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Notes chapter 1 1. Kleinman, Anne of Austria; Dulong, Anne d’Autriche. There have also been numerous highly fictionalized depictions of the queen in both popular biography and literature. 2. Van der Essen, Le Cardinal-Infant. Aldea Vaquero, El Cardenal Infante, while not strictly a biography, also addresses aspects of the infante’s education and training. 3. Stradling, Philip IV and the Government of Spain; Elliott, Count-Duke of Olivares. 4. Some sources and historians call her Ana María, perhaps reflecting incorrect expansions of an abbreviation of her name. 5. Stradling, Philip IV and the Government of Spain, 5. 6. Pinheiro da Veiga, Fastiginia, 95. 7. P. Williams, “Lerma, Old Castile,” 395n64. On the conflict between the queen and her husband ’s favorite, see Pérez Martín, Margarita de Austria, esp. 99–148; and Sánchez, Empress, the Queen, and the Nun. 8. Diego de Guzmán, “Memorias del Cardenal Don Diego de Guzmán,” RAH, Colección Salazar y Castro, MS 9/477, fols. 19–20; Florencia, Sermón, fol. 15; Soto, Margaritas preciosas de la Iglesia. 9. “Historia de Joan Kevenhuller de Aichelberg,” BN, MS 2751, p. 967. 10. Consulta, 1620, AGS, Estado, leg. 265. 11. Antonio [Hurtado] de Mendoza, “Relación de la comedia que en Lerma representaron la Reina de Francia y sus Hermanos,” BN, MS 18656, no. 49, published in Ferrer Valls, Nobleza y espectaculo teatral, 245–56. 12. Philip IV’s response, written on consulta of 29 May 1626, AGS, Estado, leg. 2328. 13.Consultasonthetreatmentofthecardinal-infante,May,June,August1620,AGS,Estado,leg.265. 14. Document submitted to the Council of State, n.d., AGS, Estado, leg. 2645. 15. Cabrera de Córdoba, Relaciones, 241. 16. Cabrera de Córdoba, Relaciones, 512. It is not entirely clear which of the brothers was being described as the aggressor. If it was Carlos, as the phrasing and surrounding detail suggest to me, the lack of reprimand carries a very different meaning than it would if the prince were hitting his younger brother. 17. Marvick, Louis XIII, 30; Bingham, Making of a King, 84, 91; E. Williams, Anne of Denmark, 173. 18. Philip IV, “Epílogo breve,” vii–viii. 19. See Wolf, Louis XIV, 26. 20. “Documentos para el oficio de Ayo del Príncipe,” BN, MS 10857, fol. 101. 21. Gascón de Torquemada, Gaçeta y nuevas, 21; Novoa, Historia de Felipe III, 60:171. 22. BN, MS 2347, fols. 268–69. 23. Cabrera de Córdoba, Relaciones, 314, 317. 228 notes to Pages 8–13 24. Cabrera de Córdoba, Relaciones, 288, 314, 317, 372; Guzmán, “Memorias,” RAH, Colección Salazar y Castro, MS 9/476, fol. 46. 25. Guzmán, “Memorias,” RAH, Colección Salazar y Castro, MS 9/477, fol. 20. 26. Cabrera de Córdoba, Relaciones, 406. 27. Guzmán, “Memorias,” RAH, Colección Salazar y Castro, MS 9/477, fol. 162v. 28. Philip III, Cartas de Felipe III a su hija Ana; see, e.g., 10, 22, 36. Compadre can be used by the parents and godparents of a child to refer to each other, or it can also imply a godparent-godchild relationship. 29. Cabrera de Córdoba, Relaciones, 325–30; Vélez de Guevara, Elogio; Uhagón, Relaciones históricas, 313–26. 30. Cabrera de Córdoba, Relaciones, 326; Uhagón, Relaciones históricas, 315. 31. Vélez de Guevara, Elogio; Uhagón, Relaciones históricas, 319. 32. Ferrer Valls, La práctica escénica cortesana, esp. 105–42; McKendrick, Theatre in Spain, 209–13. 33. Ferrer Valls, Nobleza y espectaculo teatral, 235–44; Cabrera de Córdoba, Relaciones, 547. On dwarfs at the court of Spain, see Bouza Alvarez, Locos, enanos y hombres de placer. 34. Antonio [Hurtado] de Mendoza, “Relación de la comedia que en Lerma representaron la Reina de Francia y sus Hermanos,” BN, MS 18656, no. 49. For additional details of this event, see Ferrer Valls, La práctica escénica cortesana, 180–89. 35. Payments for Alonso Fernández, dancing master of their highnesses, 22 May 1614, AHN, Cámara de Castilla, leg. 4420, no. 73, and 8 July 1618; AGS, CJH, leg. 556, pt. 11, no. 16; Philip III, Cartas de Felipe III a su hija Ana, 29, 44, 47. 36. Cabrera de Córdoba, Relaciones, 104, 155; Guzmán, “Memorias,” RAH, Colección Salazar y Castro, MS 9/476, fol. 13. 37. Philip III to Ana de Austria, 3 April 1618, in Philip III, Cartas de Felipe III...
