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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This book would not have been possible without the engaging insights (and unending patience) of the contributing authors. I would like to particularly thank Barbara Katz Rothman who continues to provide mentorship and friendship. The early support of Clarence Wood and Terry Johnson at the Human Relations Foundation of Chicago, Lucreticia Bailey at the Chicago Council on Urban Affairs, and the Institute for Metropolitan Affairs and the Center for New Deal Studies at Roosevelt University were central to making this book a reality. The Mansfield Institute for Social Justice and the St. Clair Drake Center for African American Studies have also provided necessary resources to complete this project. I would like to thank a few individuals who helped in various ways to bring this book to completion: Anna Stange, Lionel G. Trepanier, DaShelle Frazier, Lutricia Johnson, Cedtrice Baker, Bertha Cousins, Emilia Anton, Jason Cook, Andy Lowry. A special thanks to Dorothy Trepanier for carefully reading the entire text in very short time. Thanks also to the anonymous reviewers who gave detailed and helpful criticism. To the editors at SUNY Press, thanks. Ronald Helfrich saw the potential of this project and Nancy Ellegate guided it through to completion. In addition, thanks, as always, to everyone in my family for their unending support. Thanks to Philip for his continued friendship, support, and love. Thanks to my babygirl , Mahalia for asking so many questions. Owen, I am looking forward to your insights. ix ...
