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Index ⠖⠗⠖⠗⠖⠗⠖⠗⠖⠗⠖⠗⠖⠗⠖⠗ ‘arbajiya al-rukub, 61 ‘arbajiya barabira wa sudaniyya, 61 ‘arbajiya jarr, 62 ‘arbajiya karu, 62, 229n113 ‘arbajiya. See cabdrivers ‘ardhaljiyya, 75 ‘attalin qabbaniyya, 97 ‘umad. See senior masters aba-making, 217n30 absolute surplus value, 65, 193, 213n55 Abu Tij, 112, 162, 187 administrative code, 41, 158 afandiya, 11, 161, 189 ahl al-hiraf al-safila, 17 ahl al-khibra. See experts in the trade Ahmad al-Jezzar, 24 Aleppo, 218n35, 232n40, 233n52 Alexandria: boatmen in, 68, 93, 95; brokers in, 68; carriages in, 60; carters in, 62; construction work in, 46; cotton weaving in, 226n70; growth of, 30, 124; finance and trade in, 38; harbor facilities in, 38; and luxury goods, 45; octroi in, 43; piped water in, 59; porters in, 97; and rural textiles, 56; servants in, 84; tailors in, 113; taxation in, 42; weighers in, 146 Ali Bey al-Kabir, 24 Ali Mubarak: on barbers, 230n10; construction law of, 46; on cab drivers, 60, 61, 133; on carters, 62; on dyers, 56; on dues, 83; on guilds, 68; on rural textiles, 57; on silk-weaving, 227n73 anthropology, 2 apprentices: of box makers, 81; and dues, 83; of farriers, 86; of masons, 55; of shoemakers, 227n88; in textiles , 120–21; wages of, 52, 120–21, 225n55, 227n88 arbab al-hiraf al-dani’a, 17 arbab al-karat, 42, 68, 150 Armenians, 229n117 armourers, 154 Artin Pasha, Ya’coub, 52 artisans. See crafts workers ashab al-hiraf wa-l-sana’i’, 16, 153 ashab al-hiraf, 73 Asyut, 60, 111, 112 Badawi, Sayyid Ahmad al-, 55 Bahira, 42 bakers: in Cairo, 17, 72, 226n69; numbers of, 133, and protest, 176; and taxation, 72, 102, 150 Bani Suwaif, 75, 163, 185 barbers: initiation into, 22; regulation of, 69, 230n10 barradin, 29 basket-making, 189 baskets, 57 berbers, 87 blacksmiths: and carriages, 135; in countryside, 28; expansion of, 251n66; in factories, 29; and indus- blacksmiths (cont.) trial education, 162, 163; at Suez, 48; wages of, 225n55 block makers: in factories, 29 boatbuilders, 48 boatmen: in Alexandria, 72, 93, 95; expansion of, 68; and buza, 225n59; in countryside, 28; and taxation, 72 bookbinders, 22, 251n66 borers, 29 box makers: apprentices of, 52, 226n62; petition from, 52; and taxation , 80–83, 102 braiders and trimmers, 27, 122 brick makers, 125–26 bricklayers, 48 Brigandage Commissions, 146 brokers: guild of, 98, 155; regulation of, 32; in real estate, 32; and taxation , 72 builders: in countryside, 28; wages of, 225n55 Bulaq: carters in, 62, 229n115; grain workers in, 94; master builder in, 49 bulghatiyya, 58 bureaucracy: and colonialism, 106, 158; growth of, 40, 92; and protest, 170; and shaykhs, 68 butchers: and protest, 19, 20, 33, 176, 180–81; regulation of, 32, 69, 158, 180 buza, 50 cabdrivers: Arab shaykh of, 88; carriages of, 60, 61; and colonial press, 253n109; emergence of, 60–62; and fares, 61, 230n120; guild of, 61, 167; increase in, 59; and nationalism , 169–70, 174, 183–85; Nubian, 61; numbers of, 60, 61, 229n110; and petitions, 61, 167–69, 184; and regulations, 251n73; restructuring in, 132–33; skills of, 135; strike of, 164–75; Sudanese, 61; syndicate of, 185; from Upper Egypt, 61; wages of, 136 cabinetmakers, 126 cafés, 50 Cairo: bakers in, 72–73; box-makers in, 80–83; cabdrivers in, 87; as crafts center, 30, 215n5; carriages in, 60; carters in, 62; census of, 45; cotton weaving in, 226n70; crafts workers in, 16, 110; dyeing in, 17; expansion of, 59, 124; garmentmaking in, 57, 111; governorate of, 75, 82; mason of, 83–84; piped water in, 59; population of, 45; and rural textiles, 56; shoemaking in, 58, 114; tailors in, 58, 113; textiles in, 116 camel drivers, 17, 90, 165 capital, 82, 115, 152 capitalism: and British and French, 37; combined and uneven development of, 6, 198–99, 209n34, 209n36, 211n42; in India, 211n44; industrial, 23; protoindustrialization in, 209n34 Capitulations, 39, 47, 127, 130, 147 card makers, 220n66 carpenters: in countryside, 28; and dues, 83; expansion of, 251n66; in factories, 29; and guilds, 154; and imports, 27; and industrial education , 162, 163; initiation into, 22; skills of, 48; at Suez, 48; wages of, 128, 225n55 carpet weaving, 121 carters: and citizenship, 89; emergence of, 61–62, 229n109; guild of, 62, 89–93, 167; and health board, 62; increase in, 59, 62; and North Africans, 62; numbers of, 60, 62, 133, 134, 229n110; strike of, 176–78; and Syrians, 62; taxation of, 41, 42; and Turks, 62 cartwrights, 225n55 carvers, 83 casual work, 210n39 caulkers, 29, 48...
