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NOTES The following abbreviations for frequently cited sources are used in the notes: ALMSS CWL DLC II-Ii O.R. RPB Abraham Lincoln Papers. The Collected Works ofAbraham Lincoln. Edited by Roy P. Basler, Marion Dolores Pratt, and Lloyd A. Dunlap. (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1953-55). Library ofCongress. Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield The War ofthe Rebellion: A Compilation ofthe Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1880-1901). John Library, Brown University. EDITORS' INTRODUCTION 1. [William R. Thayer?], "John Hay," Cambridge, Mass., 1918, Hay MSS, RPBj Horace White to Frank J. Garrison, NewYork, 8 Nov. 1914,William R. Thayer MSS, RPB. White had read the three-volume Letters ofJohn Hay and Extracts from Diary, edited by Clara Louise Stone Hay and Henry Adams (Washington: privately printed, 1908). 2. Charles G. Halpine's headnote to Hay's poem, "God's Vengeance;' New York Citizen, n.d., scrapbook, Hay MSS, RPB; Grow, quoted in James T. DuBois and Gertrude S. Mathews, Galusha A. Grow: Father ofthe Homestead Law (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1917),266-67; Nicolay and Hay, Abraham Lincoln:A History (New York: Century, 1890), l:xii; [Nicolay?], draft of introduction to Abraham Lincoln: A History, Nicolay-Hay MSS, IHi. According to Hay's biographer, Tyler Dennett,"The personal relations ofLincoln and Hay came closely to resemble those of father and son:' John Hay: From Poetry to Politics (New York: Dodd, 1934),39. A pair ofmore recent scholars has maintained . that "John Hay's relationship with Abraham Lincoln was a paramount influence over his life. For Hay, Lincoln proved to be a father figure who combined the values and personalities of both John's father and uncle:' Howard I. Kushner and Anne Hummel Sherrill, fohn Milton Hay: The Union ofPoetry and Politics (Boston: Twayne, 1977),27. On Lincoln's tendency to act as a surrogate father to young men, see "Surrogate Father Abraham:' in Michael Burlingame, The Inner World ofAbraham Lincoln (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1994), 73-91. 3. Hay to Nora Perry, Springfield, IlL, 20 May 1859, MSS, RPB. 4. [Nicolay?], draft of introduction. 5. Milton Hay, quoted in John W. Bunn to Jesse W. Weik, Springfield, Ill., 20 July 1916, in Jesse W. Weik, The Real Lincoln: A Portrait (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1922), 282-88. During the Civil War, other White House secretaries and clerks, including Gustave Matile and Nathaniel S. Howe, were similarly employed in the Interior De- NOTES TO PAGES xii-xv partment. Hay was commissioned a major on 12 January 1864 and was promoted on 31 May 1865 to brevet colonel of volunteers for faithful and meritorious service in the war. On 8 April 1867, he was honorably mustered out ofthe service. 6. Young, "John Hay, Secretary ofState:' Munsey's Magazine, 8 Jan. 1929, 247. On the relationship between Hamilton and Washington, see Fawn Brodie, Thomas Jefferson : An Intimate History (NewYork: Norton, 1974), 257-75. 7. Young, Philadelphia Evening Star, 22 Aug. 1891, p. 4. Commenting on this article , Hay told Young: "1 read what you say of me, with the tender interest with which we hear a dead friend praised. The boyyou describe in such channing language was once very dear to me-and although I cannot rate him so highly as you do, I am pleased and flattered more than I can tell you to know he made any such impression on a mind like yours." Hay to Young, Newbury, N.H., 27 Aug. 1891, John Russell Young MSS, DLe. 8. Young (ca. 1898), quoted in T. e. Evans, "Personal Reminiscences ofJohn Hay:' Chattanooga (Tenn.) Sunday Times, 30 July 1905. 9. Stone, "John Hay, 1858;' in Memories ofBrown: Traditions and Recollections Gathered from Many Sources, ed. Robert Perkins Brown et al. (Providence, R.L: Brown Alumni Magazine, 1909),153-54; Logan Hay, "Notes on the History of the Logan and Hay Families;' 30 May 1939, Stuart-Hay MSS, IHi; St. Louis Dispatch, 30 May [?], dipping in a scrapbook, Hay MSS, RPB; Mitchel to Hay, East Orange, N.J., 12 Feb. 1905, Hay MSS, RPB. 10. Stone,"John Hay, 1858;'152; Anna Ridgely diary, 22 Jan. 1860, IHi; Anna Ridgely Hudson, "Springfield, Illinois, in 1860, by a Native Springfielder" (typescript dated Dec. 1912), Hay MSS, RPB. 11. Amy Duel' to Elizabeth Meads Duer, Washington, 6 May1862, Hay MSS, RPB; Helen Nicolay, interview by William R. Thayer, Washington, 18 Jan. 1914, Hay MSS, RPB; Hannah Angell, interview by William R. Thayer, Providence, R.I., 6 Dec...
