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A Course in Sax Education Created decades after all the rest, Rogue instrument and uninvited guest, The saxophone, as in the lyric, has “A right to sing the blues,” and not in jazz Alone. It is the last low-tech new sound. The cutting edge today is to be found In synthesizers. Woodwind in design But more a sounding brass, an androgyne Allowed in symphonies on sufferance, A solo sound in any circumstance, Inflection paralleling human speech As if the verbal were itself in reach. So, just as electronic music skips All intervention of the reed and lips, And, although digital, of fingers, just As jazz has no notation, all the dust Of previous tradition Adolphe Sax Blew quite away, and what his patent lacks In subtlety it gains as prototype Of music presently more Pan than pipe, Always betokening its origin, The Tenderloin it was created in. Alderman Story, Earl and Blaze, poor street Musician playing daily on your feet, The sax for you is eminent domain Between Parnassus and Lake Pontchartrain. 16 You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. ...
