–13. ———. “The Schoolmen.” In The Hypostatic Union and Created Actuation by Uncreated Act. West Baden Springs, Ind.: West Baden College, 1952. ———. “Sur diverses classifications de la science divine.” Récherches de science réligieuse 13 (1923): 7–23. ———. “Théories mystiques: A propos d’un livre récent.” Récherches de science religieuse 18 (1928): 297–325. ———. “Two Letters (22 Dec. 1921; 3 Jan. 1922).” in response to J.V. Bainvel. Printed in The Graces of Interior Prayer, by Augustin Poulain. Tenth Edition. Introduction by J.V. Bainvel, St. Louis: B. Herder, 1950, xcviii–civ. Secondary Sources on de la Taille Anonymous. “In memoriam P. Mauritius de la Taille.” Gregorianum 14 (1933): 635–37. Beauduin, Lambert, O.S.B. Mélanges liturgiques recueillis parmi les œuvres de Dom Lambert Beauduin à l’occasion de ses 80 ans. Louvain: Centre Liturgiques, 1954. ———. La piété liturgique. South Bend, Ind.: Fides, 1947. Brosnan, J.B. “Father de la Taille’s Theory in the Light of St. Thomas.” Irish Ecclesiastical Review 22 (1923): 561–72. Burrell, David B., C.S.C. “Many Masses and One Sacrifice.” Yearbook of Liturgical Studies (1964): 103–17. Caraman, Philip, S.J. University of the...
