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I n d e x Page references in italics refer to illustrations absence: of assurance, 83–84; of body of Christ, 54, 61; in devotional poetry, 144; divine, 21, 30, 141; in Herbert, 54; instabilities of, 158; objective reality of, 145; of presence, 29; in sacramental theology, 193n40; of signified, 24, 33, 145 Adams, Robert, 119, 188n2, 192n33 Addison, Joseph, 171n56 aesthetics: of catechism, 48; of Catholic devotional poets, 4; Crashaw’s, 32; Herbert’s, 59, 60, 176n51; of immanence, 51; post-Reformation, 149; of presence, 162; Protestant, 168n4; Reformation, 196n24; sacramental, 19, 146; theology and, 19, 147, 196n24 Altieri, Charles, 160, 161, 198n36 Ambrose of Milan: De sacramentis, 11–13; Donne’s use of, 110; influence on transubstantiation , 13 Andrewes, Lancelot, 20 Aristotle: influence on transubstantiation, 13, 41; philosophies of matter, 173n13 art, symbolic action of, 19 Asals, Heather, 50–51, 59; on ontological language, 162 Ashton, Jennifer, 198n34 Augustine of Hippo: on allegory, 90; Bride/ lover metaphor of, 179n19; Calvin’s use of, 170n35; sacramental theology of, 11, 12, 14, 41, 68, 170n35; on signification, 195n20. Works: De Doctrina Christiana, 12; In Iohannis evangelium, 170n35 Barthes, Roland: on modern poetry, 161; on signs, 199n38 Bauer, Matthias, 53 Baumlin, James, 113, 193n40; on Donne, 187n73 Bennett, Joan, 192n32 Bernard of Clairvaux, sacred eroticism of, 179n19 Bernstein, Charles: on antiabsorptive poetics, 23–24, 42, 160; on Postmodern poetry, 161; use of Merleau-Ponty, 171n49 Bible: English translations of, 123; as generic sourcebook, 27; transmission of doctrine, 197n26. See also Song of Songs Blasing, Mutlu Konuk, 22–23, 159, 160, 163 body: as communicative instrument, 27; as distraction from spirit, 139; in Donne’s works, 90–94; encounters with the divine, 129, 138, 139; integrity with soul, 92; in sacramental worship, 32, 88; as site of spirituality , 138 body of Christ: in Crashaw, 120, 129, 131, 135; in Donne, 95–97, 182n19; in Herbert, 53, 59, 64; perceptual access to, 132; in sacramental worship, 10–11, 14–16, 26 Book of Common Prayer, Cranmer’s revisions to, 34 books, material artifacts of, 158. See also print culture Booth, Stephen, 162 bread: Christ’s presence in, 2, 14, 16, 32, 36, 86, 101, 111, 130; container of, 135; materiality of, 20, 35, 40, 108; as metaphor, 13; nourishment from, 8; sacramental element of, 17, 38, 99, 130–31; sensory encounter with, 58; as symbol, 18, 64, 100; Thomas Aquinas on, 58 222 Index bridehood: sacramental, 69, 71, 80; in Song of Songs, 180n44 Brides of Christ, 66; in Augustine, 179n19; in Book of Revelation, 185n44; communicants as, 73; in Donne, 102–4, 185n45; Mather on, 72; Paul’s use of, 103; in Taylor’s poetics, 76–79, 84, 86, 178n7 broken heart: in ‘‘The Altar,’’ 46–47; offering in worship, 44 Bulkeley, Peter, 72 Bynum, Caroline Walker, 138, 177nn5,7; on feminine Christ imagery, 189n8; on imitatio Christi, 191n30 Calderwood, James, 157, 196n24 Calhoun, Joshua, 197n26 Calvin, John: concept of signs, 17–19; Institutes , 41; on metaphor, 18; on referentiality, 18; sacramental theology of, 17–19, 41; on species of Communion, 44; use of Augustine, 170n35 Calvinism: devaluation of symbols, 167n1; Donne’s relationship to, 98, 184n26; Taylor’s, 3, 30, 63; tradition of grace, 71 cannibalism, in eucharistic theology, 97, 120, 191n24 Canning, Patricia, 175n31 Car, Thomas, 191n27 Carey, John, 168n8, 183n19 Catholicism: aesthetics of, 4; Crashaw’s conversion to, 121, 190n22; Donne’s affinities with, 168n8, 184n26; female symbols in, 177n7. See also transubstantiation Chapman, George, 193n1 Christ: absence of, 54; association with rock, 42; blood of, 54–55, 126–28, 139–41, 143, 176n44; as bread of life, 130–31; circumcision of, 124–27; feminine imagery of, 184n24, 188n3, 189n8; figuration of, 49; grotesque imagery of, 122–23, 128, 139, 143, 189n10, 190n15; material being of, 110; name of, 47, 49, 110–11, 133–35; nourishment by, 122, 184n24, 189n8; Passion of, 94–97, 176n45; perceptual access to, 132; physical intimacy with, 120; physicality of, 26, 95–97, 122–24, 128; as proto-Mother, 188n3; resurrection of, 91–94; sacramental contact with, 127–28; seminal imagery for, 66, 82, 84; spiritual apprehension of, 39; substance of, 3; as trope, 118; unmediated contact with, 137–38; wounds of, 122–24, 127–28, 139–41, 143, 182n19. See also body of Christ; crucifixion; Word made flesh Christ as Logos: in Donne, 99, 118; in Herbert, 42, 50, 52–54, 176n41 Christianity, incarnational, 129, 138, 145 church, English: continental influences on, 170n35; Elizabethan, 19; Jacobean...
