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Index Adler, MortimerJ., 44, flO, III, 119 Adult education, 118-20 ALhl(!I1IUreS oj Ideas (Whitehead), 80 Aims ofEducation alld Olher Essays (Whitehead), xi, 80 Aims ofEdUCaliOIl Reslated (White), 110 Aristotle, on education, xiii "As School Opens-The Educators Examined" (B. Russell), 72 Barry, Griffin, 63 Beacon Hill School; advertisement for, 45; application of Russell's theories at, xviii, 44-45,47,59; child-centered education at, 67; criticism of, 6~61, 68; curriculum at, 45,57,58:-59,61; defense of, 68, 102, 104; discipline at, 62-63, 64; enrollment at, 56, establishment of, 11, 43, 44, 46, 56; failure of, xii-xiii, II, 64, 65-67, 73, 102, 143n.87; financial problems of, 46, 66; as "Go As You Please School," 46; influence on Russell's theories of education, 72--74, 102, 103; location of, xviii, xix, 45, 55, 104; nakedness of students at, 57-58, 69, 144n.105; organizational structure of, 57; problem students at, 62-63, 65-66, 104; prospectus for, 45; publications about, 56-57,63,72; School Council at, 62-63; sex education at, 58; staff at, 46, 65 Behaviorists, 44 Her/rami Russell Oil Education (Park), 65 Brereton, 1. L., 68 Brock, Dame Dorothy, 93 Broudy, Harry, 1 Brumbaugh, Robert S., 91, 93 Bubel', Martin, 119 Case for Examinatiolls (Brereton), 68 Child-centered education: Beacon Hill SchOOl as, 67; Dewey on, 24; Parker on, 22, 23 Classical education, Whitehead on, 88-94, 100 Community-centered education, Dewey on, 24 Compulsory curriculum, 38 Computers, role of in education, 111-14 Concept ofMatter (Whitehead), 80 Conquest o/Happiness (B. Russell), 47 Continuity: Dewey on, xviii, 17,24-26, 26-27,38-39; Whitehead on, 85-86, 88, 91,94. See also Dualism Cross, Betty, 46 Curriculum-centered education, 24, 38 Curry, W. B., 68, 139n.24 Dcarden, Robert, 67 Democracy and Education (Dewey), xi, 26, 27,40 Democracy in education, Dewey on, 27-28 Dewey, Alice (wife of John); criticism of, 35-36; influence on Dewey, 19; as principal of Laboratory School, 19, 33 Dewey, Jane (daughter of Alice and John), 19 Dewey, John: on child-centered education, 24; on community-centered education, 24; on continuity vs. dualism, xviii, xix, [7, 24-26,26-27.38-39; criticism of, 37-41, 107-8, 122; death of, I; on democracy in education, 27-28; early educational experimcnts of, 19; experimental method of, xviii, 105; on ideal goals of education, xviii, 23, 26, 27-28; influence of Alice 011, 19; influcnce on Russell, 14~4In-40; on Laboratory School experiment, 34-37, 103; 173 174 Dewey, John (continued) learning and eXlJerience theories of, 24, 26, 37, 38, 114; on philosophy, 107-8, 109; publications by, xi, 18,21,26,27,40; resemblances to Russell and Whitehead, xi-xiii, 103; resignation from School of Education and' Department of Philosophy, 33; review of Russell's On Educatioll, 52, 54; on social consciousness, 24; on theory and practice, II, 14-16, 17, 103, 106-7. See also Laboratory School of the University of Chicago. Discipline: at Beacon Hill School, 62-63, 64; concept of, 6; Russell on, xix, 45, 48, 51, 63, 66-67, 70, 142-431J.76; Whitehead on, 76,96,
