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391 Index acculturation, 203 Adorno, Theodor, 178, 220, 233, 240n30, 281 aesthetics, 45, 58, 216n29, 236. See also art Aesthetics (Hegel), 285 Afghanistan, U.S. occupation of, 241n34, 284 “Age of Neutralization and Depoliticization , The” (Schmitt lecture), 310 Albrecht, Carl, 38 Alcoff, Linda, 325–28, 329, 331, 337, 338, 341 aletheia (unconcealment), 50, 128, 261, 272–73, 274 alterity, 9, 26, 150, 157 “Analytic and Conversational Philosophy ” (Rorty), 172 analytic philosophy, xii, xviin4, 5, 147–48, 157; divide with continental philosophy , xiii, 172; end of metaphysics and, 168; Nietzsche and, 220; ontology and, 162; “weak thought” and, 169. See also philosophy anamnesis, 45, 46–50, 54–57, 60 Anaximander, 222 anti-foundationalism, 245 anti-Semitism, 178 anxiety (Angst), 27, 38, 120n44, 285 Apel, Karl-Otto, 162, 301, 305n40 appearance, 30, 31, 35, 106, 269; free play of, 263; Sachen (things) and, 39 archaeology, 92, 93, 155 architecture, xii, 132 Arendt, Hannah, xv, 227 Aristotle, xi, 16, 22n18, 23n42, 49, 219; on Being qua Being, 190; critique of Plato, 55; on equity, 211; genealogy of hermeneutics and, 83; Metaphysics, 60; on methexis, 55, 56; mimesis and, 48, 64n41, 65n57; on mimesis and anamnesis, 50; Nicomachean Ethics, 53; phronesis and, 10, 46, 211, 270–71; Physics, 35; poets praised by, 54; Politics, 60; on propositions, 251; on unity of analogy, 102 art, 30–31, 33, 52–54, 121, 199; dignity of, 125–26; historicality of, 263; language of things and, 36; mimesis and, 45–48; nature and, 54, 59; Platonic view of, 50; play of tradition and, 71; politics and, 306–7, 315; science compared with, 233–37; temporality and, 58–59; theory and, 59; truth in experience of, 124, 125, 126–27. See also aesthetics “Art and Imitation” (Gadamer), 51 “Artwork in Word and Image, The” (Gadamer ), 47 asceticism, 233, 237 attunement, 101 Augustine, Saint, 285 Austen, Jane, 330, 331, 333–35, 340 Austin, J. L., 175n35, 305n40 authenticity, 110, 118n9, 164, 251, 310 author, 135, 297, 351, 364n15 Avicenna, 190 Ayer, A. J., 148 Babich, Babette, xii Badiou, Alain, 226, 236 Baeumler, Alfred, 220 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 36 Basic Problems of Phenomenology, The (Heidegger lecture course), 106–7, 111 Bassermann, Dieter, 177 Bataille, Georges, 223, 227, 233 Baudrillard, Jean, 224, 233, 234, 235 Beardsworth, Richard, 223 392 I N D E X Benjamin, Walter, 234, 282, 290, 306, 311 Benveniste, Émile, 95 Bergson, Henri, 220 Betti, Emilio, 121, 128, 131nn16–17 Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche), 192, 230 Bildung (edification), 329, 331, 340 Birth of Tragedy, The (Nietzsche), 226 Blache, Vidal de la, 262 Blake, William, xi Bloch, Ernst, 39 Blumenberg, Hans, 137 Book of Hours (Das Stundenbuch) (Rilke), 178, 183 Book of Pilgrimage (Das Buch von der Pilgerschaft ) (Rilke), 178 Bourdieu, Pierre, 224, 240n21, 359–60 Bouveresse, Jacques, xviin4 Brandom, Robert, xiii, 245–46 Bubner, Rüdiger, 122, 162, 245 Buck, Günther, 80n45 Bush, George W., 284 Calvin, John, 318 Caputo, John, 157, 202 Carnap, Rudolf, 202, 213 Cartesianism, 167 Catholic Church, 179, 185, 283, 313, 317 censorship, 135, 136 Chomsky, Noam, 241n34 Christianity, 23n45, 61n1, 137; incarnation , 49; interpretation of Rilke and, 183, 184, 185; political hermeneutics and, 317; theology of angels, 181 Cicero, 249 Cohen, Hermann, 244 coherence theory, 126, 152, 153–54 colonialism, 283, 365n30 communism, 282, 306, 315 comprehension, 94, 95 Concept of Anxiety, The (Kierkegaard), 16–17 Concept of the Political, The (Schmitt), 313– 14, 315, 316 Concept of Time, The (Heidegger lecture course), 119–20n42 Le conflit des interprétations (Ricouer), 88, 89, 92–93, 95 consciousness, 10, 21n16, 109, 123, 348; historical, 353, 354; intentionality of, Beatie, Thomas, 337–38 beauty, 50, 56, 59, 60–61; art as celebration of, 234; pleasure and, 126; sublime and, 236; suddenness and, 16 Beckett, Samuel, 183, 281 Beckmann, Max, 36 Becoming, 31, 222 being, 48, 101; appearance and, 32, 106; average understanding of, 101, 102, 104–6, 107, 112, 115; being-in-itself, 9, 38; being-in-the-world, 38, 45, 60, 122, 127, 349; being-with/being-with-others, 18, 53, 56, 318; hermeneutical, 37; knowledge as element of, 199; linguistic , 40, 42; meaning of, 101, 103, 104, 107, 111; as most universal concept, 102; of play, 71; as presence-at-hand, 100–101; of things, 37; time (temporality ) and, 9, 58, 105, 108; undifferentiatedness of, 111. See also ontology Being (Sein), 29–32, 42, 162, 191; as conversation , 162, 170; end of metaphysics and, 32; experience of art and, 48; history of, 163, 245; hold of, 34–40; interpretation of, 73, 77; language...
