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index | 165 Thomas, George H., 86, 125 Tod, David, 93 Trent crisis, 57–58 Trumbull, Lyman, 16–17 Unionist sentiment: in Upper South and Border states, 20–21 Union troops: Army of Northern Virginia , 80–81; Army of the Cumberland , 86; Army of the Ohio, 83–84; black, recruited as Unionsaving measure, 84; comparison of Confederate officers to those of, 1–2; Lincoln as critical variable in victory by, 3; Massachusetts Sixth Regiment, 36–37; movement by rail, 86; naval successes, 55; New York Seventh Regiment, 37; Ohio 163rd Regiment, 115; spring offensive , 93–94; victories following Stanton’s appointment as secretary of war, 61–62. See also Army of the Potomac (Division of the Potomac) U.S. Congress: Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, 55–56; Lincoln’s annual message to (1861), 31, 44–47, 58; — (1862), 69; — (1863), 86–87; Lincoln’s decision not to summon, 34–35; Lincoln’s message to, regarding early conduct of Civil War, 37–38; retroactive approval of Lincoln’s emergency measures, 47; Second Confiscation Act, 67 U.S. Constitution: proposed amendment abolishing slavery, 94, 122–23; racial equality assumption as basis of, 13–14; on suspension of writ of habeas corpus, 38–39; Thirteenth Amendment, 25–26, 122–23 U.S. Supreme Court: chief justice candidates, 123–24; ruling on blockade, 47 Vallandigham, Clement L., 83–84, 85, 109 Vicksburg, Mississippi, 78–80 Victoria (Queen of England), 57 Virginia, 35 Wade, Benjamin F., 54, 56, 89–90 Wade-Davis Bill, 89–90 war atrocities, 109–10 War Department, 43–44, 61–62 War Orders, 62–63 war-power employed by Lincoln, 46–47 Washburne, Elihu, 93 weapons smuggling, 41 Weed, Thurlow, 111–12 Welles, Gideon, 18, 53 Wells, David A., 11–12 Whig doctrine, 44, 114–15 White, Horace, 10 white supremacy, 13 Whitney, Henry C., 9 Wilkes, Charles, 57 Wilmot Proviso, 14–15 writ of habeas corpus, suspension of, 35, 38–39 Yancy, William L., 14 Michael Burlingame, holder of the Chancellor Naomi B. Lynn Distinguished Chair in Lincoln Studies at the University of Illinois Springfield, is the author of The Inner World of Abraham Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln: A Life, which won the 2010 Lincoln Prize. He has also edited several volumes of Lincoln primary source materials, most of which have been published by Southern Illinois University Press. ...
