In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acton, H. B. “Hegel.” Hegel Selections. Ed. M. J. Inwood. New York: Macmillan , 1989. 8–9. Althusser, Louis. Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. Trans. Ben Brewster. New York: New Left Books, 1971. ——— . “La découverte du docteur Freud.” Dialogue franco-soviétique sur la psychanalyse. Private publication, 1984. 81–97. Anderson, Perry. In the Tracks of Historical Materialism. London: Verso, 1983. Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin, eds. The Post-colonial Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 1995. St. Augustine. “De locutionis significatione.” De Magistro [The Teacher]. Trans. Robert P. Russell. Washington: Catholic U of America P, 1968. 7–61. Barthes, Roland. “The Death of the Author.” Image-Music-Text. Trans. and ed. Stephen Heath. London: Fontana, 1977. ——— . S/Z. Trans. Richard Miller. New York: The Noonday Press, 1974. ——— . Elements of Semiology. Trans. Annette Lavers and Colin Smith. New York: Hill and Wang, 1991. Barzilai, Shuli. “Borders of Language: Kristeva’s Critique of Lacan.” PMLA 106 2 (1991): 294–305. ——— . “Augustine in Contexts: Lacan’s Repetition of a Scene from the Confessions .” Literature and Theology 11.2 (June 1997): 200–221. Beauvoir, Simone de. The Second Sex. New York: Vintage, 1989. Belsey, Catherine. The Subject of Tragedy. London: Methuen, 1985. Bhabha, Homi K. “The Other Question: Stereotype, Discrimination and the Discourse of Colonialism.” The Location of Culture. London: Routledge, 1994. ——— . “Cultural Diversity and Cultural Differences” in The Post-colonial Studies Reader. 177 Bibliography Bloom, Allan. Editor’s Introduction. Introduction to the Reading of Hegel. By Alexandre Kojève. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1969. vii–xii. Borch-Jacobsen, Mikkel. Lacan: the Absolute Master. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1991. Bowie, Malcolm. “Jacques Lacan.” Structuralism and Since: From Lévi-Strauss to Derrida. Ed. John Sturrock. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1979. 116–63. ——— . Freud, Proust and Lacan: Theory as Fiction. London: Cambridge UP, 1988. ——— . Lacan. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1991. Bowlby, Rachel. “Two by Three.” Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory 13 1 (1990): 89–96. Brenkman, John. “The Other and the One: Psychoanalysis, Reading, the Symposium .” Literature and Psychoanalysis. Ed. Shoshana Felman. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1982. 396–456. Britton, Andrew. “The Ideology of Screen,” Movie 26 (1978/79): 2–28. Brockbank, Philip J. “Hamlet the Bonesetter.” Shakespeare Survey. London: Cambridge UP, 1977. 103–15. Butler, Judith. Bodies That Matter. New York: Routledge, 1993. ——— . Subjects of Desire. New York: Columbia UP, 1987. ——— . “Gender Trouble, Feminist Theory, and Psychoanalytic Discourse.” In Feminism/Postmodernism. Ed. Linda Nicholson. New York: Routledge, 1990. 324–40. Caudill, David S. Lacan and the Subject of Law. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1997. Chater, Melville. “Under the South African Union.” The National Geographic Magazine 59.4 (April 1931): 391–512. Chen, Xiaomei. “Occidentalism as Counterdiscourse.” Identities. Ed. Kwame Anthony Appiah and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1995. 63–89. Chessick, Richard D. “Critique: Some Unusual Books Published in 1978.” American Journal of Psychotherapy 33 (1979): 312–15. Clare, Anthony. “French Guru.” New Society 1 December 1977, 535–36. Clark, Michael. Jacques Lacan: An Annotated Bibliography. 2 Vol. New York: Garland, 1988. ——— . “Imagining the Real: Jameson’s Use of Lacan,” New Orleans Review 11.1 (1984): 67–72. Bibliography 178 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 13:20 GMT) Clément, Catherine. The Lives and Legends of Jacques Lacan. Trans. Arthur Goldhammer. New York: Columbia UP, 1983. ——— . “Louis Althusser à l’assaut de la forteresse Lacan.” Le matin 17 March 1980: 35. Copjec, Joan. “Apparatus and Umbra: A Feminist Critique of Film Theory.” DAI 47 (1987): 4212A. David, Catherine. “Psychanalyse: Faut-il brûler Lacan?” Le nouvel observateur 15 September 1993: 4–14. Dayan, Daniel. “The Tutor-Code of Classical Cinema.” Film Quarterly 28.1 (1974): 22–31. Delacampagne, Christian. “Le moi selon Lacan et Freud.” Le monde 7 April 1978: 17. Dor, Joël. Introduction à la lecture de Lacan, L’inconscient structuré comme un langage. Paris: Denoël, 1985. Dowling, William C. Jameson, Althusser, Marx, An Introduction to “The Political Unconscious.” New York: Cornell UP, 1984. Eastman, Arthur M. A Short History of Shakespearean Criticism. New York: Norton, 1968. Elliott, Anthony. Social Theory and Psychoanalysis in Transition. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992. Erlich, Avi. Hamlet’s Absent Father. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1977. Fanon, Franz. Black Skin, White Masks. New York: Grove, 1967. Feldstein, Richard, Bruce Fink, and Maire Jaanus, eds. Reading Seminars I and II: Lacan’s Return to Freud. Albany: SUNY Press, 1996. Felman, Shoshana. “On Reading Poetry.” The Purloined Poe. Eds. John P. Muller and William J. Richardson. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1988. 144–47...
