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[First Page] [247], (1) Lines: 0 to 4 ——— 7.0pt PgV ——— Short Page PgEnds: TEX [247], (1) Contributors Juan Manuel Casal is professor of history at the Universidad Mayor de la República Oriental del Uruguay. He received a graduate degree in history from the university in 1982 and a doctorate from the University of Iowa in 2001. He is author of six books, including Historia institucional de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Mayor del Uruguay (2000),Mariátegui:El socialismo indoamericano (1992),Historia política y social de Iberoamérica:Investigaciones y ensayos (2 vols.,1992),and El modo de producción colonial en el Río de la Plata (1987). He has also published numerous articles and book chapters in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. Jerry W. Cooney received his doctorate in Latin American history from the University of New Mexico in 1971. Since then he has published extensively in journals on late-colonial and early national Paraguay. He is the author of Economía y sociedad en la intendencia del Paraguay (1990), Paraguay: A Bibliography of Immigration and Emigration (1996), and Paraguay:A Bibliography of Bibliographies (1997). In collaboration with Thomas Whigham he has edited several books. Currently he is collaborating with Frank O. Mora on a study of Paraguay–United States relations. He is professor emeritus of the University of Louisville and currently resides in a small town in southwestern Washington state. The late Miguel Angel Cuarterolo was a professional journalist. He worked as photoeditor for United Press International, Reuters, and Agence France Presse and was a photoeditor for Clarin (Buenos Aires). In the 1980s and 1990s he devoted himself to the history of photography in Latin America. He published four books in that field: Imágenes del Río de la Plata (1983), Los años del daguerrotipo (1995), El poder de la imagen (1996), and Soldados de la memoria: Hombres e imágenes de la Guerra del Paraguay (2000). Ariel de la Fuente is associate professor of history at Purdue University. He received his doctorate from suny–Stony Brook in 1995. He is the author of Children of Facundo: Caudillo and Gaucho Insurgency during the Argentine State-Formation Process (La Rioja, 1853–1870) (2000) and several articles and book chapters on caudillismo and is currently working on a book examining rural culture in nineteenth-century Argentina. Roger Kittleson is assistant professor of history atWilliams College and has taught at Northwestern University. He received his doctorate from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1997 and is currently completing a book-length study of 248 Contributors [Last Page] [248], (2) Lines: 45 ——— 83.78651pt ——— Normal P PgEnds: T [248], (2) political cultures in nineteenth-century southern Brazil. His other research interests include slavery, gender and abolition, and soccer. Hendrik Kraay received his doctorate from the University ofTexas atAustin in 1995 and has taught at the University of Calgary since 1997. He is the author of Race,State, and Armed Forces in Independence-Era Brazil: Bahia, 1790s–1840s (2001). He has edited Afro-Brazilian Culture and Politics: Bahia, 1790s–1990s (1998) and has published articles on recruitment for the ParaguayanWar inTheAmericas and Slavery andAbolition. Kraay is past chair of the Brazilian Studies Committee of the Conference on Latin American History. His current research focuses on nineteenth-century Brazilian patriotic culture. Renato Lemos is professor of history at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. He has been a researcher at the Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação em História do Brasil Contemporâneo (cpdoc), where he worked on the second edition of the Dicionário histórico-biográfico brasileiro pós-1930 (2001). He is the author of Benjamin Constant:Vida e história (1999) and has edited Uma história do Brasil através das caricaturas (2001). Barbara Potthast is professor of history and director of the Institute of Iberian and Latin American History at the University of Cologne, from which she received her doctorate in 1986. She has previously taught at the University of Bielefeld. She has published widely on diverse aspects of Latin American history, including Die Mosquitoküste im Spannungsfeld britischer und spanischer Politik, 1502–1821 (1988); “Paradies Mohammeds”oder“Land der Frauen”? Zur Rolle der Frau und der Familie in der paraguayischen Gesellschaft im 19.Jahrhundert (1994),translated as“Paraíso de Mahoma”o “País de las Mujeres”? El rol de la mujer y la familia en la sociedad Paraguaya durante el siglo XIX (1996). Most recently...
