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Index Abrams, M. H., 109 Aeneid, The (Virgil), and Aeneas, 174-7.5, 177 Aikhenval'd, luli, 126 Alexander I, tsar of Russia, 10 Alyona (Lermontov character), 88-89, 90, 92,206n13 Andronnikov, 1. L. (editor of I,ermontov's collected works), 188 Annensky, Innokentii, 147 Antinominalism, 19.5-96nI4 Arbenin (Lermontov character), 4, 31, 47, .53, 103, 108, 190; eroticism of, 40, 42; fails, 24-2.5, 84, 100, 174; heroism of. 22, 23, 71, 162: and his doubles, .54-60; at masquerade, 63-64, 70-71, 1.'34; violE'nce of, 39, 172, 186; and woe from wit, 71-84 Aristotle: Politics, 17 Ashukin, N. S., 66, 68 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 62, 63, 64, 69, 70 Bakunin, Mikhail, 126 Balzac, HonorE' dE', 136 Baratynsky, E. A., .51, .52, 16.5-66, 191 Bariatinsky, A. 1., 12 Barzun, Jacques, 2 Bataille, Georges, 4.'3 Baudelaire, Charles Pierre: Lesf/ellrs du mal, 4.3 Bayle, Pierre, U8 Bela (Lennontov character), 39, 129, 130, 170. See also Hero of Our Time, A (Lermontov) Belinsky, Vissarion G., 6-7,13,20, 104, 114,126, 131; and concept of personality, 1.5; on Lerrnontov's writings, 19, .54, 9.5,10:3,112,113,13.5,14.3,14.5, 1.5,5; OIl Marlinsky, 1.3.5, 137, 142; as 237 "Westernizer," 106, 107; works: "Literary Reveries," 136 Benediktov, Vladimir, 139 Berdiaev, Nikolai, 2, 7, 17, 80, U7 Berlin, Isaiah, 10, 11 Bestuzhev, Alexander. See Marlinsky, Alexander Bestuzhev, Nikolai, 69, 147 Bestuzhev, Pyotr, 138 Bible references: David and Goliath confrontation, 103; Ecclesiastes, 73; Genesis, 20.3n13; Job, 176; Mark, 34; Matthew, 22, 98; Psalms, 219n20; I Samuel, 162-63, 17.5, 178. See also Religion Blake, William, 13, 28, 204n16; The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 96 Blok, Alexander, 44, 191 Bloom, Harold, 109 Bodenstedt, Friedrich, 68 Bolshevik revolution, 19.5n13 Boris Godllllot; (Pushkin), .54, 97, 102 Botkin, Vassily p. 4, 1.5, 20 Bowlby, John: Attachment and Loss, 200n1.5 Briullo\', Karl, 1.36, 139. 1.53 Brokgalls and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, 10 Brown, William Edward, 48 Bulgako\', Sergei, .3, 7 Bulgarin, F. V, [,38-39, 1.50 Burachok, S., 1.5-16 Byron, Lord, 134, 149, 1.51, 19.5nll; Byronic figure (Aleko), ,52; Byronic hero, 1,9,71,72,83, 162, 174; Byronic style, .53,1:38, 1.39, 141, 1.54; Byronism as "revelation." 14; and gnosticism, 80; amI Ylanichaeism, 20.3nI4, 204n16; works: "Cain," 29,30, .50, 99-100, 108, 174, Index 199n12, 200n16; DrmjurLrl, 1; "The Giaour," 1.56; "Hebrew Melodies," 190, 217nn9, II; "Lines Written at Malta," 201>-9n22; "Manfred," 4:3 Camus, Albert, 80 Cantor, Palll, 108 Capitalism, emergence of, 8 Captain of Dragoons (Lennontov character), ll2, 114, 144, 147 Carlyle, Thomas, 9 Castle, Terry, 62 Catherine II (the Great), tsarina of Hussia, 12,67,202n4 Censorship, .30, 61-62, 68, 21On27 Chaadaev, Petr, 10 CllPkhov, Anton, 4, 6, 113; works: The Three Sisters, 24, 61; "Ward No.6," 61 Chernyshevsky, Nikolai, 1.38 Chesterton, G. K., 121 Christianity. See Religion Cilllkoysky, Korney, 191 Cloud imagery, 49-50, .51, 170 Cossack (Lennontov character), 114, 120-23, 124 Counter-Heformation. See Reformation, the Custine, Marquis de, 68, 92-93, 106 Dahl, Vladimir, 66, 122, 14.5, 1.59 Daniloy, Ki rsha, 104 Dante Alighieri: The Diuine Comedy (Illferno) , 173, 177 D'Anthes, Baron George, 188 Da\id and Goliath confrontation, 103 Decembrists and Dccembrist uprising (1825),12,61, 146, 17~ 188,206n8; crushed, 22, 117, 139; investigation o( 68,94, 206n12; Marlinsky and, 1:37, 138, 140; na:ivete of, 14.5; poem recited by, 141; post-Decembrist period, 13, 61, 114, ll8, 202n4, (masquerades and) 6.'5-71,134,148, (repression during) 14, 22, 1.34; sympathy for, Ill: theatricality of, 68-70, 1.30, 134, 141 De Maistre, Joseph, 10-11 "Demon, The" (LE'rmontov), 2.5, 28-.54, 108, 109, 217nn9, 10, 218n13; and eroticism, 40-44, .52; loss as theme, 20-21,34-40, 172, 21On28; publication of, 1.55 238 Demon (Lermontov character), 23, 2.5, 44, .57,80, 100, 109, 143, 162, 171, 18.5-90 passim; as murderer, 78, 108; and sensation of loss, 170, 172; and Tamara, 20-21,29-42,4.5-.52,7.5,78,101,176 Delllonism, fascination with, 28-.52, 169; erotic dimension. 43 Descartt's, Rene, 76 De Vigny, Alfred, 29, 30, 116, 118, 179 Dialectics, 10.5 Dickens, Charles: O[iuer Twist, 121 DOll juan (Byron), I DOll Quixote (Cervantes), 2, 72...
